Dale honored by SMRS


The South Metro Rose Society congratulated member Cindy Dale upon recently receiving the American Rose Society Presidential Award of Merit at the ARS Fall National Conference.

President Jolene Adams presented the award to Dale for outstanding work as Chair of the ARS Consulting Rosarian Committee for the last three years.

Dale is an ARS Master Rosarian, a past president of SMRS and currently serves as newsletter editor and Rose Show chair.

SMRS is a local affiliate of the American Rose Society and meets the fourth Mondays of Jan-Apr and Aug-Oct at 6:30 p.m. at Heritage Bank, 440 N. Jeff Davis Drive in Fayetteville. Rose growers from novice to expert are invited to visit the meetings at no charge. Master and consulting rosarians are available to answer all rose questions.

For more information phone 770-631-3885.