North Fayette Elementary School employee recovering from Covid-19

Coronavirus 2019-nCov novel coronavirus concept resposible for asian flu outbreak and coronaviruses influenza as dangerous flu strain cases as a pandemic. Microscope virus close up. 3d rendering. Photo/Shutterstock.
Coronavirus 2019-nCov novel coronavirus concept resposible for asian flu outbreak and coronaviruses influenza as dangerous flu strain cases as a pandemic. Microscope virus close up. 3d rendering. Photo/Shutterstock.

A North Fayette Elementary School employee earlier this month self-quarantined after exhibiting flu-like symptoms, and was later confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19. Letters to parents from Principal Lisa Moore are provided below.

A March 11 letter from Moore to parents of children at North Fayette Elementary School said, “We learned after school today, Wednesday, March 11, that a staff member with flu-like symptoms has been self-quarantined and as a precaution is going to be tested for COVID-19 (coronavirus). Please note there is no confirmation at this time that the staff member has COVID-19. It will be three to five days before the results are back from the CDC. You will be updated as soon as more information is available.”

The letter noted that, out of an abundance of caution, the work area of the staff member, as well as common places within the school where the staff member may have visited, are being disinfected immediately.

“The health and safety of our students and staff is a top priority. The school system is working vigilantly to ensure that there is no risk to our students or staff and that we will keep our community well informed,” the letter said.

A follow-up letter from Moore on March 19 to parents and staff said, “We received confirmation today that a staff member has tested positive for the virus. I am happy to report that the staff member is doing well and is improving. Please join me in wishing this member of our family a speedy recovery.”

Referencing the previous letter, Moore said the work area of the staff member, as well as common places within the school where the staff member may have visited, were disinfected the evening of March 11.

“The safety and well-being of our students, parents and staff is a top priority. The school system is working vigilantly during the closure to do additional cleaning and disinfecting of all schools to ensure students and staff have a safe and healthy environment when we are able to return to school. Thank you for your support of North Fayette Elementary,” said Moore.