Part 2 On the trail of Great Wolf emails


This is part two of the batch of more than 800 emails released to The Citizen after an Open Records request April 17, 2015, to Peachtree City’s public information officer, Betsy Tyler.

We asked for emails sent to and from city officials, including elected City Council members, about Great Wolf Lodges and its plans to convert the current Dolce-Atlanta Peachtree property on Aberdeen Parkway into an indoor water park resort.

The second batch that we are publishing here date generally from the end of January 2015 to April 17, 2015, the day after the Great Wolf proposal was voted down. They are reproduced in chronological order below.

Note: The Citizen edited the batch of emails to remove duplicates and repeated forwarded messages and to remove all private citizens’ email addresses, except those who took an active public role in the debate over GWL’s request for Limited Use Commercial rezoning and a number of initial requests for variances to the zoning rules.

We also shortened or eliminated the same address and contact information contained in each of the hundreds of emails. And we removed any personal cell phone numbers.

Except for those limited redactions, all other emails are reproduced as originally received from the city by The Citizen, including spelling, punctuation and abbreviations.

Editorial comments about the emails are enclosed in double brackets.

— Cal Beverly, editor (


FEBRUARY 1——————————————————————————————


No emails about Great Wolf on this date. Where dates are omitted in the following document, no emails were available for that date.


FEBRUARY 2——————————————————————————————


From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 10:54 AM

To: David Rast; Brian K. Rochester

Cc: Darrell Rochester; Jeff Collins; Alex Lombardo

Subject: GWR Peachtree Layout


Good morning,


We have received a new layout this morning from our architect which removes the parking from the transition area, turns the new hotel wing to be L shaped, and pulls the service road along the back to avoid impacting any existing trees in the buffer. We will also have an elevation of the view from the residential area later today.

After we have time to review it Ill send you the file for your review.

Alex and I will be in Peachtree tomorrow and thought it might be good for all of us to sit down and review the new layouts and answer any questions about why we have to have the facility orientated the way it is shown so you understand our restrictions.

We can meet at noon for an hour, or at 3:00 for an hour. Happy to come over to the city office or if its better to be at the Dolce we can do that as well. Let me know your preference.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On Feb 2, 2015, at 11:45 AM, David Rast <> wrote:


Fantastic – look forward to seeing them! I am available at either time and will plan to meet you at Dolce. Let me know what works best for you.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:18 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Brian K. Rochester; Darrell Rochester; Jeff Collins; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: GWR Peachtree Layout


Why don’t we meet at the dolce at 3.




Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Great Wolf – follow-up on questions

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/2/15, 12:19 PM

To: PlanningCommission <>


All – thanks for taking the time to come in and meet with us last week. After our meetings, I sent a number of questions to Great Wolf. I am expecting a revised site plan and exterior building elevations this afternoon or tomorrow, and will forward those to you once we have a chance to process. Let me know if you have any questions.


[[Rast then forwards GWL’s replies to the questions.]]


On Jan 28, 2015, at 2:35 PM, David Rast <<>> wrote:


Good afternoon. We met with our Planning Commissioners earlier today in 2×2 meetings to discuss the proposed rezoning and to answer their questions as best we could. I am forwarding a couple of questions and comments we could not address and am hoping you can provide a quick reply. Thanks!


· Where did the numbers related to additional revenues to the city come from that were mentioned in the project narrative? Can they provide a breakdown as to how they came up with these numbers? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: These revenues were derived from a series of Resort financial projections that were then exposed to existing tax rates for the State of Georgia, Fayette County, and Peachtree City.


· From a tax revenue potential, what are the differences between the Dolce and Great Wolf? What would the differences be between the Dolce and a retail center?

[[GWL answers]] Response: Based on Dolce’s 2014 property tax statement, we believe Great Wolf will generate more than 6 times the amount of property tax. We do not have the information to accurately compare tax revenues between Dolce and a proposed retail center. The difference is generated from higher room rates, additional spending at restaurants, retail, etc. that currently don’t exist onsite along with an expected increase in property fair market (and assessment) value as a result of new construction.


· The traffic impact analysis shows that the additional traffic would not warrant a signal at the HWY 74/ Aberdeen PKWY intersection. Would Great Wolf be willing to participate in the cost of a signal if it is determined that one is needed in the future? Make sure they are aware there have been a number of accidents at this intersection, including fatalities, and some are concerned with the potential increase in turning movements at this intersection from visitors to the resort. 

[[GWL answers]] Response: We can discuss further.


· Has the potential of relocating or flipping the orientation of the indoor water park building been explored? This may result in removing the encroachment into the 75’ transition yard and may lessen the impact of the tower adjacent to the apartment buildings. 

[[GWL answers]] Response: The outdoor slides (which is where the tall slide tower is) and waterpark mechanical building (block that protrudes from building side facing the back property) need truck access for maintenance and deliveries and they need to be on the same side of the waterpark. There is no other orientation that fits and provides truck access without obstructing the other buildings(Lake building and Utility Building) or requiring roads to be built throughout the center of the property which would obstruct the existing housing. We tried very hard to not have this situation but this is our only option.


· Do we know what the building elevations will look like that face Preston Chase or Wisdom Woods? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: Working on this.


· Are all of the amenities indoors? What type of noise will be generated from the water park building? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: All amenities are indoor, and we recently decided to remove the outdoor pool at the lake building (we still will have outdoor seating, food, etc there).


· How will the water slide tower be constructed and what material will be used? What will this look like from the exterior of the building? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: The water slide tower stairs, platforms, etc are inside the building. Guests enter the slides from inside the building which then go outside and then back inside. The only thing visible from the outside is the building (which contains the stairs/platform etc) and of course the slide tubes from where they exit the building (high) and re-enter the building (low). We are working on the elevations on this side.


· Do the exposed water slide tubes need to be brightly colored or can they be earth tone? Can they send us a picture of a similar water slide tower from another location? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: They can be earth tones and we will forward some pictures.


· Is it possible to maintain the existing buffer behind the Preston Chase subdivision? Can we require them to plant evergreen understory trees behind these lots to provide additional buffering?

[[GWL answers]] Response: I believe we can avoid disturbing the existing tree buffer at the back property line except for where we have the new service road extension connect to the parking lot behind the utility building. We should have new layout plan shortly to confirm this. We can discuss other visual buffers (understory) as long as they can survive and provide benefit.


· Will they offer golf carts for their guests? Can we limit the number of carts they offer?

[[GWL answers]] Response: We have no plans for rental golf carts (maybe one for internal use/marketing). I’m guessing rental carts are viewed as a negative?


· Will there be additional lighting in the parking lots or along the service road? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: Just to light the new parking areas, or if required by code once we submit the site plan.


· What will be the tallest portion of the building and/ or water slide tower, and how tall will it be? 

[[GWL answers]] Response: The ridge line of the overall waterpark building is approx. 75 feet from surrounding grade. One section of this building pops up another 10 or so feet to accommodate the height of the internal slide tower (top platform of the internal slide tower is around 60 feet, so by time you add head clearance and roof structure you are up to 85 feet. Since one side of this property drops down ten feet (by the utilities building) the tallest height measured on this side would be around 95 feet. We are working on elevations to show this. Further to this, we will minimize the height of the building once the rides are designed and the structure is designed to accommodate the rides but I doubt that it will change more than 5 or so feet. Wish we could nail this down but it takes significant design dollars and engineering to determine the slide height requirements since you have to fully engineer the rides and have the building design much farther along. We went with a height request that we can live with, and hopefully reduce.



David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner



On Feb 2, 2015, at 12:23 PM, David Rast <> wrote:


I have this on my calendar – will touch base when I get to the front lobby.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: GWR Peachtree Layout

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/2/15, 12:24 PM

To: David Rast <>


Sounds good. Feel free to bring anybody else from the city.



Sent from my iPhone




From: David Rast [] Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 12:32 PM To: Patrick Pline; Alex Lombardo Subject: Great Wolf – additional question


Hate to keep bombarding you guys, but one of our city council members has asked if we know the building footprint, number of rooms and overall acreage of the other Great Wolf facilities. Is this something I can pull from your website or can you provide this information to me. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – additional question

From: Alex Lombardo <>

Date: 2/2/15, 12:40 PM

To: David Rast <>, Patrick Pline <>


David, Does the attached work?







Subject: RE: Great Wolf – additional question

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/2/15, 12:51 PM

To: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, ‘Patrick Pline’ <>


Perfect – thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


FEBRUARY 3——————————————————————————————


Subject: Re: Great Wolf – follow-up on questions

From: Phil Prebor <>

Date: 2/3/15, 3:45 PM

To: David Rast <>, PlanningCommission <>


David, Aaron reminded me that the revenue predictions were not part of our scope as Planning Commissioners (the $1.5M in Hotel tax revenue struck me as high).



Phil Prebor




Subject: Great Wolf – height of restaurant building

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/3/15, 5:33 PM

To: “” <>, “” <>

CC: “Bradley K. Dunckel (” <>


FYI – I checked the height of the restaurant building as seen from Aberdeen and Riley Parkway and it measures 46’ from finish grade to the ridge line. This does not take into account the change in grade at the back of the building/ loading area, but gives us a good benchmark of the building height as seen from off-site.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


FEBRUARY 4——————————————————————————————


From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 7:54 AM

To: James Pennington

Cc: Michael Madison; Stephen Hogan

Subject: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


Hi Jim, Are we aware of any water run off issues in the Coventry? Also perhaps sewerage issues?

Also, have any water issues been reported in Preston chase? 


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City Sent from my iPad

<Flood Plain Map.pdf>




On Feb 4, 2015, at 9:09 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:


All, I am aware of the following issues;


Coventry – There are two structurally degraded stormwater pipe systems along Cloister Drive; near 156 Cloister Drive and near 113 Cloister Drive. Both of the systems have had reported sinkholes develop above the pipes. The pipe system at 156 Cloister Drive is schedule to be lined and the contractor is in town working through the list of winter/spring lining projects. The pipe system replacement work at 113 Cloister will be a bid project this summer or fall (depends on availability of funds). The construction plans are finished and I am working on the bid specs. Another issue I am aware of is standing water in the roadside ditch at the subdivision entrance. The standing water was the result of a leaking HOA irrigation line. The HOA has since repaired the leak and the ditch is dry. I am not aware of any other flooding or runoff issues in the subdivision. The only other issue I am aware of is occasional standing water in the greenbelt area next to the HOA pool. This is a wetland area so there is not much we can do about the occasional standing water. That is all I am aware of in the Coventry.


Preston Chase – I am aware of a few issues in Preston. 306 Preston Chase has experienced structural flooding in the past due to an undersized pipe system. This project is currently out to bid and bids are due February 9th. The construction will begin in March. 312 Preston Chase experiences routine yard flooding. However, the homeowner at 312 has caused this problem. He built a shed over the drainage ditch and it blocks runoff from entering the catch basin. To date, he has not removed or relocated the shed. The only other issue at Preston Chase was brought up last week. A homeowner along Preston Circle has claimed the runoff from Aberdeen/Dolce has been flooding his yard for years but I can find no record of any previous complaints prior to last week. I did not actually receive the complaint but it was brought to my attention.




Subject: Fw: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Jonathan Rorie <>

Date: 2/4/15, 12:49 PM

To: Mike King <>

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone




Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Mike King <>

Date: 2/4/15, 2:53 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>




Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2


FEBRUARY 5——————————————————————————————


From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 9:07 AM

To: Michael Madison

Cc: James Pennington; Stephen Hogan; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


I am assuming that the residents know about the plans for these projects, correct?


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City Sent from my iPad 




On Feb 5, 2015, at 9:21 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:


Yes on Preston Chase. I put out notification letter at all homes when the bid process started and it has been noted in the email updates. As far as the Coventry, the HOA president is aware of the plans as well as the residents I have personally spoken with. As we get closer to project kickoffs, I will put out notification letters. 




Subject: Thursday morning

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/5/15, 8:32 AM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>, Jennis Rice <>

CC: Kathleen Gray <>


I am finishing up the Great Wolf position paper at home this morning. I will send a draft in a bit and am planning to be in the office mid morning. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


FEBRUARY 6——————————————————————————————


Subject: FW: GWR Building Mass

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/6/15, 7:11 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “Brian K. Rochester” <>, Jeff Collins <>, Darrell Rochester <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Hi David, Got these last night. Ive asked our architect how high the ridge line of the waterpark is to get a height of the building. Let me know if you think these are useful for the hearing.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: GWR Building Mass

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/6/15, 8:34 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Jeff Collins’ <>, ‘Darrell Rochester’ <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>


Thanks. If at all possible, I need the building height information as quickly as possible, even if it is a ‘not to exceed’ building height. I would like to have this as measured from finish grade – both from the front of the building facing Aberdeen Parkway and to the rear facing the rear property line.


Also, do you know the height of the new hotel building from finish grade to the ridge line? Would it be safe to say this would be no taller than the height of the adjoining auditorium/ classroom building (the curved portion of the building)?


I may have a few more questions in the next couple of hours – I’m trying to finalize our position paper so I can get this out by early afternoon. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: GWR Building Mass

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/6/15, 8:40 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “Brian K. Rochester” <>, Jeff Collins <>, Darrell Rochester <>, Alex Lombardo <>


OK, Ill track the info down.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.





Subject: Re: GWR Building Mass

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/6/15, 11:01 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “Brian K. Rochester” <>, Jeff Collins <>, Darrell Rochester <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Please find attached building section indicating heights.


Bottom line Height of the waterpark is 74’ from floor to peak, and the hotel is 47’-6”.

Heights on the waterpark from grade varies greatly depending on where you are measuring from. We would need to add at least ten feet to the waterpark building height if we measure from the low point where the utilities building is, which puts us at a maximum height of 84 feet. To be safe I think we can say “no higher than 88 feet” to give us a few feet of play as we continue design.




Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/6/15, 12:45 PM

To: “” <>

CC: “” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Jeff Collins’ <>, “” <>


Pls. bear with me, but I have another suggestion for the area adjacent to the hotel building…


I would really like for you to try and maintain the existing curb of the parking and service drive in this area as much as possible, which would minimize any disturbance to the existing berm and vegetation within the transition yard buffer adjacent to Preston Chase. This would require reorienting the hotel building (once again …) but I’m thinking this would be better received as opposed to disturbing the vegetation in this area. 


I found records in the subdivision file for Preston Chase that indicated there were issues with water runoff from Dolce during and after the construction of the row of parking closest to Preston Chase – the berm adjacent to the curb line is what remains of was referred to as “Mt. Pitney”, which from what I can tell was the stockpile area from the initial construction on the property. The drainage complaints were in this general area, which I think resulted in installing rip rap where the service drive begins. I’m thinking if we can avoid moving the curb line as well as any disturbance in this area, we may be able to avoid stirring up this issue again.


Realize this is a sketch that may require more study, just wanted to see if this might be something you would consider.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[The opposition ultimately focused on the water building height and its intrusion into a residential buffer area. Here GWL says it can’t make the requested change, thus sealing its fate with a City Council 5-to-0 vote against the project.]]


Subject: Re: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/6/15, 12:54 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, Jeff Collins <>, “” <>


Hi David, This is going to be very hard to do if not impossible. Bending a building that much really messes up the rooms, and the T section needs to be pulled away from the rest so those rooms have windows. I think it will then encroach into the drop off area.


Id rather use other methods of screening or preventing runoff onto the residential area.


We will continue to look at your suggestion but won’t be able to commit to anything by the hearing.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[And here Rast says GWL’s refusal to modify its plans is “not an issue.” How wrong he was.


Subject: RE: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/6/15, 1:06 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Jeff Collins’ <>, “’’” <>


Not an issue – we can marinate on it over the next few days and discuss more as this progresses.


I’m almost ready to send the position paper – the city attorney is reviewing now.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/6/15, 1:25 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, Jeff Collins <>, “” <>


Thanks David,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Re: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: “Brian K. Rochester” <>

Date: 2/6/15, 4:54 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Patrick Pline <>, Alex Lombardo <>, Jeff Collins <>, “Darrell K. Rochester” <>



Just wanted to confirm that we were still going to get your position paper today?



Sent from my iPhone




Subject: RE: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/6/15, 4:57 PM

To: “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>

CC: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, ‘Jeff Collins’ <>, “’Darrell K. Rochester’” <>


My bust – been kind of hectic here!

Have a great weekend.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: David Rast <>

Date: February 6, 2015 at 6:28:46 PM EST

To: James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

Cc: Ted Meeker <>

Subject: Great Wolf – rezoning information online


All – I have updated the Planning page to include Staff’s Position Paper and the supporting documents related to the rezoning request. The supporting documents includes a revised site plan and schematic elevations showing the height of the proposed indoor water park building (75’) in relation to the existing buildings, as well as the associated water slide tubes. I received the revised site plan late Wednesday and the building elevations and sections earlier this afternoon. Pls. forward as appropriate.

