Caution urged with holiday cooking


Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner Ralph Hudgens urges Georgians to use caution while cooking this holiday season and remember to keep an eye on reheating leftovers.

“We’ve had 11 fire deaths in Georgia this year in which the cause was cooking-related,” Hudgens said. “Over the years we have seen many fires caused by a range top that was left unattended.”

Hudgens suggested the following tips for cooking safety:  

  • Always set a timer when cooking, so you won’t forget to turn off the range top or oven.

  • If a pan catches fire, cover it with a lid immediately and turn off the burner.

  • Don’t fight a grease fire with water, as it may make the fire worse. Consider purchasing a fire extinguisher to keep in your kitchen.

  • Wear tight-fitting sleeves when cooking. Loose clothing can contact a burner and ignite. If this happens, remember “stop, drop and roll.” Stop where you are, cover your face with your hands, and roll over to smother the flames.

  • Never use a cooking stove to heat your home.

  • Install an adequate number of smoke alarms. Most fatal fires start between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., while the family is asleep. The advance warning of a smoke alarm may mean the difference between life and death.