PTC okays the first phase of annexation for Starr’s Mill Academy


The Peachtree City Council on Feb. 18 approved a Step One annexation request from Starr’s Mill Academy on Ga. Highway 74 South.

The council heard and approved a Step One annexation request from Starr’s Mill Academy. The 6.71-acre site is located on Hwy. 74 South and is adjacent to The Gates subdivision.

There were few questions from the council prior to the vote.

Step One is intended to provide a general overview of the proposed annexation and identifies how the annexation and zoning may or may not be compatible with the established goals and objectives within the city’s comprehensive plan.

Step Two requires the submittal of additional and detailed information pertaining to the impacts of the annexation and subsequent development of the property. A recommendation that an annexation request continues through the review process in no way implies that City Council will ultimately approve the property for annexation.

The vote to approve the Step One annexation request was 4-0. Councilman Phil Prebor recused himself because his wife is affiliated with the academy.