Schools are for learning, not gender counseling


Isn’t it time to stop the ridiculous focus on what some misguided liberals define as political correctness? It seems something is permissible only if the liberal political correctness “police” decide it is so. I’ve grown quite tired of it.

I rather expect most children can use any bathroom in their home. Isn’t that enough? As for expecting teachers and/or school nurses to deal with the incongruence of sexual orientation, that’s not their job!

Nor is it their job or right to try to assume parental roles concerning the sexual orientation of children.

It makes me sad to see the focus on bi-sexual, trans-sexual, etc-sexual issues that have no academic relevance. These are parental issues and not the educators’ business.

The focus of our teachers should to be on teaching academic skills, i.e., reading, writing, and arithmetic. Aesthetics are important as well as is an appreciation for our freedom, how it was won, and how it must be preserved. Teach them to reason, i.e., to understand the consequences of “stupid.”

I could go on, but most intelligent people will get the point. The others will want to argue.

Yes, I’m a grumpy old white man. Yes, I’ve been called a “honky” and a “geezer” and many other things. It seems that it is okay because I am a grumpy old white man. If I was a minority (whatever that is) of some kind, it would be inappropriate.

Does it bother me? Not in the least! Somehow I have been able to live a productive life and earn a comfortable retirement. Why, because I had parents and teachers that held me accountable for both academic achievement and appropriate behavior.

If I misbehaved, corporal punishment worked quite well. If I got in trouble at school, I was in more trouble at home. I was never awarded a trophy for showing up nor was there major concern for my self-esteem. Poor me!

Please, let’s stop allowing the liberal, politically correct “police” to dictate education policy.

Richard B. (Ben) Backus, Ed.D.
Peachtree City, Ga.