Norton ordained at Evergreen Church


Tim Norton was ordained July 31 as the associate pastor of Evergreen Church. He was ordained in ECO:  A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.

In this denomination, the ordination process has several steps of discernment to confirm and celebrate the call to ministry of a man or woman who has completed their seminary training. After personal statements and recommendations from a local church, a candidate completes several written tests, two psychological examinations, and several interviews at the local and district level.

Associate Pastor Tim, who previously served as Evergreen’s director of family life and outreach, is a native Floridian and die-hard Florida State fan. He graduated from FSU with a degree in music theatre and later received a Master of Divinity and Master of Theology in Preaching from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston. Tim is passionate about preaching and helping everyday people find their everyday identity in the gospel of Christ and his coming Kingdom.

After the more than year-long process, Tim was excited and humbled by the ordination service. “It was an emotionally and spiritually overwhelming experience. Seeing friends, mentors, family, and my church family all together for that moment was a gift from the Lord. It is only by the grace of Christ that I am here.”
Evergreen Church is a Presbyterian Fellowship that belongs to the ECO denomination. Evergreen Church passionately follows, shares and serves Christ through the power of the Gospel. All are invited on Sundays for traditional service at 9:30 a.m. or contemporary service at 11 a.m.

For more information about Evergreen Church Peachtree City, visit or phone 678-788-7374.