Famed sculptor killed


One year ago, two life-size bronze cast busts were placed at the Founders Corner in front of the original Peachtree City’s original City Hall.

One depicts Joel Cowan, Peachtree City’s first mayor and the initial developer of the community, and one is of the late Floy Farr, who played a role in the original land acquisition and was a longtime resident and banker.

It all began in the fall of 2009 when the festivities were winding down for the 50th anniversary of the City of Peactree City.

A sculptor from Henry County, Andy Davis, contacted the mayor and council of Peachtree City with a proposal: he would create a bust of Joel Cowan and Floy Farr that would further honor that event. He also indicated he would be instrumental in securing the $25,000 he needed to create the busts. Of this, $5,000 would go towards the pedestals.

Davis’ proposal was accepted and a committee and additional fund raising plans were put in place. It was decided to further enhance this corner to honor those individuals and those organizations who contributed to the city’s founding should also be depicted- a History Timeline, if you will.

Cowan did quite a bit of sitting for Davis and Cowan found the sculptor not just an intense creator but a very accurate one.

The late Floy Farr was a “cousin” of mine by marriage, five times removed. He and I also delighted in telling everyone we were cousins, leaving out all the rest.

Having worked for the two newspapers in the county for many years, I had a kazillion photos of my late cousin Floy, all of which I turned over to Davis.

On May 4, 2014, the unveiling of the busts took place. Davis continued to present ideas for the History Timeline, and funds are being accepted for the bronze plaques needed to complete the project. If you would like to assist in contributing to the $35,000 needed, send your check to Peachtree City Hall, marked History Timeline.

On July 11, 2015 Davis, on his motorcycle, was hit from behind by a driver charged with driving under the influence. David died three days later. His legacy lives on in Peachtree City.