Why are atheists so threatened by God?


As I read the Dec. 16, 2015, edition of The Citizen, I wonder.

I wonder why atheists are so afraid and/or annoyed by God. I wonder why we tolerate, and some venerate, individuals like Rick Ross who openly advocates murder.

As for the atheists and “In God We Trust” or “Out of many, One,” why are you threatened? If I say, “Go Dawgs,” it is okay (unless you’re a Tech fan:), but when I say “In God We Trust,” you are offended.

If I understand atheism, the belief is that God does not exist, thus it seems to me your argument is moot. The arguments made by a speaker at the council meeting that the slogan implies board members use the Bible instead of law to make decisions is silly.

Further, he implies that God is “vengeful.” How can that be if there is no God? Upon what premise is such an asserted conclusion based? The female speaker implies she cannot find justice if such a slogan is evident. Their entire argument is ludicrous.

The only thing with which I can agree is her statement that “believing in God is not a prerequisite for running for the board.”

Isn’t freedom great? Aren’t there more important issues about which to be concerned? For example, advocating murder as The Citizen reports Rick Ross has done?

Rick Ross is apparently a man of questionable moral character if The Citizen describes him correctly. Frankly, I’d never heard of him. I don’t subject myself to the … whatever it is for which people seem to pay well. His actions amount to assault by my definition. Yet, our freedom provides for such trash to be in the public domain.

These are perilous times. I think even atheists would agree this is a time for peace and goodwill. However, there are those who feel justified doing great evil in the name of God. They wish to deny peace and goodwill to all humanity.

We cannot sit idly by and hope to win them with forgiveness and love. They do not understand those concepts. Bickering among ourselves about trivial issues does nothing to mitigate the evil. To combat this evil, we must fill the apparent leadership void. Vote intelligently please, but please vote in every election for which you are eligible.

Our future and especially the future of our children and grandchildren depend upon it. Quality leadership is required if we are to prevail.

“We have a republic, if you (we) can keep it!” (If you don’t know who said that, shame on you! Go look it up!)

Richard B. (Ben) Backus, Ed.D.
Peachtree City, Ga.