Microbrewery sets sights on downtown Fayetteville

Brian Wismer
Brian Wismer



Fayetteville Downtown Development Director Brian Wismer. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The idea of establishing a microbrewery on Lee Street two blocks from the center of downtown Fayetteville came a step closer to reality Aug. 28 with a recommendation for approval by the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission.

The commission’s vote to recommend approval was 4-0. Commissioner Debi Renfroe was not at the meeting.

The location of the proposed microbrewery is directly across Lee Street from City Hall.

Planning staff recommended approval with two conditions.

Speaking at the meeting, Fayetteville Downtown Development Director Brian Wismer said both the Main Street program and the downtown development office support the proposed use on the Lee Street property, saying it would be a good fit for downtown mixed-use zoning.

One of the questions that arose at the non-voting July 24 work session dealt with the distance to a nearby church. State requirements prohibit selling alcohol within 100 yards. Staff said the closest church building is 563 feet from the location.

The proposal will go before the City Council on Sept. 27.