Inspire, motivate and encourage students by becoming a Georgia REACH mentor for Fayette County Public School System’s Friends Mentoring program.

The Friends Mentoring program is now a part of Georgia’s REACH initiative, a state public-private needs-based scholarship opportunity designed to encourage students, beginning in middle school, to continue their educational pursuits beyond high school.

The REACH program will provide each REACH scholar with a mentor until high school graduation. The mentor’s job is to provide ongoing support and encouragement through weekly meetings with students to help discover their skills and interests, and to hone in on career possibilities.

REACH scholars are eighth graders who have attained “C” grades or better in core subjects, have good attendance and behavior records, and have proven financial need.

A four-year degree or higher in any subject is preferred for a REACH mentor as well as a consistent commitment of time.

The Friends Mentoring program was established in 1992 to help students in Fayette County schools who are struggling academically or socially, and in danger of failing their grade or not graduating from school. Mentoring is a proven strategy for helping at-risk students who often believe that no one cares whether they stay in school or not.

Anyone interested in learning more about REACH Georgia mentoring, can contact program manager Jane Gough at 770-460-3535, ext. 1044 or