Leftists, media, Democrats shame themselves


The coverage of the inauguration and what occurred afterwards causes me to lament just how limp and biased our national news media have become.

One (paid) protester who intentionally attempts to cause trouble at a Trump campaign rally catches days of national coverage with the blame going to candidate Trump for somehow inciting violence and bigotry.

Then we watch the violent trashing at the nation’s capitol and those are described as just small pockets of disruption by the same networks.

We watch fires being set. We watch police being carried to the hospital. We watch people throw water on the formal clothes of those going to inaugural events.

Entertainers are threatened and cajoled out of participating at inaugural events.

Democrats try to say, “See, it’s a peaceful transfer of power.” A hollow thought when dozens of Democrat congressmen make a public show of their pronouncements to refuse to participate in that transition.

We did not see such violence and ugliness at either of the Obama inaugurations. It’s a shame that those set on nastiness and disruption could not emulate the gracious behavior of the outgoing President and First Lady.

This attitude of spoiled losers throwing the tables to the ground when losing the game is why the rest of the population elected Donald Trump president.

The real deplorables are the ones who have had the power, regardless of party, and failed to use it for the benefit of the American citizens.

There is certainly division in our nation. That division has exposed the lengths to which one side is prepared to trample on the lives of the other.

Civil debate has been replaced by the temper tantrum. American drive and ingenuity have been displaced by the federal government babysitter.

The national news media has taken its biased self out of the nation’s discussion on important issues with Americans moving to social media instead.

The Fourth Estate has become a societal punchline to a tasteless joke.

Steve Brown, Commissioner
Fayette County Board of Commissioners
Peachtree City, Ga