Fayette students exceed state average on career test

The Georgia Department of Education has released data from the 2015-2016 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), showing scoring increases across Fayette County’s elementary, middle and high schools.
School system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach said the school system’s overall score, 87.4, is a 5.5-point increase from last year’s score of 81.9. The overall average state score was 73.6.
“Fayette’s score is also 13.8 points higher than the state’s overall score of 73.6,” Berry-Dreisbach said.
Elementary schools scored 85.1, up one point from last year, Berry-Dreisbach said.
Middle schools scored 85.6, a 3.8-point increase from last year, Berry-Dreisbach noted.
The county’s high schools saw the largest score increase, 10.6 points, with a score of 89.1 compared to last year’s 78.5, said Berry-Dreisbach.
“The county’s school level scores also exceed the state’s scores of 71.7 for elementary schools, 71.5 for middle schools, and 73.6 for high schools,” Berry-Dreisbach said.
The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability system, implemented in 2012 to replace No Child Left Behind’s Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measurement, after the U.S. Department of Education granted Georgia’s waiver from NCLB. It measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale based on multiple indicators of performance, said Berry-Dreisbach.
CCRPI scores for schools and school districts across the state can be viewed at the following link: http://ccrpi.gadoe.org/2016.