Roundabout or 4-way stop at Antioch Road-Goza Road intersection?


Fayette Commission to decide May 23 — 

The Fayette County Commission on May 23 is expected to decide on either a 4-way stop or a roundabout at the intersection of Antioch and Goza roads in south Fayette.

Construction plans for a roundabout are complete and the previous conversion of the intersection to a 4-way stop have both been studied by the county transportation committee.

The committee in March recommended that the intersection remain a 4-way stop in light of current data.

Commissioners will decide which approach to take.


  1. A roundabout will be a disaster there. Does anyone fron D.O.T actually go to the area for road change & observe traffic with a.m. rush & again between 4 – 6:30 in the evening? It will creat a giant plug of traffic.
    The roundabout on Grady & Redwine is a mess too.There are four (4) YIELD signs.Why do people on Redwine just blast tbrough,without yielding at all ?