Save U.S. from 8 more years of Democrat rule


Dr. Moffatt, I read your column today in The Citizen newspaper, “How to spot a liberal.”

Touché and couldn’t agree more. My own experiences have your “dead giveaways” written all over them. Uncanny how you hit nearly every one of them.

Thank you for having the courage to write. Heaven forbid it be published in a liberal haven like San Francisco.

As for our country’s future being “led” (use of term procedural), I find it slightly distressing to think we may actually have another eight years of what we have experienced in the last seven.

In conclusion, I wrote the following on a local Facebook page.

It’s important, extremely important, that we forget about the current administration.

The most important thing now is making sure another Democrat does not win the White House in November.

One hundred percent of our effort needs to somehow be towards the “swing” states where the election will be won with electoral votes. Georgia will not go Democratic so forget about spending resources, time, energy whining about Obama here. That does zero towards the November decision.

The Democrats figured this out long ago. McCain and Romney failed to figure it out. I just hope someone smart enough to realize this challenges the Dems.

We need to carry the message to the swing states about what the Dem policy will be for the next eight years. A dreadful thought with a list that’s long and disgraceful. The voters in the swing states need to understand what they’ll get if another Dem wins again: Eight more years of horrible economic strategy and results with no concept of how to bring jobs back to America.

Eric Imker
Peachtree City, Ga.

[Imker is a former City Council member and has announced his race for mayor of Peachtree City.]