Sno ball fight could be resolved Monday


The Great Senoia Sno Ball Fight could come to an end this Monday.

As the summer got underway, a Sno Ball trailer emerged on the city’s historic Main Street and began dispensing icy treats to throngs of customers.

But in mid-June, the City Council put a moratorium on retail trailers and said the city’s newest business may have to cease and dissest by July 6.

Since the fateful council meeting, emails have been flying and customers lining up to show their support for the frozen treats.

Late this week, Councilman Jeff Fisher offered his assessment of the situation.

“It’s our fault, and we have to fix it,” he said.

The process began with the Historical Preservation Commission approving a Certificate of Appropriateness for the business and giving a 90-day permit for the business. The city issued a business license, and the ice shaving began, until it was determined the business was violating several different parts of the city’s ordinance.

“In the first place, we don’t even have a 90-day permit,” Fisher said.

He believes the situation can be resolved Monday and believes the business will be able to operate the rest of the summer, but if it wants to remain a permanent part of the business community, changes would have to be made.

“We’re looking at issues such as a concrete pad, instead of crush and run, handicapped access, and doing something with the exterior of the business,” he added.

Fisher acknowledged the city is is a “non-winnable” situation with the issue, but hopes a compromise can be forged Monday night that will make everyone happy.

“I’ve been called The Grinch a couple of times, but I thing the bells will keep ringing in Whoville,” he said.