Have a great weekend!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


FEBRUARY 8——————————————————————————————


On Feb 8, 2015, at 2:52 PM, fdestadio <> wrote:


Vanessa, we all have been getting a significant number of these concerned emails. Most say the same that they don’t object to the park only the location.



Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/8/15, 3:43 PM

To: “Frank Destadio” <>


Okay thanks for letting me know.


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2015 6:45 PM

To: Michael Madison

Cc: James Pennington; Stephen Hogan; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


Hi Mike,

Are any of the storm water issues in the Coventry and Preston Chase attributable to the Dolce?



Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City Sent from my iPad




Subject: Great wolf

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/8/15, 6:53 PM

To: James Pennington <>

CC: David Rast <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


Hi Jim, Just a few questions please:


Is there a way of knowing whether or not the new tower will be above the tree line? 

Do we know how loud the noise level will be?

The residents In The Coventry and in Fairfield are concerned about traffic. I see people using Aberdeen parkway but I do not see them using wisdom road. Did Pond ever address this? 

Has great wolf ever addressed the type of security and on site safety that they provide their patrons?

Thank you,


Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad


FEBRUARY 9——————————————————————————————


On Feb 9, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:






From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 8:19 AM

To: Michael Madison

Cc: James Pennington; Stephen Hogan; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


Thanks, are you scheduled to be a part of the meeting this evening?


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Brian K. Rochester []

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 8:22 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: John Dufresne

Subject: Great Wolf Meeting


David I hope you had a good weekend. Would it be possible to make a room available at City Hall for a meeting between GWL and the neighbors? We would like to meet at 6:00 for about 30 minutes prior to the Planning Commission.






On Feb 9, 2015, at 8:24 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:


I will be there.




From: Vanessa Fleisch

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 8:53 AM

To: Michael Madison

Cc: James Pennington; Stephen Hogan; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


Okay thank you. I spoke to Mr. Destadio and a homeowner sent him a newspaper account of a storm in 2010 that affected the stream behind The Hermitage. There is an issue with water as well as sewer behind homes on that street. These are issues that I think need to be addressed regardless of what happens to the Dolce property.

Thank you all,


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




On Feb 9, 2015, at 9:05 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:


That is before my time here. I have harassment training this morning, but as soon as that is over I will research the issue. I do know that there is a significant flood plain area between Hermitage and Conventry, so that may be why that area flooded in 2010. 




On Feb 9, 2015, at 9:06 AM, “David Rast” <<>> wrote:


I have reserved the Community Room downstairs – the doors to the building will be locked, but give me a call on my cell or knock on my window and I will let you in. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Meeting

From: “Brian K. Rochester” <>

Date: 2/9/15, 9:08 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: John Dufresne <>


Great. Thanks David


Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/9/15, 9:08 AM

To: Michael Madison <>

CC: James Pennington <>, Stephen Hogan <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


Thank you for checking into it.


Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Vanessa Fleisch [] Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 9:28 AMTo: James Pennington; Jon Rorie; Stephen Hogan; mmadison@peachtree-city.orgSubject: Fwd: Coventry water issues




[[She attaches an online story from The]]


Thousands lose power during Tinsley Mill flooding rescue 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 – 5:04pm

Submitted by Ben Nelms


It was another episode of homes being evacuated due to flooding for some Tinsley Mill residents Sunday night. Some residents of the 10 Peachtree City homes returned to their residences Sunday night.

The low-lying Tinsley Mill subdivision off Flat Creek Road near Ga. Highway 54 is no stranger to flooding from heavy rains. Andapproximately 2.5 inches of rain did the trick Sundaywhen residents of the 10 homes were evacuated beginning around6:30 p.m., according to Peachtree City spokesperson Betsy Tyler.

Fire department personnel evacuated most of the affected residents by boat at streetside while others walked out, said Assistant Chief of Operations Joe O’Conor, adding that all those evacuated stayed with family or friends. Some residents returned home Sunday night once the waters receded, O’Conor said.

Tyler said the maximum depth of the waters was chest-high in the lowest lying areas of the subdivision situated just west of Lake Peachtree.

Fayette Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator Pete Nelms on Tuesday said flooding at Tinsley Mill is a result of the overflow from Cherry Branch near Lake Peachtree and not from the lake itself.The presence of high waters Sunday was exacerbated by the ground having been saturated by the numerous rains in previous weeks, he said.

Tyler on Tuesday said that initial information received by the city indicated that waters did not enter the living areas of the homes.

Residents far beyond the boundaries of Tinsley Mill were without power for a period of time Sunday night. O’Conor said emergency responders found two transformer boxes near the condos submerged. Georgia Power was asked to take down the power in the affected Tinsley area, he said.

But the power outage, at least temporarily, extended beyond the Tinsley Mill subdivision. Power was cut to the west and north, affecting the Coventry, Pinegate and Golfview areas.

Georgia Power spokesperson Konswello Monroe said Tuesday the company had been called about the flooding and had cut the power to a wider area until the actual extent of the problem could be determined. Power was restored to the unaffected areas in approximately 33 minutes, Monroe said, adding that Georgia Power apologized for the inconvenience.

City emergency crews responding to the scene Sunday included firefighters, police, public works and representatives from Fayette Fire and Emergency Services.


Nelms said there was some minor water damage reported in other areas of the county sunday night, including on Oak Street in Fayetteville and on Oak Knoll off McDonough Road and Brittany Way east of Peachtree City.




Subject: RE: Coventry water issues

From: Stephen Hogan <>

Date: 2/9/15, 10:39 AM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>, James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, Michael Madison <>

CC: Johnny Collins <>




Today between 9:00am and 10:30pm, personnel from PCWASA inspected all six aerial service crossings between Flat Creek Road and Riley Parkway along the creek between Hermitage Place and Cloister Drive. All were found to be intact with no visible issues nor concerns.


Additionally, the 8” sanitary sewer line and manholes from Flat Creek Road to across Riley Parkway to the Dolce connection point and into Stillwater Trace were inspected. No overflows nor surcharge were visible.

Should there ever be a problem with sanitary sewer, please contact PCWASA’s main number (770)487-7993, 24-hours a day. Someone address your concerns.



Stephen M. Hogan, P.E.

General Manager

Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority




Subject: RE: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/9/15, 10:45 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Jeff Collins’ <>, “’’” <>


All – we are receiving more questions in response to some of the bog [sic] comments and the articles in the local paper. I want to make sure you guys are aware and can have responses ready, and to make sure we are all providing accurate information:


 – What is the ultimate building height of the indoor water park building and the slide tower? There have been reports ranging from 75’ to 90’ and up to 9-stories.


 – Do we know if the indoor water park building and the slide tower will extend above the existing tree line? 


 – Do we know what the height of the tree line is in the area adjacent to these facilities?


 – What kind of noise can be expected from the indoor water park or from the slide tubes? 


 – What type of security does Great Wolf provide – do they have their own security staff?


There may be more questions as the day unfolds – will let you know what we get. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/9/15, 10:59 AM

To: Stephen Hogan <>

CC: Michael Madison <>, James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, Johnny Collins <>, Maria Fourqurean <>, “Frank Destadio (” <>


Thank you for looking into this.


Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




Subject: Re: Great Wolf hotel building – something to ponder

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/9/15, 11:15 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>, “Brian K. Rochester” <>, Jeff Collins <>, “” <>


Dave, a couple quick answers which we will review and answer in the meeting. Getting on a plane now



Sent from my iPhone




From: Stephen Hogan <> 

Date:02/09/2015 4:33 PM (GMT-05:00) 

To: “Destadio, Frank/ATL” <> 


Subject: RE: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase 


Frank, What is the specific issue? PCWASA has not been contacted about this area. I have not heard anything about the area since being with PCWASA. 

Is it lack of repair and maintenance? Leakage?

The main line was rerouted and service lines were installed in 2005 after the catastrophic flooding associated with Hurricane Dennis, July, 2005. The vertical H-beams are to support the aerial pipe crossing. 

As an engineer, you are familiar that vertical support must be provided over a given distance of span. The H-beam provides vertical support to the weight of the pipe and water within the pipe. It is not intended to provide lateral support against storm water and debris.

I cannot speak to the velocity of storm water or debris in the in the channel. 

Please advise when and where the aerial service lines were are most recently damaged; Name, address, and telephone number. We have no work orders of repairs for those lines since 2005.

PCWASA cannot address the issue if we have not been contacted and do not know the specifics. 



Stephen M. Hogan, P.E.

General Manager

Peachtree City Water and Sewerage Authority




Subject: RE: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: “” <>

Date: 2/9/15, 6:36 PM

To: “” <>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <>, “” <>


Thanks Steve. I am heading to the Planning Commission meeting. I will call with the specific info tomorrow.



FEBRUARY 10——————————————————————————————


[[Editor’s note: Hearing the GWL rezoning and variances proposal the evening of Feb. 9 before a standing-room only crowd of nearly 200 people, the Peachtree City Planning Commission voted 5-to-0 against recommending the plan to City Council. Four of the five council members (Flesh, Ernst, Learnard and King) sat in the audience for the hearing as spectators. After the Feb. 9 public hearing, the council — and reactively, the city staff — realized they had a large public perception problem with a resort water park being fitted into the quiet conference center campus.]]




On Feb 10, 2015, at 10:50 AM, Michael Madison <> wrote:



First, I apologize for not being able to attend the meeting last night, but today I am back among the walking. Here is some information that may clarify the issues brought up in the email chain below. I have also attached a copy of the floodplain map in support. The mapped floodplain is the shaded hatched area.


Tinsley Mill – I read the 2010 newspaper article mentioned below and it deals with one of the flooding events at Tinsley Mill. Unfortunately, the flooding at Tinsley Mill is a somewhat routine occurrence because the majority of the development lies within the floodplain. As you can see on the attached map, there is only a small area of ‘high ground’. Given even a moderate amount of rain, Tinsley Mill will flood. Tinsley was built before development in floodplains became regulated. Today, I think it would be safe to say that a development like that would not be possible. 


Hermitage/Coventry – Since I started here I have not received any complaints regarding flooding between these two subdivisions. I also checked the files here at public works and we have never received any complaints about flooding either. Looking at the attached map, there is a significant floodplain area between these two subdivisions. There are 6 or 8 lots within the Coventry where the floodplain seems to occupy at least half of the lot. The area and creek between the two subdivisions is upstream of Tinsley Mill. I would expect, as Tinsley Mill begins to flood and as the rains continue, that the area between Hermitage and Coventry will begin to flood. Floodplains store floodwaters. 


Preston Chase Bid Project – Shown on the attached map is the location of the stormwater project currently out to bid. As you can see, it is not adjacent to Aberdeen/Dolce/Great Wolf and does not convey/receive any runoff from ADG. Any statements to the contrary would be incorrect. We did not undertake this project as a response to flooding from ADG. Since I started here I have not received any complaints regarding flooding or excessive runoff from ADG. I also checked the files here at public works and we have never received any complaints about flooding or excessive runoff either.




Subject: RE: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: David Borkowski <>

Date: 2/10/15, 11:27 AM

To: Michael Madison <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, James Pennington <>

CC: David Rast <>


Also, point of clarification, last night I believe the question was asked if there was any FEMA floodplain on the Great Wolf property and I answered no. The floodplain shown on the map Mike provided is the floodplain the City mapped in 2009 that we were required to do.



David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer 


FEBRUARY 12——————————————————————————————


From: Mike King

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 2:24 PM

To: Kim Learnard

Subject: Great Wolf


Kim Would you have time this evening for a telephone chat after work, dinner, family time? I saw more raw emotion Monday evening than factual data and left feeling ashamed because of how we treated a well intentioned company. 


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Kim Learnard <> wrote:


Mike I just saw this email.

Lets talk tomorrow as I will be working from home, and around all day.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3


FEBRUARY 13——————————————————————————————


[[Councilman King, also a member of the board of directors of the Fayette County Development Authority, indicates that GWL may be welcomed in another location.]]


Subject: Re: Great Wolf

From: Mike King <>

Date: 2/13/15, 10:07 AM

To: Kim Learnard <>



I’m meeting w/Emily in hopes of other options for Great Wolf at 2:00pm and will call upon my return if that’s OK.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2


FEBRUARY 14——————————————————————————————


On Feb 14, 2015, at 10:31 AM, Vanessa Fleisch <> wrote:


Hi Mike,

Thank you for this and I am glad you are feeling better. After the meeting the other evening it is apparent that they feel as though the issues they have are as a result of the runoff from the other property. Again, regardless of what happens to ADG, there must be some issues that they feel need to be addressed, including the sewer piping. Jim—-would it make sense to reach out to these homeowners so that we can address their concerns?



Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




[[City Manager Pennington states emphatically: “… false information is unacceptable.” Earlier emails have already shown City Planner Rast misleading the Citizen’s reporter Ben Nelms in mid-January about the existence of a Great Wolf project.]]


From: James Pennington 

Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 12:52 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch

Cc: Michael Madison; Jonathan Rorie; David Borkowski; Stephen Hogan

Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase


We could address individually or collectively. Whether or not anything happens at Dolce, false information is unacceptable. Staff needs to put together a response. By copy of this email Mike can you and Dave provide me with an appropriate response that is easily understood.



Sent from my iPhone




On Feb 14, 2015, at 1:23 PM, David Borkowski <> wrote:


Will do.


David Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

Peachtree City

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Mega™


FEBRUARY 16——————————————————————————————


FW: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase.eml

Subject: FW: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: David Borkowski <>

Date: 2/16/15, 8:38 AM

To: Michael Madison <>


Give me a call on this when you get a minute.


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer




Subject: Re: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/16/15, 10:23 AM

To: David Borkowski <>

CC: James Pennington <>, Michael Madison <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, Stephen Hogan <>


Thank you, I would appreciate clarification on the aerial sewer lines in the Coventry to be included as well. There seems to be some confusion regarding what was done, and the structural integrity of them if there was some sort of an event in the future.

Thanks again,


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




RE: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase.eml

Subject: RE: Water run off in the Coventry and Preston chase

From: Michael Madison <>

Date: 2/16/15, 2:51 PM

To: James Pennington <>

CC: David Borkowski <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


For a collective response, I can combine (and possibly expand) all my responses from the chain below but that would keep it somewhat generic. If you want to do individual responses, I would need names as well as their specific complaint. 




From: David Rast <<>>

Date: Monday, February 16, 2015 at 5:41 PM

To: “’Brian K. Rochester’” <<>>, Patrick Pline <<>>

Subject: Great Wolf – meeting schedule


Can you let me know as quickly as possible which Council meeting you would like to continue the Public Hearing to? We want to be able to update Council as soon as we can – they will continue the meeting to a ‘date specific’ meeting as a part of their motion on Thursday.

I am out of the office tomorrow but will be checking e-mails – feel free to call me on my cell at [redacted].


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule.eml

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/16/15, 7:57 PM

To: David Rast <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Hi David, Let me try and see if a decision has been made.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


FEBRUARY 17——————————————————————————————


Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule.eml

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 2/17/15, 8:24 AM

To: David Rast <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>


David, We would like to be placed on the March 5th City Council Agenda,

Let me know if there is something else you need from us,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Fwd: Great Wolf – meeting schedule.eml

Subject: Fwd: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: “Brian K. Rochester” <>

Date: 2/17/15, 8:48 AM

To: Mike King <>



Sent from my iPhone


[[The FYI was to let King know GWL asked to be on the March 5 council agenda.]]




Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule.eml

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Mike King <>

Date: 2/17/15, 9:01 AM

To: “Brian K. Rochester” <>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <>


Thanks Brian.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




From: Betsy Tyler Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 11:00 AM To: David Rast; Jonathan Rorie Subject: Great Wolf? Importance: High


Hi David / Jon / Jim –

We’re getting inquiries from the Citizen and Fayette Newspapers about when the Great Wolf hearing will be – I believe the packet memo said we expected to here yesterday about their revised schedule. Have you heard anything?



Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




From: Jonathan Rorie Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 11:01 AM To: Betsy Tyler; David Rast Cc: James Pennington Subject: RE: Great Wolf?


We have not heard anything yet. We followed up with a phone call yesterday but received no response.


Jonathan N. Rorie, MPA

Community Services Director




Subject: RE: Great Wolf?

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 2/17/15, 11:01 AM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>, David Rast <>

CC: James Pennington <>




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: FW: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/17/15, 12:52 PM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>, Jennis Rice <>

CC: Betsy Tyler <>


Jennis – pls. modify my memo to council to continue this item until the March 5 meeting.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/17/15, 12:54 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>


Thanks. I’m out of the office today but will get this information to Council.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: FW: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Jonathan Rorie <>

Date: 2/17/15, 12:54 PM

To: James Pennington <>


See Davids response below about Great Wolf scheduling to appear before Council on March 5th.


