Suicide intervention training June 16


The Master Resilience Institute of Armed Forces Mission will offer trainer certification in the Listen-Lead-Learn Suicide Intervention Training (L3SIT or L3) curriculum Tuesday, June 16, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 205 East Stonewall Ave. in Fayetteville.

The first step to certification is the associate trainer. Associate Trainers attend the L3 one-day workshop, complete the one-day initial facilitator training, and complete four workshops with a Master Trainer.

The L3 curriculum is divided into eight modules. Upon completion of the initial facilitator training the Associate Trainer will facilitate two modules per workshop until all eight modules have been taught over a period of four workshops. Upon completion of the fourth workshop Associate Trainer advances to Certified Trainer. Upon completion of the 10th workshop the Master Trainer designation is awarded.  

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