Here’s the daily progression of Fayette’s Covid-19 cases


The coronavirus pandemic story in Fayette County began with this headline on “Fayette has its first ‘presumed’ Covid-19 case.” The date was March 9, 2020. story said, “The unidentified Fayette person is ‘hospitalized,’ Gov. Kemp’s office wrote. The location of the hospital was not disclosed.” When that news release was sent out by Gov. Kemp, there were 11 “presumptive” cases of Covid-19 across the entire state.

And so it began.

Below is the daily progression of reported cases and fatalities attributed to Earth’s newest human respiratory disease in Fayette County.

March 9 — 1 case, no deaths

March 13 — 5 cases, no deaths

March 17 — 5 cases, no deaths

March 19 — 9 cases, no deaths

March 20 — 9 cases, 1 death (male, 83, other medical conditions)

March 22 — 9 cases, 1 death

March 23 — 10 cases, 1 death

March 24 — 12 cases, 1 death.

March 25 — 12 cases, 1 death

March 26 — 14 cases, 2 deaths (no new details provided)

March 27 — 19 cases, 2 deaths

March 28 — 25 cases, 2 deaths

March 29 — 26 cases, 3 deaths (male, 83; male, 79; female, 77; all with underlying medical conditions)

March 30 — 32 cases, 3 deaths

March 31 — 44 cases, 4 deaths (female, 51, NO underlying medical condition)

April 1 — 48 cases, 4 deaths

April 2 — 52 cases, 4 deaths

April 3 — 58 cases, 4 deaths