SCHS awarded $150K grant


Governor Nathan Deal has announced that Sandy Creek High is one of four recipients in the state to receive $150,000 as a winner of the Innovation in K-8 Mathematics and/or K-12 Computer Science/Coding Professional Learning Grants.


The competitive grant program supports schools in improving instruction in mathematics and computer science through the development of innovative professional learning models. 


Sandy Creek will use the $150,000 award to train computer science teachers how to apply visual programming language, scripting language, and textural programming language to develop professional game engines. Computer science teachers will work collaboratively with CTAE (Career, Technical and Agricultural Education) teachers and mathematics teachers to develop school-wide game programming projects that incorporate computer science coding and programming skills into mathematics classes, providing students with authentic learning opportunities.


Grant recipients will evaluate the effectiveness of the initiatives, and submit their findings to the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement. The state will use these results for advisement in determining the best practices in professional learning for mathematics and computer science/coding.