Keep Obama for one more year


My liberal son-in-law and I had a discussion this weekend in which we both agreed on one point in particular about the current political situation: we’re both sick of hearing about it. We agreed that neither party had a candidate in which the mass populace feels completely confident supporting.

Perhaps in the simpler days of Harry Truman, with a handful of old timers sitting around the drink box at a mom and pop filling station, you could hear, “He says what he thinks,” and that would be a “good enough” endorsement of a presidential candidate.

Today, it just ain’t so. The theory of “He can’t be any worse than what we have now” is speculative reasoning at its worse.

We want to think in the unlikely event of his election, he would be surrounded by enough seasoned, knowledgeable and reasonable personnel to keep him in check and prevent him from doing too much damage. Nevertheless, he is the only choice on the Republican ticket.

The Republicans narrowed their choice from 19 to one. The Democrats did not have that luxury. Their choice was made for them before Bernie was ever a factor. Although he made a valiant run and gained many supporters, you can’t buck the party and win.

Despite the polls of voters distrusting his opponent, despite the dismissing of the Benghazi mishandling, foreign contributions, email discrepancies, technicalities of the investigations, Bernie’s competition remains unscathed. Thanks to the FBI and the media’s contention of “conspiracy theories” she will not be prosecuted.

My hypothetical solution would be to bite the bullet and let President Obama serve one more year with certain restrictions (i.e., no appointments and self-designed laws) and postpone the election until November 2017.

Start over with a clean slate of wannabe contestants and see if we can shake out two moral and reputable candidates with fewer skeletons in their closet and deserving of our trust.

This year, more than any election I can remember, more people will be voting for a party rather than a candidate. My second solution, which I feel will be the most pursued avenue, hold your nose and vote.

Mike Loyd
Fayetteville, Ga.