Jonathan N. Rorie, MPA

Community Services Director




Subject: FW: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 2/17/15, 1:33 PM

To: ‘Emily Poole’ <>


FYI in case you were not notified




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 2/17/15, 2:13 PM

To: David Rast <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, Jennis Rice <>

CC: James Pennington <>


Thanks all !


Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: Re: Great Wolf – meeting schedule

From: Fayette GA <>

Date: 2/17/15, 3:06 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>


Thank you!


Sent from my iPhone


FEBRUARY 19——————————————————————————————


From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 1:18 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo

Subject: Dolce Site


Hi David, There is a very strong possibility that we will ask to move our hearing before the City Council to March 19th, and I know that the City Council will report that we wish to be on the March 5th docket at their meeting tonight.

How best to handle this? Is it ok to change the meeting date again next week?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Dolce Site

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/19/15, 5:32 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>


No problem – we can continue the meeting to the 5th, but will also inform the Mayor and Council there may be a request to move the meeting to the 19th. Thanks for letting me know.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Great Wolf – possible continuance to the 19th

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/19/15, 5:38 PM

To: James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: Ted Meeker <>


Patrick Pline sent an e-mail and said they may ultimately request that the Public Hearing be continued until March 19 – I told him we would ask Council to continue the meeting until March 5th at tonight’s meeting, but the Applicant could follow up after tonight’s meeting and request another continuance to the 19th. I will follow up with them next week to see what they decide.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Great Wolf Public Hearing

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/19/15, 8:02 PM

To: “” <>, “” <>

CC: Ted Meeker <>


Patrick – council voted to move the PH to March 5 as requested. If the PH is extended to the 19th, we would need to re-advertise the PH. Council must take action within 30 days once they receive a recommendation from the Planning Commission.

The legal ad would go to the paper on Feb. 27 for publishing on March 4, which is 15 days prior to that meeting.

On another note, Councilman Imker made a statement that, if there were changes to what was initially presented to the Planning Commission, he would make a motion to send the request back to the Planning Commission for review.

I am including Ted in case there are any discrepancies or if you have any questions.

I am out of the office tomorrow but will be available next week if you have any questions.




FEBRUARY 25——————————————————————————————


[[A lawyer representing GWL introduces herself.]]


From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 9:14 AM To: David Ras Subject: Great Wolf Resorts


David – I am working with Great Wolf Resorts regarding its proposed project in Peachtree City. Would you have time today for a short call to review a couple questions I have regarding the zoning ordinance and procedure?

If so, please call my cell at [REDACTED] or email me with a good time to reach you.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester




271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA 




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Resorts

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/25/15, 11:18 AM

To: “’Hester, Laura’” <>


I am available now and up to 1:00. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


FEBRUARY 26——————————————————————————————


From: Josh Akeman [] 

Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:17 AM

To: Betsy Tyler; David Rast

Subject: Great Wolf


Do we know when Great Wolf is going to be on the agenda for council?


Josh Akeman,

Fayette County News

Today in Peachtree City

East Coweta Journal





Subject: RE: Great Wolf

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 2/26/15, 10:32 AM

To: ‘Josh Akeman’ <>, David Rast <>


Hi, Josh – it was officially continued by Council to March 5 – I think we are now just waiting to here if they want it heard then (David – have they given you any indication of when we might expect something?).




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/26/15, 10:49 AM

To: Betsy Tyler <>, Josh Akeman <>


I have not heard anything – will call this morning and see what they are planning. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Great Wolf – Public Hearing continuance

From: David Rast <>

Date: 2/26/15, 5:47 PM

To: Pamela Dufresne <>, Betsy Tyler <>

CC: Jonathan Rorie <>, Jennis Rice <>


All – Great Wolf is requesting that the Public Hearing be continued to the March 19 City Council meeting. Jennis has my memo to council.


I spoke with Ted and he advised we need to re-advertise the Public Hearing for the March 19 meeting since the meeting will be more than 30 days beyond action by the PC.


I am out of the office tomorrow (Friday) but sent the legal ad to Jennis for editing. I am expecting a call from Great Wolf’s consultant tonight or in the morning to verify two items in the advertisement.


The Legal Ad will need to go to the local paper for publication next Wednesday (March 4). I would suggest that we notify the property owners again, as well as re-post the site (I will do this).


I have not received a copy of their revised site plan, but understand they have removed all of the proposed encroachments from the Transition Yard Buffer except for the water slide tubes and support structures. They have also removed the encroachment into the stream buffer adjacent to the existing pond. 


They are still seeking the LUC zoning to allow the increase in building height, and a variance to permit the water slide tubes and support structures within the Transition Yard Buffer.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


END OF FEBRUARY EMAILS——————————————————————————————


MARCH 1——————————————————————————————




MARCH 3——————————————————————————————


On Mar 3, 2015, at 5:27 PM, Hester, Laura <> wrote:

David: Would you be available for a brief call in the morning? Please advise the best window to catch you. Best regards,


Laura G. Hester 

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP

Telephone: [REDACTED]

Sent from my iPhone


MARCH 4——————————————————————————————


From: David Rast [] Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 8:47 AM To: Hester, Laura Subject: Re: GWR City Council Hearing Date


Laura – I have been out sick most of this week and am out again today. Ca we touch base in the morning?


MARCH 5——————————————————————————————


From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 10:33 AM To: David Rast Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date


David – I hope you are feeling better. I’m looking to set up meeting between GWR and the individual council members. 

Please call me at your convenience to discuss.



Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400 Atlanta, GA




From: David Rast [] Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 10:59 AM To: Hester, Laura Cc: Deborah Lemay Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date


Unfortunately I am out the remainder of the week – having a fun time with bronchitis…

II am copying Debbie Lemay who can help you schedule these meetings. Let her know if you want me to be in these meetings as well and she can get this on my calendar. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 11:08 AM To: David RastCc: Deborah Lemay Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date


David – I’m sorry to hear you are still struggling. 

We are looking at March 16 and 17th as the best dates. Debbie – please call me at your convenience to discuss.


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: Deborah Lemay

Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 12:16 PM

To: Eric Imker; Kim Learnard; Mike King; Terry Ernst; Vanessa Fleisch

Cc: James Pennington

Subject: Great Wolf Lodge Requests Meeting


Laura Hester, Partner at Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, is looking to set up a meeting with individual Council Members (see e-mail below) to discuss Great Wolf. She is looking at meeting on either Monday, March 16 or Tuesday, March 17th. Please let me know your availability so I can contact her with that and time. If both days are good, please indicate that as well.


Thanks, Debbie




From: Mike King Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 12:31 PM To: Deborah Lemay Cc: Eric Imker; Kim Learnard; Terry Ernst; Vanessa Fleisch; James Pennington Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Requests Meeting


Either day, preferably in the morning.Sent from my iPad


Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge Requests Meeting

From: Deborah Lemay <>

Date: 3/5/15, 12:37 PM

To: Mike King <>


Thanks Mike – will keep you posted.


Debbie Lemay | Executive Assistant

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date

From: Deborah Lemay <>

Date: 3/5/15, 3:55 PM

To: Hester, Laura <>


Laura – I received your message but wanted to let you know that I am trying to contact Council and get a couple times that work for all – I will give you a call tomorrow with those times.

Thanks so much, Debbie


Debbie Lemay | Executive Assistant

City of Peachtree City




[[Councilwoman Kim Learnard declines a face-to-face meeting with GWL representatives and their attorney. She is the only council member who declines via email. If others declined, it doesn’t show up in this email exchange.]]


Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge Requests Meeting

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/5/15, 4:22 PM

To: Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, Terry Ernst <>, “Vanessa Fleisch” <>, James Pennington <>, Ted Meeker <>

CC: Deborah Lemay <>


I can’t think of any reason why any Council member would attend this meeting. Who are these people? We get our information from our city manager, to be discussed in a public forum, in a meeting that is properly posted so that all citizens have an opportunity to hear the information and discuss. Count me out.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3


MARCH 6——————————————————————————————


From: Jennis Rice Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 3:56 PM To: David Rast Subject: PC minutes – Wolf Lodge


This will have to do for now. I will try to finish the shorter part of the meeting on Monday. I will go ahead and send these to the PC before I leave if I don’t hear anything from you and will indicate you have not reviewed.


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City

Community Services Division

Planning and Zoning Department


MARCH 9——————————————————————————————


From: David Rast Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 12:10 PM To: Jennis Rice Subject: RE: PC minutes – Wolf Lodge Importance: High


My changes.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: David Rast


Date: Monday, March 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM

To: Patrick Pline <<>>,

Alex Lombardo 


Cc: “’Brian K. Rochester’”


Subject: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update


Hey – I am back in the office and was hoping you could give me an update as to when you think you might be submitted the revised site plan for your project here. Also, will there be additional items included with your submittal?

I need to have Staff’s position paper ready by Friday and want to have time to review. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: PC minutes – Wolf Lodge

From: Jennis Rice <>

Date: 3/9/15, 2:32 PM

To: David Rast <>


Thank you!






From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 3:16 PM

To: David Rast; Alex Lombardo

Cc: ‘Brian K. Rochester’

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update


Looking at it now, should be able to send it over tomorrow.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 8:45 PM To: David Rast Cc: Deborah Lemay Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date


David and Debbie – Checking in re scheduling of meetings. I’m available in the morning to touch base. Please let me know a good time to call.



Laura G. Hester



Atlanta, GA


MARCH 10——————————————————————————————


From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:13 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update


David, We had asked our attorney to work with you on offering to meet with each council person indiviually next week to hear their concerns. Is this underway?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Deborah Lemay [] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:40 AM To: Hester, Laura; David Rast Cc: James Pennington; Ted Meeker Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date


Good Morning Laura – In speaking with the City Manager, he has referred your request to our City Attorney Ted Meeker. Mr. Meeker will be in contact with you to discuss the proposed meetings.

Thanks, Debbie


Debbie Lemay | Executive Assistant

City of Peachtree City




Subject: Unapproved Excerpt of Minutes – Great Wolf Lodge

From: Jennis Rice <>

Date: 3/10/15, 9:58 AM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>

CC: Deborah Lemay <>, David Rast <>


Hello, Vanessa. I will spare you all of my excuses as to why it took me so long to get these to you. I do apologize though. 

Attached is the version that was part of the minutes that were on last night’s agenda for approval (I have provided a hard copy to Debbie). The Planning Commission voted to table approval until our next meeting on April 13 so they could review more thoroughly. Consequently, these may change somewhat, but I think this version will give you a lot of what you are looking for. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great day!


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City

Community Services Division

Planning and Zoning Department




Subject: RE: GWR City Council Hearing Date

From: “Hester, Laura” <>

Date: 3/10/15, 9:59 AM

To: Deborah Lemay <>, David Rast <>

CC: James Pennington <>, Ted Meeker <>


Thank you Debbie. 

I am in meetings out of the office this morning, but will be available this afternoon to discuss. We are eager to confirm dates/times for these meetings.

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




[[City’s engineer declares his approval of the Pond traffic study.]]


From: David Borkowski [] Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 10:04 AMTo: Lusher, Eric; David RastCc: Fangmann, Richard; Jonathan Rorie; Scott HicksSubject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive



David Rast, I have no further concerns with this report.


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast 

Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 11:08 AM

To: Deborah Lemay

Subject: FW: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update


Good morning – have you had any luck scheduling these meetings? Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update

From: Deborah Lemay <>

Date: 3/10/15, 11:39 AM

To: David Rast <>


Ted came back to Council and said he would like to be present at any meetings. He left it up to Council to get with me, if they are interested in meeting. I know Kim has come back and said she does not want to meet but I have not heard back from the others. I will keep you posted.


Debbie Lemay | Executive Assistant

City of Peachtree City




On Mar 10, 2015, at 11:48 AM, David Rast <> wrote:


I was out last week and forwarded this to the City Manager’s Assistant. I checked with her this morning and this is her response:

 “Ted (City Attorney) came back to Council and said he would like to be present at any meetings. He left it up to Council to get with me, if they are interested in meeting. I know Kim has come back and said she does not want to meet but I have not heard back from the others. I will keep you posted.”

Something you might want to do is reach out to the council members individually yourself – their contact information is at this link:


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update

From: “Hester, Laura” <>

Date: 3/10/15, 12:10 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Patrick Pline <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Thank you David. Ted Meeker and I spoke briefly just now. I will brief Great Wolf on his progress.

Glad you are feeling better.


Laura G. Hester

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP

Sent from my iPhone


MARCH 11——————————————————————————————


On 3/11/15, 3:45 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Checking in to see when we might receive the revised plan. I still need to review and prepare position paper for council, which is due Friday by noon. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:19 PM

To: David Rast; Alex Lombardo

Cc: ‘Brian K. Rochester’

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update

Importance: High


Can you work with a draft copy while we work out the final details?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On 3/11/15, 4:41 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Certainly – thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 4:41 PM

To: David Rast; Alex Lombardo

Cc: ‘Brian K. Rochester’

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update


Im on it. We can substitute the actual Friday early a.m. to include in the report, but it won1t be much different.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Hester, Laura []

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:01 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Patrick Pline

Subject: Great Wolf Resorts


David – Would you have some time tomorrow to discuss a couple of items relating to GWR’s application? Please let us know what times might work best for you tomorrow.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Laura G. Hester



Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP

271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




On Mar 11, 2015, at 5:03 PM, David Rast <<>> wrote:


I am available any time before 10 or between 11 and 1. I am out tomorrow afternoon at a doctor appt.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Peachtree City – submittal update

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/11/15, 5:07 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>

CC: “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Great – if there are other attachments, pls. send those as well. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: <Hester>, Laura <<>>

Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 5:17 PM

To: David Rast <<>>

Cc: Patrick Pline <<>>

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Resorts


11 AM Eastern time works for me. Patrick, please let me know if this time works for you and I will circulate a call in number.


Laura G. Hester

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP

Sent from my iPhone




Re: Great Wolf Resorts.eml

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Resorts

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/11/15, 5:25 PM

To: “Hester, Laura” <>, David Rast <>


Works for me.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[GWL begins to make revisions to its building heights and incursions into the rear buffer area.]]


From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:26 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: ‘Brian K. Rochester’; Alex Lombardo; Hester, Laura

Subject: Revised Peachtree Plans


David, Heres the draft copies which have been sent to our civil and waterpark designers who are detailing the parking and slide arrangements. We are also working on the elevations and massing.

1. As you can see we have removed the two service drive expansions (the one that previously went around the new hotel and the one that was to go around the utility building to the back parking lot).

2. We have also removed the patio expansion into the pond, so no SWM variance.

3. We have moved the back service road to only be where the parking was, just like the last plan. IM waiting to see the actual alignment to see if we need to push it all the wat back to the parking curb or bring it in a few feet.

4. We have flattened the roofs to reduce the building height a few feet. We don1t like flat roofs since they look more industrial but that was a concern.

5. We increased the new hotel to 4 story to reduce footprint and amount of building length that faced the residents. Height shorter than the waterpark.

Sorry if these are not very detailed to pick out specifics, but at least you can see where we are heading.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[City Planner Rast says revisions “look great.”]]


Subject: RE: Revised Peachtree Plans

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/11/15, 5:57 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, “’Hester, Laura’” <>


Looks great – thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


MARCH 12——————————————————————————————


[[The Fayette County Development Authority provides the Georgia Tech study about the estimated economic impact of GWL on Peachtree City and Fayette County.]]


Subject: Reports

From: Emily Poole <>

Date: 3/12/15, 7:30 AM

To: Pamela Dufresne <>


Pam: Good morning!

Attached are two reports: one is the standard BRE report, the other is a report that GA Tech completed for FCDA regarding Great Wolf. I just wanted to provide it to Mayor and Council for review in their packets.

Thank you! Hope you’re having a great day!


Emily Poole

Manager, Business Retention & Expansion

Fayette County Development Authority




From: David Rast Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 8:43 AM To: James Pennington; Jonathan Rorie; Paul Salvatore Cc: Ted Meeker Subject: Great Wolf – Fiscal Impact Analysis Importance: High


Not sure if you have seen this – Emily [[Poole]] forwarded to Pam this morning.

Also, I have a conference call with Great Wolf and their Attorney this morning at 11 – does anyone want to participate? Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Fiscal Impact Analysis

From: Paul Salvatore <>

Date: 3/12/15, 10:23 AM

To: David Rast <>, James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: Ted Meeker <>


Thanks. I will review.




[[In this email Rast sends the Georgia Tech economic impact study of the GWL water park in Peachtree City via a pdf file to GWL representatives.]]


Subject: Great Wolf – Economic Impact Analysis

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/12/15, 12:18 PM

To: “” <>, “” <>, “Hester, Laura (” <>


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

<Economic Impact Analysis.pdf>




Subject: Call

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/12/15, 12:21 PM

To: “Hester, Laura” <>, David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Something happened with my phone, so sorry if I disappeared.

Thanks again.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 12:21 PMTo: David RastCc:; alombardo@greatwolf.comSubject: Re: Great Wolf – Economic Impact Analysis


Thank you David.

