Fayette sets budget workshop, hearings on Starr’s Mill district


Four public hearings are among the agenda items for the May 26 regular meeting of the Fayette County Board of Commissioners, but that will come after the board spends some time delving into how the county will spend its money during the coming year.

A special called budget workshop meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. with the regular meeting set for 7 p.m. Both will take place in the commissioners’ meeting room at the county administrative complex, 140 Stonewall Avenue in Fayetteville.

By the time the gavel comes down Thursday, two commissioners could know for certain whether they have guaranteed themselves four more years to serve or will be seven-month lame ducks. Charles Oddo and Randy Ognio are in races with multiple Republican candidates, meaning possible runoffs, but no Democratic opposition. David Barlow faces one Republican primary opponent with a Democratic candidate waiting in the wings.

Four public hearings are on this week’s agenda:

• A resolution to amend the Land Use Element Text and Future Land Use Plan Map of the Fayette County Comprehensive Plan for the Starr’s Mill Historic Overlay District in the area of the intersection of Hwy. 74, Hwy. 85 and Padgett Road.

• An ordinance concerning the proposed Starr’s Mill Historic Overlay District and Overlay Zone, addressing conditional uses, non-conformances, transportation corridor overlay zone and commercial development standards.

• The proposed color and brick palette for the Starr’s Mill Historic Overlay District and Overlay Zone.

• An ordinance concerning planned unit developments/planned retreats and lodges and solar farms.

The consent agenda includes an $188,815 purchase of 58 emergency portable radios; a bid for dump truck hauling services; and a request to fund the Fayette Chamber of Commerce’s “Fayette Visioning” initiative up to $25,000.

Proclamations and recognitions on the agenda include 11-year-old Peachtree City pianist Adrian Romoff; Rick and Joanne Minter as the Farm Bureau’s Georgia Farmer of the Year; and the Fayette County Water System for receiving several awards from the Georgia Association of Water Professionals.