Bridge to get fixed



The Fayette County Commission on March 29 voted to contribute a small portion of the cost to replace the Coastline Road bridge near Lees Lake Road.

The wooden timber bridge was constructed in 1940 and was last inspected in 2016. It has a sufficiency rating (on a 1-100 scale) if 15.6 and a posted weight limit of 3 tons.

The Ga. Department of Transportation will be responsible for the bridge design, construction and half of the right-of-way acquisition costs. Fayette’s portion of the project, a part of the right-of-way acquisition, is expected to be less than $500,000, said County Administrator Steve Rapson.

The county’s portion of the project will be funded by the 2004 SPLOST (special purpose local option sales tax) revenues.

The bridge is owned by CSX Railroad.