My apologies, I’m not sure what happened at the end of our call to the conference line. Thank you again for all of your assistance and useful information.


Best regards,Laura G. Hester 

Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice LLP

Sent from my iPhone




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Economic Impact Analysis

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/12/15, 12:25 PM

To: “’Hester, Laura’” <>

CC: “’’” <>, “’’” <>


Not a problem – I am available next week if we need to connect again. 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[In this next email, notice that Senior Planner Rast reports — in error — to his boss that the water slide tubes would encroach only 20 feet into the residential protection buffer. An email later that same afternoon from GWL reiterated the encroachment remained the original 27 feet.]]


Subject: Great Wolf – conference call overview

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/12/15, 12:56 PM

To: James Pennington <>

CC: Jonathan Rorie <>, Ted Meeker <>


Just got off the phone with Patrick Pline, Alex Lombardo and Laura Hester. A few tidbits:


· The height for the indoor water park building has been reduced from 75’ to 64’, and the height of the new hotel building (4-story) will be 56’. The tallest building on the property is currently 57’. The increase in building height would require a rezoning from GC to LUC.

· The relocation/ extension of the existing service drive has been removed from the Transition Yard Buffer, but the water slide tubes and support structures would still encroach no more than 20’ into the Transition Yard Buffer. The encroachment would be limited to the area directly behind the indoor water park building and would occur in an area where the existing service drive is located (i.e., no further encroachment or vegetation removal).

· They have removed the expansion of the outdoor dining terrace, which removes this variance request. 


Bottom line, the rezoning is needed to accommodate the increase in building height, and the variance is needed to allow the encroachment into the Transition Yard Buffer. All other site-related items would be handled as a part of the conceptual site plan approval process.

I am expecting the revised site plan and building elevations later this afternoon and will forward when received. 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Lusher, Eric [] Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 2:40 PM To: David Borkowski Cc: Fangmann, Richard Subject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive


Thanks for taking a look and we will pass this on to the applicant.


Eric Lusher, AICP

Senior Project Manager

Pond & Company




[Significant email: GWL sends its revised site plan to City Planner Rast. The water tubes’ encroachment into the residential protection buffer is unchanged from the original plan.]]


From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 4:34 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Darrell Rochester; Hester, Laura

Subject: Site Plan : Project GWL – Atlanta – Peachtree City, GA – File Transfer


Hi David, Here is the revised site plan. The sections/massing will be over in the morning.

The encroachment from the slides is 27 feet into the 75 foot setback.

Parking stalls are in the table.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Site Plan : Project GWL – Atlanta – Peachtree City, GA – File Transfer

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/12/15, 5:47 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, ‘Darrell Rochester’ <>, “’Hester, Laura’” <>


Received – thanks. 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


MARCH 13——————————————————————————————


Subject: Call

From: Alex Lombardo <>

Date: 3/13/15, 9:50 AM

To: Mike King <>




Hope you are well. I was wondering if you had time for a brief call this morning? My cell number is 703-899-1028 if you have some time.




Alex Lombardo, Senior Vice President of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Call

From: Alex Lombardo <>

Date: 3/13/15, 9:56 AM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>


Mayor, Hope you are well. I was wondering if you had time for a brief call this morning? My cell number is [redacted] if you have a few minutes.





Alex Lombardo, Senior Vice President of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Patrick Pline <<>>

Date: Friday, March 13, 2015 at 11:21 AM

To: David Rast <<>>

Cc: “Hester, Laura” <<>>, “Brian K. Rochester” <<>>, Alex Lombardo <<>>

Subject: FW: GWL -Geaorgia Building Mass Study 3-13-2015


Hi David, Heres one mass study. Others following shortly.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 1:42 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Hester, Laura; Brian K. Rochester; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: GWL -Geaorgia Building Mass Study 3-13-2015


David, I was mistaken, that’s all the documents we have. The building sections won’t change from the other day. Have a good weekend.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: GWL -Geaorgia Building Mass Study 3-13-2015

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/13/15, 1:47 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: “’Hester, Laura’” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>


Rec’d – I think we have everything. I’m finishing up our Position Paper and will send that out before the end of the day. Thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Significant event: After receiving GWL’s proposed revisions to their original plan, City Planner Rast sends his official position on whether to recommend the revised GWL rezoning plus one variance to GWL officials and representatives apparently BEFORE any other city elected or appointed official sees it.]]


Subject: Great Wolf Peachtree City – position paper

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/13/15, 4:47 PM

To: “” <>, “” <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Pls. see attached – let me know if you have any questions or if there are any discrepancies.

One thing to note – I included the exact building heights as shown on the building sections – what I might suggest is we/ you request a building height “up to but not exceeding” 65’ for the indoor water park building and 56’ for the hotel building.

Have a great weekend. 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Peachtree City – position paper

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/13/15, 4:47 PM

To: David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Have to make sure the heights are both from the Aberdeen road side. Ill send to my architect for verification.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


MARCH 15——————————————————————————————


[[Councilwoman Kim Learnard emails the city manager to get some questions answered.]]


From: Kim Learnard Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2015 7:54 PM To: James Pennington Cc: Vanessa Fleisch; Eric Imker; Mike King; Terry Ernst; David Rast Subject: GWL questions


Hi Jim, first of all I believe David Rast did an outstanding job of pulling together the Great Wolf proposal. He has covered hundreds of bases with tremendous detail. I truly appreciate it. 

After studying the council packet, I have a couple questions. No doubt this will come up Thursday so anything we can do to get informed ahead of time will help.


1) The number of employees for GWL is anticipated to be 500. How many are currently employed at Dolce?

2) Revenues are shown in the Council packet (page 39) to be $108,000 in property taxes for PTC, and $1,500,000 in H/M taxes with GWL. What does the city currently realize in property taxes and H/M taxes from Dolce?

3) How was $1,500,000 calculated?

4) Has GWL provided any information about number of car visitors each weekday, i.e. is most of their traffic on Fridays and Sundays?

5) What is the percentage of occupancy at GWL at their other locations? What do they anticipate in PTC? How many cars per week would then be anticipated in a 400 room hotel?

6) In reading through the proposal verbiage, I understood that with the new proposal, the slide platform tower, which would have been 75 ft. in height in the first proposal, is now 64 ft. 2 inches. Yet in the list of three variances shown in the narration, it says “the tower is approximately 90 feet in height.”


That’s all for now. Many thanks.

For interesting reading, check out GWL reviews online. It is clear that for the most part, only people who are dissatisfied tend to post. 🙂


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




Subject: Re: GWL questions

From: James Pennington <>

Date: 3/15/15, 8:02 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <>, Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, “Terry Ernst” <>, David Rast <>


Kim, I understand the current occupation license lists 99 fte’s but let me check out the rest. I know Paul has looked at the numbers and we discussed a few weeks ago. So will get back to you. Good questions.



Sent from my iPhone


MARCH 16——————————————————————————————


Subject: Re: Great Wolf – questions

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/16/15, 10:02 AM

To: David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Got it,

Will be back shortly.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: David Rast [] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 10:03 AM To:; Cc: Hester, Laura; ‘Brian K. Rochester’ Subject: Great Wolf – questions


Good morning. I received an e-mail from one of our council members over the weekend with the following questions. Would you provide a brief answer to each so I can forward? If I receive others, I will forward them as well. Hopefully, we can get the majority of the technical questions answered before Thursday’s meeting. Thanks.


1) The number of employees for GWL is anticipated to be 500. How many are currently employed at Dolce?

2) Revenues are shown in the Council packet (page 39) to be $108,000 in property taxes for PTC, and $1,500,000 in H/M taxes with GWL. What does the city currently realize in property taxes and H/M taxes from Dolce?

3) How was $1,500,000 calculated?

4) Has GWL provided any information about number of car visitors each weekday, i.e. is most of their traffic on Fridays and Sundays?

5) What is the percentage of occupancy at GWL at their other locations? What do they anticipate in PTC? How many cars per week would then be anticipated in a 400 room hotel?

6) In reading through the proposal verbiage, I understood that with the new proposal, the slide platform tower, which would have been 75 ft. in height in the first proposal, is now 64 ft. 2 inches. Yet in the list of three variances shown in the narration, it says “the tower is approximately 90 feet in height.”


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: GWL questions

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/16/15, 10:04 AM

To: Kim Learnard <>, James Pennington <>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <>, Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, “Terry Ernst” <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


Good morning! I forwarded these questions to Great Wolf and will copy all with their response. If there are other questions, I will send those as well. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:01 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – questions


David, Any chance to get page 39 of the council packet? I want to see specifically what #2 is referring to.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/16/15, 11:36 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>


Open the link below, then click on ‘download agenda packet’ – this is the verbiage in the initial rezoning narrative that talked about anticipated tax revenue.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:38 AMTo: David RastCc:; alombardo@greatwolf.comSubject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


David – Could we clarify the following items in the Position Paper?


1) Height is measured from the Aberdeen Parkway side of the buildings. 

[[GWL answers.]] Yes. We would consider the view from Aberdeen Parkway as the “front” elevation, and the building heights would be measured from finish grade facing Aberdeen PKWY.


2) Condition #5 should be limited to exterior lighting.

[[GWL answers.]] Yes. We can discuss this at the public hearing. If you have examples of how this has been done in other facilities, pls. bring photos or slides showing what the lighting might look like at night.


3) The narrative included reflects the single variance requested per the revised site plan. (#6 below suggests this is a dated narrative – please advise if you need something more current from GWR for Attachment ‘A’)

[[GWL answers.]] Yes – I used the original narrative, along with the original rezoning application. We have already had one of our citizens question why there was not a revised narrative and application, along with a revised variance application. For clarification purposes, I would suggest that you modify the narrative and these applications and resubmit those as quickly as possible. We can amend the information provided to council. Both are found at the links below.

[[GWL answers.]] On our call, I think we also talked about addressing that the proposed use should not be viewed as mixed-use and the removal of the unsightly water tank as an improvement to the site. 

[[GWL answers.]] Yes – we can discuss these items as a part of the presentation to council.

Thank you.


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:48 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: Meeting on Thursday


David, We are going to be meeting this week with some City officials concerning our application. If we are asked to change our plans or meet with others prior to the hearing (and run out of time) what would happen if we elected not to present at the March 19th meeting at the last minute (Wednesday).

Doubt this would happen but want to understand the process. Do we just reschedule for the April 2 meeting or do we have to re-advertise, etc?

Let me know,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions

From: “Hester, Laura” <>

Date: 3/16/15, 11:55 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “” <>, “” <>


Thank you David for your quick response.

We will work on a revised narrative/application.


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: David Rast [] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:57 AMTo: Hester, LauraCc:; alombardo@greatwolf.comSubject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


See below:


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


From: Hester, Laura []

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 11:38 AM

To: David Rast


Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


David – Could we clarify the following items in the Position Paper?


1) Height is measured from the Aberdeen Parkway side of the buildings.

[[GWL answers.]] Yes. We would consider the view from Aberdeen Parkway as the “front” elevation, and the building heights would be measured from finish grade facing Aberdeen PKWY.


2) Condition #5 should be limited to exterior lighting.

[[GWL answers.]] Yes. We can discuss this at the public hearing. If you have examples of how this has been done in other facilities, pls. bring photos or slides showing what the lighting might look like at night.


3) The narrative included reflects the single variance requested per the revised site plan. (#6 below suggests this is a dated narrative – please advise if you need something more current from GWR for Attachment ‘A’)

[[GWL answers.]] Yes – I used the original narrative, along with the original rezoning application. We have already had one of our citizens question why there was not a revised narrative and application, along with a revised variance application. For clarification purposes, I would suggest that you modify the narrative and these applications and resubmit those as quickly as possible. We can amend the information provided to council. Both are found at the links below.

[[GWL answers.]] On our call, I think we also talked about addressing that the proposed use should not be viewed as mixed-use and the removal of the unsightly water tank as an improvement to the site.

[[GWL answers.]] Yes – we can discuss these items as a part of the presentation to council.

Thank you.


Laura G. Hester


Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP

271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




On 3/16/15, 12:00 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


You could request another continuance – we would not need to re-advertise if the meeting was rescheduled to April 2. If you do request a continuance, I might suggest including a reason specific to this request – since we have already rescheduled a couple of times, this would give folks an idea as to why this most recent request is being sought.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Meeting on Thursday

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/16/15, 12:06 PM

To: David Rast <>


Thanks David,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


MARCH 17——————————————————————————————


[[GWL answers questions sent to him by PTC Senior Planner David Rast.]]


Subject: Re: Great Wolf – questions

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/17/15, 6:44 AM

To: David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>


Hi David, see answers below in red.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


Subject: Great Wolf – questions


Good morning. I received an e-mail from one of our council members over the weekend with the following questions. Would you provide a brief answer to each so I can forward? If I receive others, I will forward them as well. Hopefully, we can get the majority of the technical questions answered before Thursday’s meeting. Thanks.


1) The number of employees for GWL is anticipated to be 500. How many are currently employed at Dolce?

[[GWL answers.]] Currently there are 99 employees at Dolce. The existing employment has been accounted for in the EIS. See page 9 and the reference to “new” jobs of 400. This does not include the “…130 other newjobs…from visitor spending…”(see page 9 of EIS).


2) Revenues are shown in the Council packet (page 39) to be $108,000 in property taxes for PTC, and $1,500,000 in H/M taxes with GWL. What does the city currently realize in property taxes and H/M taxes from Dolce?

[[GWL answers.]] Property Tax: Dolce currently pays $89,900 in property taxes to ALL jurisdictions. After increasing the value of the property by 6 times, GWL property taxes are estimated to be approximately

$500,000 per year to ALL jurisdictions. $108,000 is calculated by applying the mill rate for the city specifically to the revised assessed value. Hotel-Motel Tax: The tax revenue estimate of $1.5M was after deducting an estimate for the existing Dolce. Also, the estimate of $1.5M was provided back in January. Since that time, we have performed more research on the market and believe the “new” hotel-motel tax revenue to PTC is closer to $2.0M. Based on year end 2014 figures from Dolce, the existing property paid approximately $400,000 to $500,000 in hotel-motel taxes. Based on the expected room night revenue of $31.5M (see page 7 of the EIS), hotel-motel tax revenue from GWL should be approximately $2.5M ($31.5M x 8%).


3) How was $1,500,000 calculated?

[[GWL answers.]] See #2 above.


4) Has GWL provided any information about number of car visitors each weekday, i.e. is most of their traffic on Fridays and Sundays?

5) What is the percentage of occupancy at GWL at their other locations? What do they anticipate in PTC? How many cars per week would then be anticipated in a 400 room hotel?

[[GWL answers.]] The latest occupancy figures for Generation II GWL’s (400 room resorts) is in the 65% to 70% occupancy range. We anticipate the proposed GWL in PTC to be in this range or slightly higher due to the strong market demographics of Atlanta compared to other Gen II markets such as Concord, Mason, etc.

Average occupancy mid-week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) is 45-55%, while on Weekends (Friday, Saturday) we experience 90-100% occupancy. Since guests have access to the waterpark the day of arrival prior to when their room is ready, and past check out time the day of departure, we don’t experience a rush of guest checking in right at check in time or exiting right at check out time. This spreads the arrivals and departures more evenly through out the day. It is hard to predict the number of cars per day since the duration of stay is variable.


6) In reading through the proposal verbiage, I understood that with the new proposal, the slide platform tower, which would have been 75 ft. in height in the first proposal, is now 64 ft. 2 inches. Yet in the list of three variances shown in the narration, it says “the tower is approximately 90 feet in height.”

[[GWL answers.]] The variance request is being revised. The initial height of the building over the slide stairs “the slide tower” is usually the highest part of our buildings and is typically around 90 feet tall to the peak of the roof. Through continued design of the slides, redesign of the roof structure, and measuring the building height per Peachtree City requirements the height of the building over the slides is currently 64 feet, 2 inches.




[[The Peachtree City Police Department requests crime statistics from an out of state county in which a GWL is located.]]


From: Michelle Ward [] Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 9:06 AM To: – Sheriff’s Office Subject: Great Wolf Lodge crime stats request


To Whom It May Concern,


My name is Michelle and I am Interim Chief Pye’s Executive Assistant. He has asked that I gather a year’s worth of crime statistics for the Great Wolf Lodge property in your jurisdiction. I don’t need copies of reports, just call types/natures at the property. Great Wolf Lodge is looking to build in our City and Interim Chief Pye wants to be prepared to answer any crime related questions. If you could kindly point me in the right direction If you are not the correct person to receive this request, I’d truly appreciate it!

Stay safe and have a great week!



Michelle Ward

Executive Assistant for the Chief of Police

Peachtree City Police Department




[[The next set of emails are between members of the Fayette County Development Authority, which indicate not all agreed on GWL as the best use of the Dolce site. The first one below is from board member Todd Strickland, the Managing Principal at Historical Concepts, an award winning architecture and planning firm in Peachtree City. Later in this email exchange, the FCDA chairman specifies that the FCDA board has taken no official position on GWL in Peachtree City, for or against.]]


