Foundation contributes to scholarship program


The Heritage Community Foundation (HCF) has contributed $2,000 to the Clayton State University Retention Scholarship Challenge.

Thanks to the generosity of several donors, the Retention Scholarship Challenge matches, dollar-for-dollar, all new gifts designated to the Retention Scholarship Challenge up to $20,000 to the Clayton State University Foundation made prior to June 30, 2015. Thus, the total value of the HSF gift to Clayton State students who need assistance in completing their degree is $4,000.

The presentation was made June 29 by HCF officials to Clayton State University President Dr. Thomas Hynes.

“This is an indication of how much the community supports this institution and our students,” said Hynes during the presentation. “This is a very big deal.”

Hynes also specifically noted that Heritage Bank, and HCF, which was founded earlier this year by Heritage Bank President and CEO Leonard Moreland, “gets it,” in terms of community support.

Moreland, a past chairman of the Clayton State University Foundation, as the driving force behind HCF, saw that local nonprofits, which have many needs but few resources, often struggle to find funding in a down economy. Thus, the impetus to create the Heritage Community Foundation.

Financial challenges are a frequent reason Clayton State students give for not being able to complete their education. Over the past two years Clayton State has made great strides to help students move past this challenge so that they are able to graduate with a college degree – many of them being the first college graduates in their family. However, there are still Clayton State students, some 25 to 30 each fall, who need help, thus the need for the Retention Scholarship Challenge.

HCF is designed to support Heritage Bank’s first mission, “Committed to those we serve,” by helping nonprofits in the community – HCF serves Clayton, Henry and Fayette counties. Heritage Bank absorbs all of the operating costs of the foundation, so that 100 percent of the funds raised will go directly to community needs. The employees of the bank are the primary contributors to the foundation.