In sensitivity we trust


A recent letter writer is apparently another of the ultra-sensitive atheists who is offended every time something with a faith-based component to it appears in the public square. According to this writer he would feel like a “second class citizen” if a sign reading “In God We Trust” is posted in the Fayette County Commission chambers.

This gentleman should avoid the U.S. Capitol building, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Memorial, the National Archives and dozens of other political buildings because they ALL have religious expressions in them.

I presume he is devastated whenever he is exposed to the Declaration of Independence, or when he is subjected to a reading of the Gettysburg Address, or every time a president asks for divine blessing, or thousands of other examples of faith being expressed in the public square.

In fact, this guy must feel terrible every time someone gives him money of some sort as this same offensive message is printed on every bill and every coin he is forced to receive.

But I honestly don’t think it’s public religious expression in general he is upset about. For while he is apparently offended by any mention of a deity, I am guessing he has no problem with the atheist-based descriptions of Darwinian theory we find in our kids’ textbooks.

Perhaps he can find solace in knowing that he does, indeed, live in a country that no longer honors the Creator and hasn’t for decades.

Freedom of religion has been changed to freedom from religion and Christians are now being successfully sued in court for living what they believe. And it’s only going to get worse.

But maybe living in a country where evil is called good, and good is called evil, is just exactly what he needs to feel better about himself. For now.

For just as certainly as we now live in a post-Christian culture and the angry atheist has won the battle for the soul of America, it is even more certain they will one day lose the war.

Pepper Adams
Peachtree City, Ga.