On Mar 17, 2015, at 9:19 AM, Todd <> wrote:

Darryl, Mike, Alan, Emily – 


I wanted to follow up on one of our discussion points from our last meeting. Specifically, I believe the GA Tech study on the Great Wolf impact should be complete now. Since the FCDA funded this study I would like to request that a copy of the study be sent to all the FCDA Board members in advance of the meeting. In the spirit of full transparency I would also suggest that a copy of the study be sent to the PTC City Council, the Fayette County Board of Commissioners and the usual media sources. 


Additionally, I had requested during our last meeting that the GA Tech study also suggest other uses that could be viable on the Dolce site. As I discussed with both Mike and Darryl after the meeting I continue to believe that the Dolce property could be purchased by a group that would provide more high paying jobs than Great Wolf. Some examples include corporate headquarters (ie – NCR training campus), a true college campus (ie – GA Southern), or a corporate wellness center (ie – Chick-fil-a). These are just a few examples and I am sure that our Board and local elected officials could come up with many other possibilities. 


Lastly, if the GA Tech report is in fact referenced at the PTC City Council meeting I think it is important to note that it was funded by the FCDA in an effort to provide objective information. With that said, the FCDA Board has not voted to endorse or refute the Great Wolf economic benefits. Thus, it should be made clear that the FCDA Board has not gone on record regarding the benefit or detriments of this project.


After thinking about it at length, as an FCDA board member I am not in favor of the Great Wolf project because I think it does not create enough high paying jobs compared to the other potential uses for this site. Admittedly, as a PTC citizen I am also not in favor for related and different reasons but that is not material for this forum. 


I have not spoken to any other FCDA Board members and acknowledge that I may very well be in the minority on this matter. However, I would be remiss if Great Wolf is approved and I did not at least make these thoughts known. 


Thank you in advance for giving these thoughts and suggestions some consideration,


Todd Strickland 




From: Emily Poole [] Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 9:57 AMTo: ToddCc: Darryl Hicks; Mike King; Alan Durham; Nathan Lee; Pat Hinchey; Dennis Dorsey; John Woody; Richard Whiteley; Margaret Maggie Laton; Greg Clifton; Greg Clifton; Tom FSubject: Re: Great wolf / GA Tech study


Good morning!

Attached is the final report regarding Great Wolf. As we noted, the scope of the report includes Fayette County, and the region. 

A copy has already been provided to Mayor and Council in Peachtree City, and I will be happy to send a copy to the County Commission today.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this report. 


Also, per our Board direction, and as you mentioned, Todd, this is an effort to provide objective information only for the Great Wolf Lodge location. All data highlighted is for informational purposes, in order to gain a full understanding of the potential impact of the project. There are certainly alternative options for this site, and the suggestions you mention here are quite viable. 


Thank you for your continued input and support!




[[Darryl Hicks is chairman of the FCDA.]]


On Mar 17, 2015, at 11:37 AM, Darryl <> wrote:


Todd, I agree, we should be clear that our board’s intent was to commission an objective impact study; and, as a board we have not taken a position on this project. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone




[[This email is from the FCDA’s president and CEO, Alan Durham.]]

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Work <> wrote:


Todd, I understand completely. I spoke with Georgia Tech regarding expanding the scope of the economic impact study to include alternate development scenarios. 


Tech could not provide an analysis without basic project information such as square footage constructed, capital investment, number of jobs created and average salaries. 


We simply do not know how much office space and new jobs the site could theoretically support; any guesstimate we could make would be purely made up. Furthermore, given the condition of the economy and tight lending standards, it is highly unlikely that anyone will get financing for a speculative office development. 


If you have any questions please let me know.

Sent from my iPhone




[[Tom Fulton is an FCDA board member.]]


From: Tom Fulton [] Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 2:22 PMTo: WorkCc: Darryl; Todd; Mike King; Emily Poole; Nathan Lee; Pat Hinchey; Dennis Dorsey; John Woody; Richard Whiteley; Margaret Maggie Laton; Greg Clifton; Greg CliftonSubject: Re: Great wolf / GA Tech study


I submit we could use existing office park development as a proxy for potential new development. 


As an example 700 Westpark Dr is a 93,000 sf building sitting on 8 acres. It is approximately 23,000 per floor. 


874 W. Lanier (Prestige Park), on 54 just west of Fayetteville, is a 2 story 41,235 sf development sitting on 3 acres.


The current Dolce development occupies approximately 20 acres (excluding the pond). It wouldn’t be a stretch to envision as many as 3 buildings similar in size to the above examples.


With an eye towards the type of properties that would suite the target corporations we are looking for I don’t think it would be a stretch to see an office park development. Granted financing is not a given, but the kind of development we’re talking about would necessarily be with the caliber of players that have access to funding.






[[This email is from Peachtree City Planning Commission member David Connor, whose home is in Coventry subdivision and across Riley Parkway from the Dolce site.]]


From: David Conner [] Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 2:42 PMTo: City Council and City ManagerSubject: Great Wolf Lodge


I will be out of town on Thursday night and won’t be able to speak to this during the public hearing, so I am emailing this to you instead. Please do not approve the rezoning request for the Great Wolf Lodge (GWL). 


My home is located in the Coventry subdivision at 100 Hermitage Pl which is the second residential property downstream from this development.


I have a perfectly clear view of the buildings on this property from any room on the back of my house. I do not want to see water slide tubes (even if they are painted a neutral color) from my kitchen, living room, sunroom, deck, and backyard, and I am sure you would not want to from your house, either. Nor do I want to see buildings with increased heights on already developed lots from my kitchen, living room, sunroom, deck, and backyard, and I am sure you would not want to from your house, either.


I went to the GWL park in Concord, NC prior to the Planning Commission’s public hearing on this rezoning (which was a unanimous no vote). I drove around the dirt road into the open field behind the GWL there, and the smell of Chlorine was very strong. I do not want to smell Chlorine from my kitchen, living room, sunroom, deck, and backyard, and I am sure you would not want to from your house, either.


The noise that emanates from the building is remarkably loud. I don’t want to hear the constant noise from the pumping equipment from my kitchen, living room, sunroom, deck, and backyard, and I am sure you would not want to from your house, either.


The cart path that runs behind my house and up to this property has a dangerous blind curve immediately before the bridge that crosses the creek. My son was hit and run over by a golf cart there two years ago while riding his bike, and fortunately, he only suffered a broken ankle. It would only be a matter of time before the GWL theme park resort would recognize that they could market the golf cart system as an added attraction to their patrons that they would be drawing from a 200 mile radius. I would anticipate most of these patrons would not be near as savvy with golf carts and golf cart path safety as our citizens. I do not want to have my property located next to the gateway for dumping their patrons onto our path system, and I am sure you would not want them “learning” to enjoy our cart paths next to your property, either.


If you are currently in favor of this project because you want the city to receive the tax revenues, please reconsider; it would be akin to prostituting the city for tax revenues.


If you are currently in favor of this project because you are concerned that the property might go vacant, don’t be. Peachtree City is a jewel and is special. This is recognized by the free market outside of our bubble. Maintain what makes us special in the first place by not allowing GWL here, and we will be rewarded by the free market with a proper development.


If you are currently favor of this project because you are worried about what might come instead (Hooters’ corporate headquarters, national museum for tattoos, something else that is much more intense than what exists today or what is being proposed, etc), please don’t operate out of fear. Operate on facts and consistency. If this does not pass and something worse comes along, vote it down, too.


If you are currently in favor of this project for some other reason, please let me know, because I can’t think of any other reasons. Peachtree City is better than this. Let them go up near Dixieland Fun Park in Fayetteville, but not here. The soul of Peachtree City is not worth the tax revenues.


I’d be happy to discuss this further with any or all of you if you like. My cell number is [redacted]. DC


David H Conner




[[City Manager Pennington asks a city department head a one-word question about Connor’s email.]]


Subject: FW: Great Wolf Lodge

From: James Pennington <>

Date: 3/17/15, 3:14 PM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>






Subject: Video from Great Wolf Lodge

From: David Conner <>

Date: 3/17/15, 3:15 PM

To: City Council and City Manager <>



Here is a video I shot while standing behind the GWL in Charlotte, NC. Turn your volume up until you can hear the birds chirp. That will give you a good reference for how much sound was coming out of the building. If after doing so, you are not concerned about the noise, then the video did not do it justice, and I recommend you go up and experience it for yourself (along with smelling the Chlorine and looking at seeing the size of the slide tubes & the big funnel slide). If you don’t plan on doing that, then trust me when I say that you would not want it in your backyard…


David H Conner




On Mar 17, 2015, at 6:52 PM, Todd <> wrote:


All – A few quick comments … 


Tom’s suggestion to do a comparison analysis using office space is valid IMO. It is my understanding that this is Alan’s area of expertise. Does it make sense for him to pull together a conceptual comparison report for reference by PTC City Council… I defer to Darryl on this matter… it is likely too late but something we should keep in mind next time. 


After a quick glance of the GA Tech study it is definitely informative but the document has some very subjective terminology (ie – “first class resort with thrilling waterslides”). Thus, it comes across at the beginning as a promotional document instead of a unrelated third party providing objective info. I recommend removing these subjective terms prior to publishing to elected officials and the public. As you get further into document there is certainly some good data. However, the jobs created have and average salary of $25,842 per year (Table 1… $13.8M divided by 534 direct jobs)… and as I said before this is low IMO relative to the other possible uses for this property. 


I am sure this will lead to some good discussions re future projects for the FCDA… Look forward to the meeting next week.


Thanks – Todd




[[FCDA fellow board member Strickland urges Councilman King to consider other uses of the Dolce site.]]


Subject: FW: Great wolf / GA Tech study

From: Todd <>

Date: 3/17/15, 6:59 PM

To: Mike King <>


Mike – I will be out of town the rest of this week but I hope you and the other council members will at least give some consideration to other potential uses for the Dolce site. Great Wolf certainly adds some tax dollars but could PTC do better…??? A lot of pros and cons to work out… and that’s why they pay you the big bucks!!! I look forward to hearing how things go. Best – Todd




From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:25 PM

To: David Rast; Laura Hester; Brian K. Rochester; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Revised Meeting Date


Hi David, We had several meetings today and were advised to create more exhibits  for the council meeting which will require us to move the meeting  until April 2. I think that with the new exhibits people will get a clearer view of what this resort actually is.

Thanks for your help,



Sent from my iPhone




On Mar 17, 2015, at 9:20 PM, Darryl <> wrote:


I’ve asked Alam to place the item on the agenda for discussion. Although we do not have a say-so on what goes on that site, I think the discussion will be worthwhile and beneficial for future endeavors.


Sent from my iPhone


MARCH 18——————————————————————————————


[[A very busy day of email communications.]]


From: David Borkowski Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:50 AM To: ‘Lusher, Eric’ Cc: Fangmann, Richard; David Rast; Jonathan Rorie Subject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive Importance: High


Question on the study before we take to City Council this Thursday.


Citizen brought up concern that our restaurant traffic numbers are too low. Specifically he said that the numbers don’t reflect all the draw from the “Public” that may want to come to the restaurants. Apparently the restaurants are open to anyone who wants to come and eat and you don’t have to be staying at the hotel to eat there.

Is this a concern or are the trip numbers calculated based on the restaurant square footage and anyone who wants to come?

Please advise. Thanks!


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: David Borkowski [] Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 9:52 AMTo: Lusher, EricCc: Fangmann, Richard; David Rast; Jonathan RorieSubject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World DriveImportance: High


I forwarded wrong email string. My question below is for the Great Wolf lodge (Dolce/Red Riding hood) traffic study and not the one on World Drive.



David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: Jonathan Rorie Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:03 AMTo: David BorkowskiSubject: 


Can you tell me how much paving is required to complete the Macduff parkway. I need to know based on square feet and acreage.


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone




From: David Borkowski 

Date: Wed, Mar 18, 2015 10:23 AM

To: Jonathan Rorie;

Subject: RE: 


Ruff numbers based on 2, 14’ travel lanes and LT and RT lanes at each intersection we have about 370,000 square feet or 8.5 acres of asphalt.


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: Jonathan Rorie Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:26 AM To: David Rast Cc: David Borkowski Subject: Fw: 


David Rast, How much more impervious surface is Great Wolf proposing to add?


Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone




[[In the next email the traffic study provider explains the criteria used to perform the GWL traffic impact study. Note that the study criteria uses hotel and associated restaurant data but omits the other dozen retail establishments onsite that would specifically be open to the general public. Why that significant aspect was not considered is not explained, but the omission apparently didn’t raise any caution flags with city staff. David Rast gives his take on it below in an email later on this date.]]


From: Lusher, Eric [] Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 10:32 AM To: David Borkowski Cc: Fangmann, Richard; David Rast; Jonathan Rorie Subject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive


No worries. Please let me know if you believe the statements below are sufficient to address the concern prior to taking to City Council. 


For the trip generation, we used the ITE Trip Generation Manual, which collects various correlative rates and equations between certain aspects of different land uses and the amount of traffic generated by that land use. For this study, we used Land Use: 301- Hotel using a correlation between the number of proposed hotel rooms and traffic generated. As stated in the memorandum documenting the analysis, the ITE Trip Generation Manual states that this land use category “includes places of lodging that provide sleeping accommodations and supporting facilities such as restaurants, cocktail lounges, meeting and banquet rooms or convention facilities, limited recreational facilities, and/or other retail and service shops.” As a result, even though the trip generation is correlated to the number of hotel rooms in each scenario, the results include the impact of other facilities open to the general public (such as restaurants) at these types of land uses. Therefore, the trip generation numbers provided do include the restaurant traffic and any preparation of a separate trip generation analysis focusing on the restaurant use would effectively be double-counting.


Additionally, you may also note that the analysis prepared is a comparison of the traffic generated by the existing versus proposed land use intensity. The existing land use includes 25,199 square feet of restaurant space and the proposed use includes 22,442 square feet of restaurant space – therefore the proposed land use actually has 2,757 square feet less restaurant space . Though it would be inappropriate to utilize (as stated above), any theoretical separate trip generation analysis focusing on the restaurant space would indicate the volume of ‘restaurant’ traffic would actually be less with the proposed land use versus the existing land use.


Eric Lusher, AICP

Senior Project Manager

Pond & Company

Architects n Engineers n Planners




Subject: Re: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/18/15, 10:58 AM

To: “Lusher, Eric” <>

CC: David Borkowski <>, “Fangmann, Richard” <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


I have some info from great wolf related to outside visits at other parks. Out of the office until early afternoon – will forward when I return. Thanks.




Subject: GWR Meeting Extension

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/18/15, 11:06 AM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>


Hi David, Just left you a voicemail. Let me know if you got my email last night about postponing our hearing until April 2,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: David Borkowski Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 11:29 AMTo: Lusher, EricCc: Fangmann, Richard; David Rast; Jonathan RorieSubject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive




David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




[[Councilman and FCDA board member Mike King disagrees with other members of the FCDA board. Those other board members seem to question the wisdom of locating GWL on the Dolce site. This may provide some clue to the motivation behind King’s recent resignation from the FCDA board.]]


Subject: Re: Great wolf / GA Tech study

From: Mike King <>

Date: 3/18/15, 2:38 PM

To: Darryl <>

CC: Todd <>, Tom Fulton <>, Work <>, Emily Poole <>, Nathan Lee <>, Pat Hinchey <>, Dennis Dorsey <>, John Woody <>, “Richard Whiteley” <>, Margaret Maggie Laton <>, Greg Clifton <>, “Greg Clifton” <>


Great discussion guys, but the fact that GWL currently has an option on the property pretty much mutes all of the “what ifs” mentioned as being opinionated better alternatives. 

If FCDA is willing to purchase that option away from the current owners we may have a say, but until then…..

Facts are the property is zoned general commercial, it was so zoned prior to the adjacent homes being developed, and there is little our Authority can do until Council makes their decision. 


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: RE: Traffic Impact Study for Proposed Hotel and Office on World Drive

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/18/15, 2:41 PM

To: David Borkowski <>, “Lusher, Eric” <>

CC: “Fangmann, Richard” <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


This is the verbiage I was talking about earlier – does not entirely address the question, but does give an overview of the daily visits at their other locations. When I spoke with Great Wolf, they indicated there is not a significant number of outside visitors coming to the property to eat – their internal restaurants are geared more towards the guests staying at the facility. No fine dining and no dedicated bar – they said the most outside visitors they see are small birthday parties that want to use the amenities, and those are designed primarily for the 2-12 year olds.


Let me know if you need further clarification from Great Wolf. Thanks.


4) Has GWL provided any information about number of car visitors each weekday, i.e. is most of their traffic on Fridays and Sundays?

5) What is the percentage of occupancy at GWL at their other locations? What do they anticipate in PTC? How many cars per week would then be anticipated in a 400 room hotel?


