When it comes to the areas of advertising, and buying and merchandising, four Whitewater High DECA students have proven to be at the top of their game, ranking in the top 10 in Georgia for their competitive areas, and now advancing to the DECA International Career Development Conference in April.
The students competed in the DECA Georgia only testing events with Mason Rzepkowksi and Sean Lezaj taking fourth and sixth place, respectively, in buying and merchandising; and Edward Huang and Christina Whitehead taking second and fourth place, respectively, in advertising services. Across the state, a total of 228 students took the advertising services test, and a total of 138 students took the buying and merchandising exam. Both Mason Rzepkowski and Sean Lezaj placed in the top three percent in the state in buying and merchandising, Edward Huang finished in the top one percent in advertising services followed closely by Christina Whitehead in the top three percent in advertising services.
Students with the top 10 exam scores for each event earned a slot to the 2020 international competition that will take place in Nashville, Tennessee April 29-May 2. The Georgia only testing events are conducted online. Students have 90 minutes to complete a 100 multiple choice question test.
Whitewater High’s DECA students were the only ones from Fayette who participated in the competition. Karen Stoll is the DECA advisor and marketing teacher at the school.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards. DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.