Walk with a Doc set for July 16


Community members are invited to participate in Piedmont Fayette Hospital’s July Walk with a Doc featuring orthopaedic surgeon Michael Behr, MD.

The walk will take place Saturday, July 16, 8:30-9:30 a.m. This year, each Walk with a Doc event will begin at the Peachtree City Farmer’s Market at the Aberdeen Village Shopping Center (215 Northlake Drive in Peachtree City).

“Walk with a Doc is a great event,” said Chris Moore, supervisor of the Piedmont Fayette Fitness Center and one of the event organizers. “Where else can you get a healthy dose of education and exercise in the same place. We’re looking forward to Dr. Behr leading this month’s event.”

Dr. Behr is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and is an American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Fellow. Dr. Behr is fellowship trained in sports medicine. His specialty is general orthopaedic surgery with an emphasis in sports medicine and knee replacement. He is a founding member and currently serves as the Medical Director of OrthoAtlanta. He recently served as President of the medical staff at Piedmont Fayette Hospital and currently serves on the hospital board.

During the event, Dr. Behr will take a few minutes to talk about a health topic of his choice and participants can ask questions for the remainder of the session (approximately 40 minutes). Registration is required. Participants will receive a t-shirt and a pedometer. To register visit piedmont.org/walkwithadoc or call 877.527.3712 (toll free). Please arrive by 8:15 a.m. – the walk will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.

There will be a Walk with a Doc event on the third Saturday of every month through November of this year. For more information about Piedmont’s Walk with a Doc program, visit piedmont.org/walkwithadoc.