The latest occupancy figures for Generation II GWL’s (400 room resorts) is in the 65% to 70% occupancy range. We anticipate the proposed GWL in PTC to be in this range or slightly higher due to the strong market demographics of Atlanta compared to other Gen II markets such as Concord, Mason, etc.


Average occupancy mid-week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) is 45-55%, while on Weekends (Friday, Saturday) we experience 90-100% occupancy. Since guests have access to the waterpark the day of arrival prior to when their room is ready, and past check out time the day of departure, we don’t experience a rush of guest checking in right at check in time or exiting right at check-out time. This spreads the arrivals and departures more evenly throughout the day. It is hard to predict the number of cars per day since the duration of stay is variable.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




On 3/18/15, 2:57 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Thanks – we will prepare a memo and provide to council this afternoon.

Based on the timing of the April 2 meeting, there would not be a requirement to re-advertise. Will let you know on Friday if there is any discussion about this tomorrow evening. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 3:13 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Laura Hester; Brian K. Rochester; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: Revised Meeting Date


Thanks David,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Request for possible new date for GWL public hearing

From: James Pennington <>

Date: 3/18/15, 3:22 PM

To: City Council and City Manager <>

CC: Ted Meeker <>, Betsy Tyler <>, Deborah Lemay <>, David Rast <>, Jonathan Rorie <>




David Rast received the following email from a GWL representative late last night. Apparently, GWL wants to prepare more materials for a public hearing.



To: David Rast; Laura Hester; Brian K. Rochester; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Revised Meeting Date


Hi David,

We had several meetings today and were advised to create more exhibits for the council meeting which will require us to move the meeting until April 2. I think that with the new exhibits people will get a clearer view of what this resort actually is.

Thanks for your help,






I bring this to your attention and I realize it is very late to do so, but I have little control over the timing of their request. However, Council has control over the decision to either negate the request or move forward with the public hearing tomorrow night. I have discussed with Ted and the decision is firmly in your hands. From a legal perspective, If the Council decided to move to the April 2nd meeting you would still be within the allotted advertising time period. Please let me know your thoughts in the meantime GWL will be informed to be ready to proceed tomorrow, and of course you can make the decision publically tomorrow night. 






Subject: RE:

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/18/15, 3:40 PM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: David Borkowski <>


2.15 acres – all new parking. The building is a wash – removing 54,000 SF of building and replacing with 54,800 SF


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




On 3/18/15, 5:37 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


I am attaching the e-mail the City Manager sent to Council – realize 

this is short notice (and I will confirm in the morning) but it may be 

advisable to have someone here tomorrow night just in case council 

wants to discuss this request or the rezoning proposal.


Pls. advise if there are any questions.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Revised Meeting Date

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/18/15, 5:43 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Laura Hester <>, “Brian K. Rochester” <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Thanks for the info David.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[Here GWL’s Pline discloses a meeting with the mayor and two council members (unnamed) and found out before the general public that the postponement was a done deal, even before any public vote. City Attorney Ted Meeker the next day criticizes a headline in The Citizen that he characterizes as “misleading” because no vote had been taken on the postponement matter. It appears GWL already knew.]]


From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:02 PM

To: David Rast

Cc: Laura Hester; Brian K. Rochester; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: Revised Meeting Date


Hi David, I see that we are on the agenda as “request to continue to April 2nd”.

Does that mean that at the meeting they can elect to hear the case regardless of our request?

We met with the mayor and two councilmen yesterday (not all at once) and they knew we were going to postpone and were OK with it. Is it just a simple majority to allow the continuance?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Revised Meeting Date

From: David Rast <>

Date: 3/18/15, 6:18 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: ‘Laura Hester’ <>, “’Brian K. Rochester’” <>, ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>


Yes – I was hoping you had already reached out to them about this. 

The majority (3) would need to vote in favor of continuing the public hearing. Likewise, it would take 3 votes to deny the request, and for the public hearing to be heard. I think what Jim was trying to state in his e-mail was ‘we received a request to continue from the Applicant, Staff is presenting the request, and Council must decide whether or not to honor the request.’ 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


MARCH 19——————————————————————————————


[[Resident Mike LaTella questions city officials about the GWL request for another postponement in the public hearing for the rezoning and variance request.]]


On Mar 19, 2015, at 1:50 AM, Mike LaTella <> wrote:


City Attorney Meeker, Mayor Fleisch, and Council Members Imker, Learnard, King and Ernst:


I am confused by the statement published online at The Citizen tonight (Wednesday, 3/18 6:27 PM) announcing yet another request by the Great Wolf Lodge of Georgia, LLC (GWL) to postpone the public hearing on their proposed development of a lodge and water park on the current Dolce property. I don’t know what the implications of this request could be and am asking for a public explanation. 

Can GWL withdraw the request up to the start of the council meeting, resulting in the hearing and potential vote occurring Thursday, 3/19 anyway? Is it within the realm of Council discretion to deny the request for postponement with the same result? 

For what it is worth, I am a little tired of doing the hokey pokey with this group from GWL. It is troublesome that we are being asked to trust them with responsibly planning, building and maintaining this significant and complicated operation, and yet they can’t even honor the proposal deadline that they themselves set. I hope you will take this disrespectful incompetence into consideration when determining what to do. 

An email to the PTC mailing list and a statement for the local papers is necessary to keep the citizens informed of exactly what is going on here. It’s not a public hearing if no one is sure when it is. 

Thank you, 


Mike LaTella




[[The York County, Virginia Sheriff’s Department responded to a request for crime reports associated with GWL in that county.]]


From: West, Thomas [] Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:52 AMTo: Michelle WardSubject: Great Wolf Lodge


Ms. Ward, Attached you will find a spreadsheet with all of the incident reports that we completed between March 17, 2014 and March 17, 2015. The spreadsheet contains basic information but I believe that it will satisfy your request. If you need more detailed information about specifics of a case please call me at either number listed below. 

The second attached item is the list of calls for service to the Great Wolf Lodge. Please understand that virtually every incident report stemmed from a call for service so you can utilize the calls for service report as the total number of times the YPSO responded to the Great Wolf Lodge and the incident reports spreadsheet as the amount of times those calls for service actually generated a report. Also, our agency requires that deputies complete patrol checks of business and residential areas throughout the night. Our deputies call dispatch over the radio and advise when they do a patrol check and dispatch marks it as a call for service. You may see elevated calls for service but please understand that they may be elevated by the number of patrol checks completed for the property. 

For some clarity, Field Initiated will be an officer initiated activity like a traffic stop or patrol check. Beside the Field Initiated you will see Special (special security assignment requested by the GWL), or KeepCK (directed patrols by the YPSO), etc. 

I hope this helps and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 



Crime/Computer SystemAnalyst

York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office

Yorktown, VA 23692

J.D. “Danny” Diggs, Sheriff




At Mar 19, 2015, 9:23:09 AM, Vanessa Fleisch<’’> wrote:

Hi Mike,

Per our ordinances. we are permitted to grant continuances. It is my understanding that Great Wolf is continuing to listen to residents of our community and wants additional time to modify their proposal based upon feedback they have gotten from citizens. 

Take care, 


Vanessa Fleisch 

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




[[Below, resident Mike LaTella asks the pertinent question: “Will you (postpone)?” The city attorney responds that to do so would be a violation of the Open Meetings law. However, three council members, including the mayor, had told GWL the day before that the postponement was a done deal. The upshot was the council majority was telling GWL things that the city attorney explained to a citizen should not be shared. Maybe the city attorney would like to make a ruling on that.]]


From: Mike LaTella <>

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 10:05 AM

To: “” <>

Cc: “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, Ted Meeker <>

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?


Hi Vanessa. Thank you for your reply. I understand you can grant a continuance. My question is will you? My concern is that either residents will show up to participate and not have a hearing or they won’t show up and there will be a hearing. We just need to know one way or the other




At Mar 19, 2015, 10:13:56 AM, Ted Meeker<’’> wrote:



The only way to answer that is that they have to vote one way or another tonight. Giving an answer right now via email could be a violation of the Georgia Open Meetings laws.

From a legal standpoint, some confusion has been created because of what the Citizen posted. While that has been corrected, it has left many with the same questions you are raising. I am looking at several aspects of this to make sure that due process is afforded to all on this issue and to make sure that the City complies with the Zoning Procedures Law.






From: Mike LaTella <>

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 11:54 AM

To: Ted Meeker <>, “” <>

Cc: “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?


It would make sense then to approve the request for postponement to eliminate confusion and have a new set date for the hearing. To deny the request may be legal, but would give the impression of manipulating public input. 




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?

From: Mike LaTella <>

Date: 3/19/15, 11:58 AM

To: “” <>, “” <>, Vanessa Fleisch <>

CC: Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, Kim Learnard <>, Terry Ernst <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>, “Pamela Dufresne” <>


Keep in mind that while this is being discussed internally the public still doesn’t have any clear direction on whether or not there will be a public hearing tonight and thus, whether they should attend. I urge Mayor Fleisch to do what is necessary to inform the public exactly what the status is of tonight’s hearing. According to the Citizen, this has been postponed.


Thank you




On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Mike LaTella <> wrote:


Keep in mind that while this is being discussed internally the public still doesn’t have any clear direction on whether or not there will be a public hearing tonight and thus, whether they should attend. I urge Mayor Fleisch to do what is necessary to inform the public exactly what the status is of tonight’s hearing. According to the Citizen, this has been postponed.


Thank you




From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 12:09 PM

To: City Council and City Manager <>, Ted Meeker <>

Cc: James Pennington <>, David Rast <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

Subject: Re: Great wolf


Hi Ted,

I want to be sure I understand the dates. I think April 16th is too far out. April 3rd is that enough time for legal notice? I do have concerns about it being Good Friday but the alternative would be Spring Break week.



Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 12:11 PM

To: Mike LaTella <>

Cc: Ted Meeker <>, Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, Kim Learnard <>, Terry Ernst <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>, Pamela Dufresne <>

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?


Hi Mi,e,

I saw you just called, we are conferring with Ted, as to how to remedy the situation given the newspaper account. 



Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




From: Ted Meeker []

Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:20 PM

To: Mike LaTella; Vanessa Fleisch

Cc: Eric Imker; Mike King; Kim Learnard; Terry Ernst; David Rast; Betsy Tyler; Pamela Dufresne

Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?


Hence my comment about Due Process. I am aware of the confusion that has been created by the news article. I also know how to solve it from a legal standpoint. In terms of the action tonight, that word will have to come from the Council in open session.






On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:27 PM, Ted Meeker <> wrote:


In my opinion, the best way to solve the legal aspects of this issue would be to continue the hearing until April 16th. That assumes that Council does not want to proceed tonight, and that the matter will be continued.

April 3rd is not feasible. We would have to run the ad tomorrow. Given that we will not know what the final answer is on the continuance until tonight, that is impossible to do.

April 6th is spring break week. Doing the hearing that week can lead to arguments about whether people would be in town, etc.

April 16th eliminates the notice issue and the spring break issue.






[[Again, in the email below, City Attorney Meeker must be unaware that three members of council, including the mayor, on the previous day already have told the rezoning applicant that the meeting would be postponed. The only people, apparently, who did not know this was the city attorney and the public.]]


Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?

From: Ted Meeker <>

Date: 3/19/15, 12:36 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>, Mike LaTella <>

CC: Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, Kim Learnard <>, Terry Ernst <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>, “Pamela Dufresne” <>


Again, the confusion was created by the Citizen, not the City. The city’s website indicates that a request to continue has been made. Continuing any matter requires council action.

I would love to give you a clear answer. I can tell you that since I started serving the City in 2003, I do not recall there ever being a situation where public input was limited or thwarted. I do not see that occurring in this instance either.






[Councilman Eric Imker suggests some information about the postponement request be disseminated.]]


Subject: RE: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?

From: Eric Imker <>

Date: 3/19/15, 12:49 PM

To: Ted Meeker <>, Mike LaTella <>, Vanessa Fleisch <>

CC: Mike King <>, Kim Learnard <>, Terry Ernst <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>, Pamela Dufresne <>



I think it would be prudent for the city (Ms. Tyler?) to tweet out or communicate in some way to as many citizens as possible the status of what may happen tonight.

Keep it clear (I’d normally say simple but this is not simpleto the average citizen). Something like,


Council has received a request by GWL to delay hearing their proposal until April 2nd.

This does not mean the hearing will automatically be postponed.

Council has two choices tonight that will resolved the unknown status.

Vote to accept the GWL request and postpone the agenda item to a future date (not necessarily April 2nd) or

vote to deny the request and move forward with the public hearing and vote on the agenda item.

We do not know at this time which way council will vote.


Please know that if the agenda item moves forward tonight, councilthen has potentially four choices:

1 – Deny the request to allow GWL tobuild their park

2 – Approvethe request to allow GWL tobuild their park

3 – Send the agenda item back to the Planning Commission for further analysis since it is known changes have been made since it was last heard by the Planning Commission

4 – Continue again the agenda item to a future date.

Again, we do not know at this time which way council will vote if the agenda item were to move forward tonight.


I think sending this message out would be well received by many of the citizens.





On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Terry Ernst <> wrote:


Thanks for clearing that up Ted!


Sent from my iPhone




On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Mike King <> wrote:


Thanks Ted.


Sent from my iPad

Mike King

Peachtree City Council

Post 2




Subject: Re: Great wolf

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 3/19/15, 1:04 PM

To: Mike King <>

CC: Terry Ernst <>, Ted Meeker <>, City Council and City Manager <>, “James Pennington” <>, David Rast <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


Thank you Ted


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




Subject: Re: Great Wolf Lodge Postponement?

From: Mike LaTella <>

Date: 3/19/15, 1:31 PM

To: “” <>, Vanessa Fleisch <>

CC: Eric Imker <>, Mike King <>, Kim Learnard <>, Terry Ernst <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>, “Pamela Dufresne” <>


Thanks Ted. We are on the same page re “due process, part of which would seem to require a clear and consistent message of when the public hearing will be.




Subject: Meeting Continuance

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 3/19/15, 1:43 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “Hester, Laura” <>, Alex Lombardo <>


Hi David, We were advised today that the next hearing date for our re-zoning request could not be until April 16th due to the requirement that there must be 15 day notice of a zoning hearing, even a continuance.

This seems to be different than how we have been operating, and I had a few questions:


1. Peachtree’s agenda for tonights hearing was revised yesterday stating that we had requested a continuance to April 2nd, and The Citizen published the change yesterday on the web version of the newspaper. Do either of these constitute an official notice which would satisfy the 15 days?


2. If 15 days notice is required, even for continuances, that mens the Council can never move a zoning hearing to the next meeting. Is that the process that the City has been following?


Just want to understand the rules better. As always thank you for your assistance,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Great Wolf emails

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 3/19/15, 3:37 PM

To: James Pennington <>


Jim – looks like you were left out of the loop on most of these.



[[Tyler then forwards the emails discussing the implications of the postponement request.]]


MARCH 21——————————————————————————————


From: John Dufresne [] 

Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:16 PM

To: Betsy Tyler

Subject: Official Request – Great Wolf Lodge




Has Great Wolf submitted a Special Use permit application?




John Dufresne


MARCH 22——————————————————————————————


From: John Dufresne [] 

Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2015 5:34 AM

To: Betsy Tyler

Subject: Official Request – Great Wolf




Great Wolf is requesting a rezoning to LUC, shouldn’t there be a draft ordinance to approve since an LUC is an addition to the zoning ordinances?




John Dufresne


MARCH 23——————————————————————————————


From: Betsy Tyler 

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 9:59 AM

To: David Rast; Jonathan Rorie

Subject: FW: Official Request – Great Wolf – LUC Ordinance?


David / Jon – just a heads up, as I have responded to this one, but do we have an ordinance to accompany the rezoning, if it is approved?




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




From: Betsy Tyler 

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 10:00 AM

To: John Dufresne

Cc: David Rast; Jennis Rice

Subject: RE: Official Request – Great Wolf Lodge

Importance: High


John – copying David and Jennis on this to see if one has come in.



Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




From: David Rast 

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 10:38 AM

To: Betsy Tyler; John Dufresne

Cc: Jennis Rice

Subject: RE: Official Request – Great Wolf Lodge


No. They are not requesting a Special Use Permit, nor is one required.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: David Rast 

Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 10:38 AM

To: Betsy Tyler

Cc: Jonathan Rorie

Subject: RE: Official Request – Great Wolf – LUC Ordinance?


Not yet – we had an attachment in the packet that said this was to be added. We will have this for the April 19 meeting.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: Official Request – Great Wolf Lodge

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 3/23/15, 10:41 AM

To: David Rast <>


Thanks David.


Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




RE: Official Request – Great Wolf – LUC Ordinance?.eml

Subject: RE: Official Request – Great Wolf – LUC Ordinance?

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 3/23/15, 10:44 AM

To: David Rast <>


Awesome, thanks.


Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk

City of Peachtree City




On Mar 23, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Betsy Tyler <> wrote:

OK, I have revised based on input from both Ted (remove “disorderly conduct citation” and Vanessa (sign up to speak), added a quote, and reorganized a bit.

Comments welcome J


<Great Wolf Rezoning Request Moved to April 16.docx>


MARCH 24——————————————————————————————


From: Vanessa Fleisch Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:04 AM To: Betsy Tyler Cc: Ted Meeker (; James Pennington Subject: Re: Press Release on Great Wolf Hearing – REVISED


Hi Betsy,

Thanks for doing this, I had a change or two but I think that events are fluid and I would like to hold off on releasing until all of us have talked about it.

Thank you,

Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad




On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Kim Learnard <> wrote:

Hi Emily, interesting question from a citizen. Can you answer this one for me and I’ll forward to the citizen?

Call me if you prefer.


“I would like to understand what the role the FCDA is playing in regards to Great Wolf and if there has been any discussions of any financial assistance, incentives, ect… offered by the FCDA or state?”


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3


MARCH 25——————————————————————————————


Subject: Re: FW: Great Wolf Question

From: Emily Poole <>

Date: 3/25/15, 11:41 AM

To: Kim Learnard <>


Good morning!

There are no incentives being offered from the FCDA.

At the State level, there have been discussion about the potential use of a program for large-scale tourism projects, known as ‘Regional Economic Assistance Projects’, or ‘REAP’, but that application process has not been completed. And, I’m not sure that this project would qualify for the REAP program, anyway. I’ve attached a REAP fact sheet for your review.

The short answer: no, no incentives are currently on offer for this project.


MARCH 28——————————————————————————————


[[The email below is notification to the city that a petition on has been launched.]]


Subject: 100 more people signed “Peachtree City Council: Deny Rezoning and Buffer Waivers for Great Wolf Lodge of Georgia LLC”

From: “” <>

Date: 3/28/15, 2:09 PM

To: City Council and City Manager <>


New signatures Peachtree City Council – This petition addressed to you on has new activity. See progress and respond to the campaign’s supporters. 

Peachtree City Council: Deny Rezoning and Buffer Waivers for Great Wolf Lodge of Georgia LLCPetition by Kristen Walker · 100 supporters 100 more people signedView petition activity RECENT SUPPORTERS James BenitPeachtree City, GA · Mar 28, 2015 I don’t want all the added noise, lights and business. I own a home in Preston chase which is directly behind the property. Kellie benitNewnan, GA · Mar 28, 2015 i own a house in the subdivision directly behind the proposed sight. I do not want the noise, lights, and etc in my house…. Nancy KendallPeachtree City, GA · Mar 26, 2015 I believe this is bad for our community! Crystal HuntPeachtree City, GA · Mar 22, 2015 I do not want the value of my property to go down. We work hard for what we have and it wouldn’t be fair for GWL to take it away. Suzanne PowellPeachtree City, GA · Mar 22, 2015 I feel that GWL would be a terrible thing for our community.View all 100 supporters CHANGE.ORG FOR DECISION MAKERS 

On, decision makers like you connect directly with people around the world to resolve issues. Respond to let the people petitioning you know you’re listening, say whether you agree with their call to action, or ask them for more information. Learn more. 


This notification was sent to, the address listed as the decision maker contact by the petition starter. If this is incorrect, please post a response to let the petition starter know. · 548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA 


MARCH 29——————————————————————————————


From: Eric Imker

Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 2:50 PM

To: Kim Learnard

Subject: Great Wolf Revenue Questions


Kim, I’ve created my own chart for subject.

GWL’s material is way to convoluted to be able to figure anything out.

My chart assumes steady state after say 3 years.

It provides for real time adjusting to input figures (in orange) that one would want to change resulting in new revenue numbers.

Most of the data is from the former agenda packet.

I’d like to be able to add to the list on the right items/issues w/o regard to fav or unfav.

When reviewed and understood NOW unhide columns H-J.

This will provide an estimate as to the actual change in revenue projections.

Would like to get your feedback before taking this to staff for their comments/suggestions.

Heck, I may even want to share this at the April 16th mtg real time after hearing the pitch from staff and GWL.





Subject: RE: Great Wolf Revenue Questions

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/29/15, 2:56 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


Where did you get a room rate of $160? I’ll bet it’s double that.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Revenue Questions

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/29/15, 2:59 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


One more consideration:

Does it matter that GWL hasn’t turned a profit since 2004?


One more consideration and this will come up: Whether PTC is here to serve the citizens or PTC or whether we are here to attract people from outside the community, as in make it a tourist destination.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Revenue Questions

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/29/15, 3:20 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


Might do a comparison of total number of parking lots.

Another consideration: if there is a big weekeday demand for hotels for business travelers (which is what Eaton has been telling us), GWL will not address that need.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Revenue Questions

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/29/15, 3:21 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


another consideration for the list: Height


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Revenue Questions

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 3/29/15, 3:28 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


Checked room rates – don’t estimate anything under $250/night in my opinion.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3


MARCH 31——————————————————————————————


From: David Rast <<>>

Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 8:25 AM

To: “Hester, Laura” <<>>

Cc: Patrick Pline <<>>, Alex Lombardo <<>>

Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


Good morning. Checking in for an update on the revised documents – I am out of the office next week and need these to include with the information we provide to Council. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 8:31 AM

To: David Rast; Hester, Laura

Cc: Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – questions


Hi David,


We are working on it now. Ill check to see when we can have it over. We will also have a new narrative.


Do we need a new application?


Are you going to modify the staff report after we send it over?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: David Rast [] 

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:36 PM

To: Patrick Pline; Hester, Laura

Cc: Alex Lombardo

Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


The updated rezoning application should specifically address the proposed building height – the building height is what is requiring the rezoning.


The updated variance application should specifically address the encroachment into the transition yard buffer, which is the only variance you will need.


The uses and site improvements as proposed are permitted and would be reviewed as a part of the site plan review process.


I would also recommend revising the project narrative to address the improvements on the most recent plan submitted.


Regarding the Staff report, I do not foresee any major changes. We will most likely provide an updated cover memo to include the updated applications and narrative, but the substance of our original memo should not change. If anything, I may propose potential conditions for council to consider, which would be incorporated into the ordinance.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


END OF MARCH EMAILS——————————————————————————————


APRIL 1——————————————————————————————


From: Hester, Laura [] 

Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:38 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Patrick Pline

Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions


David – We previously asked if the following items could be clarified in the Position Paper. 


1) Height is measured from the Aberdeen Parkway side of the buildings. 

2) Condition #5 should be limited to exterior lighting.

3) Addressing that the proposed use should not be viewed as mixed-use and the removal of the unsightly water tank as an improvement to the site.


Our revised narrative will incorporate items 1-2, but please consider if your cover memo should address all of the foregoing as well.

Please also let us know the nature of the additional conditions you are planning to include for council consideration.

I anticipate that we will have the revised application and narrative to you this week to facilitate council package submittal.

Thanks again.

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: Eric Imker Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 12:18 PM To: Subject: RE: PTC Status Update

Hi Emily,I’d still like to have a meeting with you. Please let me know when you’ll be in town and available. Best if before April 16th.

Also, please see attached I did on Great Wolf Lodge revenue. 1 pager.

GWL’s material in the last council agenda packet is way to convoluted to be able to figure anything out.

My chart assumes steady state after say 3 years.

I met with Paul Salvatore this morning and we briefly discussed the attached.

The chart provides for real time adjusting to input figures (in orange) that one would want to change resulting in new revenue numbers.

Some of the data is from the former agenda packet.

Paul mentioned you might have the numbers to update the “Orange” cells with more accurate data.

This can be part of our discussion when we meet.

After you’ve understood the format of the chart, then unhide columns H-J.

This will provide an estimate as to the actual change in revenue projections.

Better numbers for Dolce will also be needed.

I’d also like to be able to add to the list on the right items/issues w/o regard to fav or unfav.


Eric Imker




[[Below, City Planner Rast tells GWL what conditions the city will be asking for to go along with the rezoning and variance.]]


Subject: RE: Great Wolf – questions

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/1/15, 2:34 PM

To: “’Hester, Laura’” <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, ‘Patrick Pline’ <>


Thanks – I will address these items in my cover memo to council. 


Here are my thoughts related to additional conditions (note these are not in their final wording…):


The current zoning (GC) is very broad and permits a number of uses. Rezoning the property to LUC would allow us to establish uses applicable to the GW project and, in essence, remove a significant number of uses that might be objectionable should the property be redeveloped in the future. Limiting the permitted uses to what you are proposing would require any subsequent owner and/ or developer to bring their proposal back through the rezoning process to change what is permitted on the property. My thoughts are this would provide the city and perhaps the adjoining property owners with more assurance of what exactly the property could be used for.


Add language related to the Aberdeen Parkway and Riley Parkway road frontages designating these areas as “undisturbed buffers”. Again, to provide assurances that these road frontages would remain natural and would not be cleared for development. The property would still be owned by GW, but would be designated on the site plan as an undisturbed buffer.


Designate that there could be no more than one curb cut into the property from Aberdeen Parkway, and that any future curb cuts on Aberdeen Parkway and Riley Parkway must be approved by City Council.


Add language related to the transition yard buffer, to include field locating the proposed fence to take advantage of existing topography to create a more substantial screen for the adjoining property owners, and to require the addition of supplemental understory, evergreen vegetation to enhance the existing vegetation. My thoughts are the additional vegetation would be limited to the area between the existing service drive and the rear property line and extend from the existing berm to the Engineering building.


Stipulate that the windows in the new hotel building that are facing the rear property line are designed (tinted?) to reduce the amount of light that will be visible from the adjoining property.


Stipulate that the windows on the side of the indoor water park building facing Riley Parkway be designed in a similar manner to reduce the amount of light that will be visible from off-site.


Specify that the light poles for all new site lighting shall be no taller than __’ in height to match the existing light poles. If I am not mistaken, the existing poles are between 16-20’ in height, which helps to reduce glare and light spill.


This one is probably a stretch, but I would like to consider coming up with a percentage of the site that will remain undeveloped/ undisturbed. Again, to provide an assurance that the site will not be clear-cut now or in the future without modifying the zoning conditions or rezoning the property.


Give me a call if you have any questions or if you want to discuss these – I am in the office the remainder of this week but will be checking e-mail while I am out next week. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Eric Imker Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 5:34 PM To: James Pennington Cc: Paul Salvatore Subject: FW: PTC Status Update


Jim,I hope me contacting Emily is OK with you. I realized after sending below that she is a city employee.






Subject: Re: PTC Status Update

From: James Pennington <>

Date: 4/1/15, 6:41 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


No problem meeting with Emily, others do I believe Will review your numbers and be ready to discuss.



Sent from my iPhone


APRIL 2——————————————————————————————


From: Pamela Dufresne Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 8:29 AM To: David Rast Subject: Dolce signs Importance: High


Hi David,

Left you a weird vm, but basically, because my husband told me when he came in from his walk around 7:30 last night, that the dates weren’t on the sign then. This morning, I told him you had emailed the photo last night with the correct dates. THEN, he says they must have come by after he went by there, so I asked him what time, and he said it was after he dropped me off after lunch. Sorry!!! Don’t know why he couldn’t tell me that last night.



Pam Dufresne

Deputy City Clerk

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Dolce signs

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/2/15, 9:41 AM

To: Pamela Dufresne <>


No problem – not the prettiest signs, but they are there!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Intriguing bit of information about a subject most of us in the public knew nothing about: The “blue flu.”]]


Subject: FW: PTC Status Update

From: Paul Salvatore <>

Date: 4/2/15, 9:06 AM

To: James Pennington <>


Hope you are feeling better and getting that rest the doctor ordered. Wanted to fill you in on what Eric talked about yesterday so you are aware:


· SPLOST – wants to approach County (possibly by himself) to discuss the possibility of them putting another SPLOST on the ballot. In addition to transportation infrastructure, his thought was to also have them include something else. Due to the possible legal (and political) ramifications of what he discussed, I would prefer to just discuss with you. Andy was in the room for part of that discussion.

· Great Wolf Lodge – He thought the incremental impact would be a lot less than what has been presented and seemed opposed to granting a variance. Wants more information from Emily.

· Court Fines – believes ‘blue flu’ is over and that we could project about $200K more in court fine revenue this year

· Pay Plan – still has a very strong opinion on this – we can discuss


I can elaborate on some of this when you are feeling better and care to discuss. About to head into a training session.


April 3——————————————————————————————


[[In the next email Mayor Fleisch receives the forwarded final rezoning and variance requests from GWL.]]


Subject: Great Wolf Rezoning Request Moved to April 16.docx

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/3/15, 2:56 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>


Final version


Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

From: “Hester, Laura” <>

Date: 4/3/15, 5:05 PM

To: David Rast <>, Patrick Pline <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>, “Bryson. Heezen” <>


David – Attached please find the Revised Narrative on behalf of Great Wolf Resorts. Thank you for the direction provided on the application updates below, please note that we will be sure to indicate that the updated rezoning and variance applications are “amended” rather than new applications.

Please let us know if you have any questions or require anything further prior to the distribution of Council packages next week.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




[[April 6-17 emails]]

[[From Betsy Tyler]]

OK, these are the final two emails I am providing right now – I withheld 78 emails that are protected under attorney-client privilege. I have another 550 that were citizen correspondence that would require some type of printing and redaction of personal email addresses. There were seven additional emails that came up in the search that included attachments to large to forward or to even copy from the search engine into my regular email program (these are the plans and documents that ended up on the web site). I’ve tried to eliminate duplicates and mass mailings (like staff sending out agendas to everyone with Great Wolf as one of the agenda items, or my weekly emails to everyone talking about Great Wolf on an agenda or requesting a postponement). 



APRIL 6——————————————————————————————


[[Dolce manager Blumberg responds to Councilman King’s query about upgrading the Dolce property if the GWL deal falls through. She asks him to call her, leaving no email trail.]]


Subject: RE: Upgrade of Dolche Property

From: Wende Blumberg <>

Date: 4/6/15, 10:31 AM

To: Mike King <>


Mike, can you call me? 




From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 11:58 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Hester, Laura

Subject: Hearing Items


Hi David,


I know you are out this week but I had a couple of questions:


1. Do we have sound at the hearing? We want to play a short video.

2. I hear that we have one hour for our presentation and the public has 

one hour. Does “our” one hour include others (Fayette county EDU, etc) 

that will speak in favor of the project?

Let me know,




Patrick Pline | Director of Development Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.


APRIL 7——————————————————————————————


Subject: Minutes / Great Wolf

From: Jennis Rice <>

Date: 4/7/15, 6:07 PM

To: David Rast <>


I will send the minutes over in the morning.

Also, I’m sure you remember this but I got a call this afternoon checking to be sure there would be a position paper/memo for Great Wolf for the packet on Friday … (so sorry L).

I hope you’re having a good and restful time!


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City


APRIL 8——————————————————————————————


From: Hester, Laura []

Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 2:27 PM

To: ‘Ted Meeker’

Cc: David Rast; ‘Patrick Pline’; Alex Lombardo

Subject: FW: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative


Ted: In light of spring break and David being out of the office this week, 

I’m forwarding the revised application narrative to your attention to 

ensure this is the version included in the council packet being 

distributed on Friday.


Great Wolf will forward the exhibits referenced in the narrative and 

amended applications tomorrow. Please let us know who else among the 

Peachtree City zoning staff should be copied on the transmittals.


I just saw Patrick’s email regarding meeting procedure, as a follow-on 

item, please confirm the Staff’s report is not charged against either 

the Applicant’s or opposition time periods.



Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA


APRIL 9——————————————————————————————


From: Josh Akeman [] 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 10:33 AM

To: Betsy Tyler

Subject: Great Wolf 


I’m told Jim Pace has been directly involved in the great wolf lodge situation and did a presentation for city staff about it at some point. Is that correct?


Josh Akeman,

Fayette County News

Today in Peachtree City

East Coweta Journal




On 4/9/15, 10:41 AM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Good morning! There is sound at the meeting. If possible, can you send me the video in advance so we can make sure it is set up properly?

The one hour ‘for’ and ‘against’ is for public comment. You and your team will have all the time you need to make your presentation. Thanks!


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




On 4/9/15, 10:47 AM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


All – I’m still in FL on vacation but have Wi-Fi and will be working on 

a revised memo for council, which will include the revised narrative 

and exhibits. My goal is to have this ready to send to Ted and others 

for review later this afternoon – pls. send revised applications as 

quickly as you can so I can incorporate those as well.


Ted – I am attaching the response I just sent regarding presentation 

times – pls. advise if I gave incorrect information.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Ted Meeker [] 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 11:11 AM

To: David Rast; ‘Hester, Laura’

Cc: ‘Patrick Pline’; Alex Lombardo

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

Importance: High


Here is the ordinance provision at issue:


Sec. 2-38. – Public hearings.

(b)The following public hearing procedures shall apply to any zoning matters pending before the city council or the planning commission.

