Fayette resident parachutes into Normandy to honor D-Day veterans

Fayette County resident Bo Hill, second from left on the front row, was one of a large group with the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team to parachute into Normandy on June 5, the 75th anniversary of D-Day, to honor the veterans of World War II. Photo/Submitted.
Fayette County resident Bo Hill, second from left on the front row, was one of a large group with the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team to parachute into Normandy on June 5, the 75th anniversary of D-Day, to honor the veterans of World War II. Photo/Submitted.
Fayette County resident and retired U.S. Army veteran Bo Hill found a unique way to honor the veterans of World War II on the 75th anniversary of D-Day by parachuting into Normandy.
Hill, with a host of others making up the World War II Airborne Demonstration Team, parachuted into Normandy from a C-47 on June 5 to honor the veterans of World War II. The occasion was the 75th anniversary of D-Day.
Five World War II veterans during the anniversary ceremonies were honored guests for dinner during one night of the team’s staging site at a Chateau near Ste.-Mere-Eglise. Battlefield tours occurred between jump operations, said Hill.
Hill said the WWII Airborne Demonstration Team’s mission is to remember, honor, and serve the veterans of WWII
It was in Operation Neptune that Airborne forces of the 82nd and 101st U.S. Airborne Divisions plus the 6th British Airborne Division led the way early on June 6, 1944, with an assault on Hitler’s “Fortress Europe.” The mission was the liberation of France, destruction of the Nazi war machine and eventual victory over the Nazi regime and liberation of Europe, Hill noted.
Hill said other forces would enter France by glider and seaborne assault across the beaches of Normandy. They would create a legacy on the Drop Zones and Landing Zones in the hedgerows of France, and the beaches of Normandy.
Bo Hill retired after 22 years in Army then taught at J.C. Booth Middle School for 18 years. He is a member of American Legion Post 105 in Fayetteville, VFW Post 9949 in Peachtree City, the Sons of the American Revolution, Marquis de Lafayette Chapter in Fayetteville and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.