Young pilot walks away from PTC plane crash


Planterra Golf Club was the June 29 site of the crash landing of a single-engine plane where the 17-year-old Peachtree City pilot walked away unharmed .

The crash occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m. on the #11 tee box at the Planterra Golf Club situated near Falcon Field after pilot Sierra Lund experienced mechanical trouble.

Peachtree City Police Department spokesman Odilia Bergh said the 17-year-old pilot experienced mechanical problems and landed the plane. Bergh noted that witnesses reported the plane’s engine sputtering prior to the landing.

Bergh said the pilot who was flying solo was unharmed in the incident.

Peachtree City Fire Rescue in a statement said, “At approximately 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening our units responded to a report of a plane crash near the 11th tee at the Planterra Golf Course. Upon our arrival we found that a small single-engine plane had crashlanded on the fairway with one person on board. The scene was secured and left for investigators.”

Bergh said a posting on the police department’s Facebook page by mom Steph Lund recalled the crash and the response of others at the scene.

“Sierra was in the process of completing one of her solo (flights) which is a requirement for student pilots. After take-off she had to make an emergency landing,” Lund said. “As a parent of a student pilot you often wonder if your child will stay calm and recall what she has been trained to do. (I’m) happy to report that Sierra did just that.”

Lund expressed her gratitude to first responders and to those who made kind comments in support of her daughter’s efforts.

“Never underestimate this rising generation. So many of them are doing amazing things,” said Lund.