Fayette Presbyterian offers special grief support session


Fayette Presbyterian Church is presenting a holidays version of its Grief Support Group on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 2 p.m. “Surviving the Holidays” is a special one-session program produced by GriefShare, a Christ-centered grief support group program.

“The holidays from Thanksgiving through Christmas can be especially difficult in the time of grief,” a spokesperson said. “Surviving the Holidays will provide help and hope as you move through this upcoming holiday season following the loss of a loved one. Through video, group discussion and devotional material, you will be helped not only to survive the holidays but to find strength, healing, and tools to move forward in your daily walk through the deep pain of grief.”

This special one day program will be held at Fayette Presbyterian Church, 791 Forrest Ave. (Ga. Highway 92 N.) in Fayetteville. Fayette Presbyterian Church also will offer its 13-week Grief Share program beginning in January 2016 for those who have ongoing grief over the loss of a loved one. Join one or both programs by contacting Sharon Ayers, 770-461-1931, or Mary Lou Montgomery, 770-460-3326.