Resident a TAD upset about Fayetteville vote


I was glad that the Fayetteville mayor and City Council put the Hearthside LaFayette TAD application on the agenda of a regular meeting.The train has not run through Fayetteville since the 1930s, but the TAD moved that well.

Councilman Jim Williams made the motion to approve before the presentation and public comment was over. He was in a lame duck hurry.

The city is paying to install the street in the development, the sidewalk on Lanier Avenue and funding combining detention ponds — all items you would expect a developer to fund.

The motion to approve did not mention the amount; maybe the newspaper will discuss this. The only public support for the project was the developer.

The Main Street Equities, LLC – TAD Application was tabled to a future meeting. It is a four-story hotel on a vacate lot. Another prime project for a TAD. It was tabled because the amount of the TAD was still to be decided.

Tony V. Parrott

Fayetteville, Ga.