Fayetteville CVS offers drive-thru self-swab Covid-19 testing

A typical drive-thru lane at CVS Pharmacy. Photo/Shutterstock.
A typical drive-thru lane at CVS Pharmacy. Photo/Shutterstock.

Drive-up Covid-19 tests are now available at the CVS pharmacy at 480 North Glynn Street in Fayetteville. But do not just stop by for a test, because there is a protocol to follow before doing so.

To make an appointment — which is required — visit cvs.com/minuteclinic to register and be provided with an appointment window for the same day or up to two days out, according to CVS.

As noted by CVS, “When arriving for the appointment, patients will be required to stay in their cars. When patients arrive at the store there will be clear signage to direct them toward the pharmacy drive-thru window.

“Once the patient arrives at the drive-thru window, a CVS Pharmacy team member will verify their appointment and identity and provide them with a test kit and instructions on how to properly perform a self-swab.

“The patient will also receive a packet of information on next steps to follow when the test results are available to them in a few days. The CVS pharmacy team member will observe the self-swab process to ensure it is done properly.

“Once the patient has completed the self-swab, the patient will deposit the sample in a specifically designated and secure container outside the store.

“The testing process overall is supervised and managed by a CVS MinuteClinic provider.

“Tests will be sent to an independent, third-party lab for processing and test results will be available in approximately three days.”

Pertaining to the cost for the test, CVS will be accepting insurance at the drive-thru test sites. However, under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act approved by Congress, patients should not have any out of pocket costs with their insurance. Uninsured patients will be covered under a program funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, CVS said.

No walk-up testing is allowed.

Test results will be available in approximately three days and can be viewed at the CVS MyChart website. To register visit https://mychart.minuteclinic.com/MyChartPRD/