Fayetteville set to approve small increases in city water rates


A move to establish a 2.4 percent increase in water and sewer rates got a first read at the June 21 meeting of the Fayetteville City Council. City staff said the increase ensures that the city can meet required debt service obligations outlined in the 2010 and 2013 Series Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds.

The current minimum residential rate for water for the first 2,000 gallons is $16.30. That rate is proposed to increase to $16.69, an increase of 39 cents.

The senior rate, a special rate offered to Fayetteville seniors, comes with a current minimum residential rate of $13.88. The new rate is proposed at $14.21, a 33-cent increase.

The current minimum residential sewer rate is $18.31. The proposed rate comes with an increase of 44 cents to $18.75.

For seniors, the current minimum sewer rate is $15.55. The new rate would be $15.92, representing a 39-cent increase.

The current commercial rate for water is $32.10, with the new rate proposed at $32.87, an increase of 77 cents.

The current commercial sewer rate is $29.91. The proposed rate would bring a cost of $30.63, an increase of 72 cents.

The current per 1,000 gallon rate for all users beyond the minimum rate is $3.27 for sewer and $3.26 for water. That price is proposed to increase to $3.35 for sewer and $3.34 for water.

The second read and adoption of the new rates will occur on July 19.