Peachtree City considers lower tax rate


A June 22 workshop on the proposed Fiscal Year 2018 budget had the Peachtree City Council receiving a projection that the millage rate be lowered by .254 mills.

Presented by City Manager Jon Rorie and city staff, the budget is proposed to include approximately $34.88 million in revenues and approximately $34.47 million in expenditures. The budget would result in a projected surplus of $411,343.

If approved, the proposal would result in a projected millage rate of 6.811 mills, representing a decrease of .254 mills over the current 7.065 rate.

Significant in the discussion was the expectation that, looking at the long-term view, the council might be able to lower the millage rate by nearly .6 mills over the next three years, and then stabilize the rate at 6.506 mills through FY 2022.

Rorie said the coming budgets are part of a 5-year plan to stabilize the millage rate.

Finance Director Paul Salvatore during the discussion noted that the 2018 projected surplus, and that of the following two years, is essentially a ramp-up for the construction of the west side fire station in 2021. The cost of the new station is expected to be $1 million.

The council will conduct another budget workshop on July 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers.