More laws don’t make us safer, just less free


The school shooting in Florida is beyond tragic and underlines the fact that respect for law and order is dependent on a strong collective moral foundation that cannot be legislated into existence.

While reasonable laws and consistent enforcement of the same might deter some crime, they cannot change the hearts and minds of evil or mentally deranged people.

Our politicians cannot keep themselves safe, much less “We, the People.”

More laws mean less freedom, without necessarily making anyone actually safer.

It is ironic that Hollywood has the audacity to take the lead on gun control (and sexual aggression towards women) when that industry makes its living on peddling violence and sex.

Do the film executives not understand that movies too often serve as graphic guides that give misguided people scenarios from which to act out the evil that is lurking within them?

Ironic also is that this same industry consistently mocks a Christian worldview which served as the moral foundation upon which our country was established in the first place.

Prayers are not enough? Evidently, laws are not either. I will continue to trust God, and not men, even those with good intentions. Just saying.

LeRoy Curtis
Peachtree City, Ga.