Piedmont Fayette hosts stop-smoking program


If you’ve had trouble in the past trying to stop smoking, the Freedom from Smoking program can provide you with the skills and support to quit smoking for good. Using a positive behavior approach, the program shows you how to become a non-smoker.

The support from a group program, led by an expert that understands how hard it is to quit smoking, can make the difference in helping you stay smoke-free. The program will help you develop a plan to quit that will work for you.

Freedom from Smoking is offered Tuesdays from Oct. 6 through Nov. 10 with an extra class Thursday, Oct. 15. The class, open to ages 18 and up, will be held in the East Lobby Conference Room and the fee is $25.

Find out more and register at www.piedmont.org/classes-and-events/classes-and-events.