County continues funding home-delivered meals at the Tommy Thompson Senior Center


The Coweta County Commission on July 9 voted unanimously to continue its portion of the funding for the senior meals program at the Tommy Thompson Senior Center.

Commissioner Al Smith prior to the unanimous vote said he recently went on a Meals on Wheels of Coweta, Inc. delivery.

“If you’re not in a needy situation it pretty much goes unnoticed. When you see the volunteers, we should be proud of what this program does,” said Smith, with the emotion in his voice obvious. “We only have enough money to feed 72 people, so anything we could give them would be appreciated.”

Meals on Wheels of Coweta, Inc., a different entity than the Tommy Thompson Senior Center, has 80 volunteers involved in meal delivery, handyman repairs and visitor services. Meals on Wheels of Coweta recives no funding from the Coweta County government, according to organization President Lizabeth Andrew. 

Assistant County Administrator Kelly Mickle in a report on the renewal agreement with the Three Rivers Regional Commission and the Southern Crescent Area Agency of Aging to provide lunches for eligible seniors at the Tommy Thompson Senior Center said the program is funded by federal, state and local dollars.

Federal sources pay the lion’s share of the cost at $95,057, with state costs totaling $9,185 and Coweta paying $8,237.

Beyond that, Mickle said the FY 2016 program costs remaining after the federal and state grants and required local match are estimated at more than $100,000 and are funded by the county.

“Any program income or donations to the program by participants or others will go toward the program and help offset costs,” Mickle’s letter said.

For more information on Meals on Wheels of Coweta visit