Coweta County approves $115,000 for meals for seniors at activity center


The Coweta County Commission on Jan. 6 unanimously approved a local share of nearly $115,000 to go towards providing senior meals at the Tommy Thompson Senior Activity Center.

Assistant County Administrator Kelly Mickle in a Dec. 31 letter said the Three Rivers Agency of Aging (TRAAA) periodically requires that senior meals providers receiving state and federal funds through TRAAA participate in a request for proposal (RFP) process. That process was initiated in November.

Meals are served at the activity center five days per week with some home delivery, Mickle said.

The state FY 2016 budget for the program is approximately $230,484 and includes meals, staffing facility costs and other supplies, Mickle said.

Federal and state grants for the program total nearly $116,000, leaving a local contribution of approximately $114,700, Mickle said.

Mickle noted that both Coweta County and the Tommy Thompson Senior Activity Center have been providing meals to senior since 2011.