Sports salaries


I was born in the depression in 1932. I was fortunate to have a father who worked at one of the major rubber companies in Akron, as a steam engineer.

I have heard him say more than once how grateful he was to be able to keep his job during those trying times.

I have no idea how much he was making but I’m sure if it was $900 a month, that was a lot.

He worked shifts and I can remember my sister, two years younger than me, talking with him on the phone in the evenings before we went to bed.

While we never went without a meal, I’m sure my mother had to be super clever in buying groceries and fixing “something.”

I can remember “bums” knocking on our back door from time to time asking for something to eat. Mother would fix a sandwich from whatever she happened to have on hand and serve it on a napkin. They would sit out on the steps at the back door and then be gone.

So it boggles my mind at the salaries of sports figures, most of whom probably have no idea what hunger is like.

I’m not picking on anyone in particular, but there was an extensive article the other day on UGA coach, Mark Richt.

It seems he currently makes four million dollars a year.

Now that is based on a number of factors: such as the team’s seasonal record, the steady flow of funds from big donors, and it’s even written in his contracts that he must have the ability to help raise money to keep the college’s financial program strong. But four million dollars, nonetheless.

In the last couple of years, we have seen pictures of the results from sports players who have beat up their spouses or girlfriends. Some have been fired from the team and some have been allowed to continue playing. These guys are also making millions a year and probably giving some of them the feeling that anything goes.

I am now a senior citizen, living on just enough to pay my utilities, hospitalization, prescriptions. funeral insurance, the lawn mowers, and the lady who cleans my house once a month. I just barely break even at the end of the month but thankful nonetheless.

I guess it’s one more lesson in life I have to learn, he who is outstanding in professional sports gets millions and we who are not, just have the satisfaction of a life respectfully lived.