FFUMC continues to offer Lenten lunches each Thursday


Annual  Lenten Lunches at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church  will  continue on subsequent weeks each Thursday throughout Lent.

This year’s study is based on Adam Hamilton’s book “John: The Gospel of Light and Life.”

Lenten Lunches, sponsored each week by a different circle of FFUMC’s  United Methodist Women (UMW), include a light meal followed by a devotional. This week’s luncheon is sponsored by the Marie Lamb Circle. Future luncheons will be sponsored by the Joy Circle (March 10), the Ethel Taylor Circle (March 17), and the Mary Martha Hope Circle on March 24.

Everyone in the community is invited to participate, and no reservations are necessary.  Visit online at fayettevillefirst.com or call 770-461-4313 for more information.

Fayetteville First United Methodist Church is located in downtown Fayetteville at 175 East Lanier Avenue.