A commissioner struggles just to add an agenda item


Many are disappointed at the attempt to deride Commissioner Randy Ognio’s agenda item at the September 22 Board of Commissioners meeting. The County Administrator Steve Rapson and Chairman Charles Oddo prohibited the commissioner from including one of his edits to a policy change he was proposing.

The proposed change in question was shifting some authority from the chairman to the full Board of Commissioners since the chairman’s position did not grant him such powers.

There was a claim that Ognio did not turn in the material in time for the agenda. He had it in on Aug. 17, weeks before the due date.

Next, there were claims that Ognio was not following policies and failed to undertake certain actions at previous meetings that would allow his proposed policy change to be included in the meeting packet for the media and public to view. Unfortunately, the county administrator and the chairman could not cite exactly which policies they were referring to in the meeting.

Referencing the actual agenda policy, 100.03, that was in my hand, both Ognio and I pointed out that the others’ claims substantiating the prohibition of the proposed policy change were totally false and no such rules or regulations existed.

Another idle claim made was that Ognio could not modify his own agenda item. That is nonsense as it is his agenda item. However, what should not be condoned is someone manipulating the agenda item of another, especially without their knowledge. Also, such moves will draw swift condemnation and the county administrator has been warned on several occasions to cease such activity.

There is a pernicious pattern of government moving away from transparency and accountability at all levels. As well-known Judge Andrew Napolitano likes to say, “Government is not your friend.”

We have special interests in both elected circles and the private sector who work diligently to keep these abuses out of the public eye. It’s a shame that they do not put that effort into demanding government be more trustworthy and citizen-friendly.

We as a people do not automatically get an evenhanded, moral, ethical and honest government. You have to fight for good government every day just like the people who want to corrupt government do.

After some vigorous debate and Commissioner Ognio having to introduce his proposed change from the dais, Ognio’s efforts passed on a 4-1 vote. Chairman Oddo, as you might guess, was the lone dissenting vote.

The “rules” for presenting agenda items changed yet again at the last meeting. This is both unbelievable and unforgivable.

Finally, Commissioner David Barlow did not win the primary and our December meeting will be his last. Barlow has been deeply disturbed by the anonymous blogs on local websites which say negative things about him. He has gone into significant angry rants at our meetings about these blogs.

Barlow accuses me of being one of the anonymous bloggers even though I have personally taken out half-page ads in the newspaper criticizing his performance, behavior and lack of professionalism.

I have publicly criticized Barlow when he trash-talks people, makes demeaning comments about women and uses Biblical scriptures to back it up. Similarly, I publicly criticized Barlow for his offensive remarks against African-Americans made in one of our executive session meetings. Also, I publicly criticized Barlow for being dishonest and telling the citizens there was nothing wrong with our water system in 2013 when there was plenty wrong.

In the spirit of consolation, knowing Barlow will not be back in office in 2017, acknowledging we only have three months remaining, I am asking that the anonymous bloggers cease the negative comments and reduce the mental anguish for him. Likewise, I hope that he would respond in-kind.

Steve Brown, Commissioner
Fayette County Board of Commissioners
Peachtree City, Ga.