(1)The mayor or chairperson will allow each side equal opportunity to the floor and establish time limits. With respect to zoning hearings, each side shall have a minimum time period of ten minutes for each zoning decision. 

(2)Members of the city council or planning commission will become hearers.

No action on their part is in order until the mayor or chairperson declares the hearing complete.

(3)The applicant, and those supporting the issue, including the city staff position (if appropriate) will be heard.

(4)Those opposing the issue, including the city staff (if appropriate) will be heard.

(5)Prior to closing the public hearing input portion of the meeting, the hearers and any member of the public will be given the opportunity to ask questions of either or both sides of the issue.

(6)When the mayor or chairperson is assured that input is complete, the public hearing shall be ended and the appropriate body will then debate the issue and render a decision.


The way I read that, the applicant, public comment, and staff (if in support of the application) are combined into one segment. Council can change that, but that is the way the ordinance reads. Of course, it has been a while since we set time limits, or needed to set time limits.






On 4/9/15, 11:17 AM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


I noted one item in the narrative that needs to be revised. Under the 

revised plan section, item #1 should be revised as follows:


Existing language:

1. Great Wolf has redesigned the waterpark roof to reduce the overall

height from 75’ to 64’-2”. This is now less than 8 feet higher than 

the existing convention center roof, and is the same height as the 

adjoining Hampton Inn Hotel that is located immediately to the west.


Proposed language:

1. Great Wolf has redesigned the waterpark roof to reduce the overall

height from 75’ to 64’-2”. This is now less than 8 feet higher than 

the existing convention center roof, and is similar in height to the 

adjoining Hilton Garden Inn located immediately to the west of the 

Dolce property. It is our understanding the Hilton Garden Inn property 

was rezoned from General Commercial to a Limited Use Commercial zoning 

classification specifically to permit an increase in the height of the 

building to 60’.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Betsy Tyler 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 11:17 AM

To: Jonathan Rorie; Jennis Rice; David Rast; Ted Meeker (

Subject: FW: Great Wolf – Media Question


All – I’m out sick today, but checking email. Josh posed the question below. I believe, based on an open records request I filled last week, there was an introductory meeting in October of last year with Mr. Pace, but don’t know if his involvement has continued beyond that. Can you advise?






From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 11:22 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Hester, Laura

Subject: Re: Hearing Items


Thanks David,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Hearing Items

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/9/15, 11:25 AM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>

CC: “’Hester, Laura’” <>


Pls. see Ted’s latest e-mail – it appears I was mistaken and each side will be limited to one hour for their presentation and comments.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Subject: Re: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 4/9/15, 11:29 AM

To: David Rast <>, “’Hester, Laura’” <>

CC: Alex Lombardo <>, “Bryson. Heezen” <>


Got it,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[City Planner Rast explains the role of developer Jim Pace of Group VI in the GWL negotiations.]]


From: David Rast 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 11:34 AM

To: Betsy Tyler

Cc: Jonathan Rorie; Jennis Rice; Ted Meeker (

Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Media Question


Mr. Pace attended the first meeting (not sure what date), but to my knowledge has not been “directly involved” with any subsequent meetings. Mr. Pace did nothing more than introduce the representatives from Great Wolf at the initial meeting.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Media Question

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/9/15, 11:39 AM

To: David Rast <>


Thanks David.




From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 12:10 PM

To: David Rast; ‘Hester, Laura’

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Bryson. Heezen

Subject: Re: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative


Revised Narrative.

Reviewing exhibits now.

We also have revised zoning and variance applications which are being circulated for signature. If I don1t get the signatures back today I will send the forms and follow up with the signed copies.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Hearing Exhibits

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 4/9/15, 12:31 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: “’Hester, Laura’” <>


David, We have a few landscape buffer enhancement exhibits and before/after building perspectives. We can either have them in our presentation or include them in your package. My thought is that they should go in your package since council/mayor will have them to review prior to the meeting (and our presentation time is short).

What do you think?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[Ex-Mayor Lenox tries a renewed lobbying attempt on Councilwoman Learnard.]]


From: Bob Lenox []Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 2:46 PMTo: Kim LearnardSubject: RE: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf


Hi Kim- Now that decision time draws near, I would very much like an hour of your time to hear what you think. 

I also have quite a bit of information, most or all of which you may already have, but I wanted to be sure. 

I know you are busy so you name the time and place-I can pretty much be available any time, any place  between now and next Wednesday night. 

Thanks and regards






From: Patrick Pline []

Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 4:55 PM

To: David Rast; Ted Meeker

Cc: Hester, Laura; Alex Lombardo; Craig Johnson

Subject: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


Hi David, Attached are the following exhibits for the revision to our zoning and variance hearing. This first email contains the revised Zoning and Variance Applications. I included the signed copies and the unsigned since the signed copies have been scanned several times and are hard to read. We are circulating a clean copy which should be ready in the next couple of days.


Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/9/15, 9:40 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>, “’Hester, Laura’” <>

CC: ‘Alex Lombardo’ <>, “’Bryson. Heezen’” <>


Confirming receipt – thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City


APRIL 10——————————————————————————————


From: Jennis Rice Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:18 AMTo: David RastSubject: RE: Great Wolf attachments – 1


Does it matter that the zoning and variance app revisions are unsigned?


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:26 AMTo: Jennis RiceSubject: RE: Great Wolf attachments – 1


They sent the signed apps, but they were not legible. They are going to resend or bring next week – use the unsigned ones for now


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Jennis Rice Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:28 AMTo: David RastSubject: RE: Great Wolf attachments – 1


Thanks. All of the attachments have been printed, and the memo is ready to go. Just waiting to hear from Ted.


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf attachments – 1

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/10/15, 9:49 AM

To: Jennis Rice <>


Great – make sure to send the pdf’s to Pam so she can add them to the council packet in color.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Hester, Laura []

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:53 AM

To: Patrick Pline; David Rast; Ted Meeker

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Craig Johnson

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3

Importance: High


David – Please stamp or handmark the applications as “Amended” before inclusion in the council’s package.



Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: Ted Meeker [] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 9:59 AMTo: David Rast; Jennis RiceSubject: Re: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo – PLS REVIEWImportance: High


I did not see where you addressed the variance and the variance standards of review. Was that done in the previous memo?

Otherwise, seems OK to me.






From: David Rast <>Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 at 10:09 AMTo: Ted Meeker <>, Jennis Rice <>Subject: RE: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo – PLS REVIEW


I mentioned the variance in the original position paper, but did not specifically address the 6 variance criteria. I will revise the supplemental memo to include a section specifically related to the variance criteria. It will be brief…


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Ted Meeker [] Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 10:10 AMTo: David Rast; Jennis RiceSubject: Re: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo – PLS REVIEW






From: David Rast Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:16 AMTo: ‘Ted Meeker’; Jennis RiceSubject: RE: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo WITH VARIANCE – PLS REVIEWImportance: High


This is seriously impacting my tanning time…


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast []

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:18 AM

To: Hester, Laura; Patrick Pline; Ted Meeker

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Craig Johnson

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


I have noted these as amended in my memo. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Subject: FW: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/10/15, 11:18 AM

To: Jennis Rice <>


Actually, disregard my previous e-mail. See my response below. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City


——-Original Message——-

From: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:18 AM

To: ‘Hester, Laura’; Patrick Pline; Ted Meeker

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Craig Johnson

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


I have noted these as amended in my memo. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Hester, Laura [] 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:19 AM

To: David Rast; Patrick Pline; Ted Meeker

Cc: Alex Lombardo; Craig Johnson

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


Thank you David. Before they are uploaded to the website, they should also be marked “Amended”.

We’d like to touch base when you are back in the office on Monday to review the elements of your presentation and get a sense of time you will need. We are fine tuning the use of our 1-hour allocation. What time would work best for you?

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




From: Betsy Tyler Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:25 AMTo: Jennis Rice; Jonathan RorieCc: David Rast; Pamela DufresneSubject: Great Wolf Memo for Packet


Hi, all – just checking in to see when we might look for the packet items (any new submissions by Great Wolf and David’s memo) this afternoon.




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Memo for Packet

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/10/15, 11:26 AM

To: Betsy Tyler <>, Jennis Rice <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: Pamela Dufresne <>


Just sent to Ted and Jennis for review. Jennis has all updated attachments.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Jennis Rice Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:29 AM To: Betsy Tyler; Jonathan Rorie Cc: David Rast; Pamela Dufresne Subject: RE: Great Wolf Memo for Packet


Trying to finish up so I can bring it up before I have to relieve Kathy for lunch. If not, I’ll bring it up after that … should be up there early this afternoon at the latest. 


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




From: Pamela Dufresne Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:33 AMTo: Jennis Rice; Betsy Tyler; Jonathan RorieCc: David RastSubject: RE: Great Wolf Memo for Packet


How do you do a thumbs up?!


Pam Dufresne

Deputy City Clerk




From: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:34 AM

To: Jennis Rice

Subject: FW: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3

Importance: High


She’s persistent – 

Handwrite this note on the top of the rezoning and variance:



Note: originals (with signatures) on file


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:37 AM

To: Betsy Tyler

Subject: FW: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

Importance: High


Just for clarification – Great Wolf gets an hour for their presentation (including Staff) and the folks against get an hour?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Jennis Rice Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:38 AMTo: David RastSubject: RE: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo WITH VARIANCE – PLS REVIEW


David, please note the highlighted portion below. Did you want to have two Recommendations or should the first one be part of the second one?


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo WITH VARIANCE – PLS REVIEW

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/10/15, 11:39 AM

To: Jennis Rice <>


Confusing… let’s take the first one out – it is already in the second recommendation


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast <>Date: Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:45 PMTo: Jennis Rice <>, Ted Meeker <>Subject: Great Wolf – supplemental information memo – PLS REVIEW


Pls. review and edit – we are still in Jax and I will wait to hear from you before we pack up and leave. All attachments have been sent to Jennis. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Jennis Rice 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:46 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


Just to confirm. Only the rezoning and variance applications, and none of the other documents, should be marked Amended?


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant




rom: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:48 AM

To: Jennis Rice

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3




David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




City of Peachtree City

From: Jennis Rice 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:53 AM

To: David Rast

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


Thanks. BTW, I’m going to send the minutes to the commissioners but let them know you have not reviewed them yet. 

Have a safe trip home. See you on Monday. 


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:54 AM

To: Jennis Rice

Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3


Thanks – I am getting ready to sign off. Hopefully Ted will not have any changes. 


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: GWR Zoning Hearing Documents 1 of 3

From: Jennis Rice <>

Date: 4/10/15, 11:55 AM

To: David Rast <>




Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Memo for Packet

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/10/15, 2:38 PM

To: Pamela Dufresne <>, Jennis Rice <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: David Rast <>


Awesome – thanks guys J


Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: RE: Great Wolf – Revised Narrative

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/10/15, 2:50 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Pamela Dufresne <>


Great Wolf, Staff, and any members of the public speaking in favor. We’ve already had Dr. Beverly Wright email and ask for ten minutes of that (but I will let her know she needs to sign up prior to the meeting, and that doesn’t guarantee ten minutes). I believe the Mayor will allow Great Wolf to reserve any remaining time to address any inaccuracies in the statements from the opposing side (this has been done in the past).



Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




From: David Rast 

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 4:49 PM

To: Jennis Rice

Subject: Great wolf – one last request


Would you send the memo to Patrick, Alex, Laura, etc.? Their email address is in an earlier email I forwarded to you.

Thanks! Now the fun really begins…




Subject: RE: Great wolf – one last request

From: Jennis Rice <>

Date: 4/10/15, 5:04 PM

To: David Rast <>


It really never stops around here, does it …?


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant




From: Jennis Rice <<>>

Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 at 5:51 PM

To: “’<mailto:’>’” <<>>, Patrick Pline <<>>

Cc: David Rast <<>>

Subject: Great Wolf


David Rast asked that I send you the attached memo. I do not have email addresses for Alex Lombardo and Craig Johnson so could you please also forward to them. Thank you.


Jennis Rice

Administrative Assistant

City of Peachtree City

Community Services Division

Planning and Zoning Department




Subject: Re: Great Wolf

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 4/10/15, 5:51 PM

To: Jennis Rice <>, “’’” <>

CC: David Rast <>


Ill forward Jennis, thanks,



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




Subject: Great Wolf Economic Impact Analysis

From: Eric Imker <>

Date: 4/10/15, 8:00 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>, “” <>, “” <>


I redid the Excel file with “better” data. See attached.

Changes in several places. Please examine carefully.

The Economic report showed what I considered “spinoff” benefit.

It’s value was stated as $50M. I assumed it might generate an additional ~$200K based on a sales tax approach.

I understand this is really a very over simplification but maybe good enough.

Result, I used a figure of Net Zero to offset the cost of add’l public services PTC will have to add.


The Economic report also indicated a net $70M at full operation.

When I add up the numbers from Hotel, GWL sales and County sales it comes to:

$26.2M + $15.7M + $39M = $80.9M

Off by $10M or $33K in revenue at the bottom line. No big deal given the gross estimating throughout.


When I showed you the calculation from the Economic report of GWL contributing $1.6M per year for PTC, I can believe it now.

I show $1.4M (sum of green cells) w/o including the spinoff.


Eric Imker [redacted phone number]


APRIL 11——————————————————————————————


From: Kim Learnard [] Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 12:12 PM To: Bob Lenox Subject: RE: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf


Hi Bob, I sure don’t need an hour to tell you what I think. 

If you have new information, please do send it, and thank you.

I am headed to Georgia Tech for the day/evening to a tailgate function at our son’s fraternity, followed by the Ga Tech vs. Virginia baseball game. I’ll call you from the car in a few minutes and hope to catch you.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3


APRIL 12——————————————————————————————


From: Mike LaTella [<>]

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 4:15 AM

To: David Rast

Cc: Ted Meeker; City Council and City Manager; Mike LaTella

Subject: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL

Helllo David: I had another chance to listen to the planning commission meeting from a month or so ago, and there were several “directives” if you will, from the meeting that was under your responsibility. Can you advise what has been done with the following issues since that meeting?


* Parking. John Dufresne brought up that, by current ordinance, the parking required for this property, based on the number of hotel rooms and multi-use square footage was 1797 spaces. I didn’t count them precisely, but it appears that the new revision includes roughly 500 spaces. How is that being addressed? Is another variance required, like was done with the Dolce, to be allowed less parking spaces that law requires? Has that variance been requested?

* 1981 Variances – when the property was first being developed, several variances were granted, including the encroachment to the buffer. At the time of the meeting, it was stated that those documents could not be found. It is important based on whether the current encroachments are indeed lawful or unlawful. Did you find those documents that show those variances being approved?

* Validation of tax revenue – Chairman Destadio seemed concerned and surprised that the city was depending solely on GWL’s numbers for potential tax revenue and had not independently confirmed that those potential tax benefits to the city were accurate. Since then, have you done anything further to validate those numbers?

* Chairman Destadio stated that the traffic study by POND was lacking and believed that it should be re-initiated. Has any more traffic study taken place?

* There was a lot of concern about whether GWL had adequately addressed storm water issues. Has there been any further development on what additional flooding issues will be created with the building of the GWL?

* It was asked by planning commissioner Linda Wojcik if GWL could make the new pavement pervious to allow for natural drainage. GWL was going to check with designers to see if that was possible. Did we get an answer to that?

* Originally there was going to be improvement and extensions on the current service road. Based on my understanding, any improvement or change made would have to conform to current zoning requirements. Since the current drive does not conform to those ordinances, and I see no variance request regarding the service drive, am I correct in assuming that no improvements or changes or extensions will be made to the current service drive?


Thank you for your reply…


Mike LaTella




From: Eric Imker <<>>

To: Mike LaTella <<>>; David Rast <<>>

Cc: Ted Meeker <<>>; City Council and City Manager <<>>; “<>” <<>>; “<>” <<>>

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 11:11 AM

Subject: RE: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL


Mr. LaTella,


I note your bullet 3 below regarding “Validation of tax revenue.” I have paid special attention to this and have done my own independent research.


Despite the 16 pages showing the economic impact by GWL/FCDA/GA Tech which is truly near undecipherable by humans, I was able to confirm in my own mind the bottom line conclusion that GWL will bring in about $1.6M per year in revenue for PTC’s General Fund. (I’m really not that interested with the impact on the county or other areas … at this time.)


GWL says $24.4M over 15 years (per page 13 of the GA Tech analysis) which is the $1.6M per year figure I crudely confirmed.


Please see my analysis in the Excel file attached. (Prints nicely on one page.)


Note the GWL Occupancy rate shown is 75%. This number would have to be changed to 90% to generate the $31.5M in Hotel revenue stated. (Bottom of page 7 of the GA Tech analysis.) If it were 90%, then add $200K to the bottom line revenue for GWL on PTC’s General Fund.


Also note I used “Spinoff Off” impact in my section 5 to be “Net Zero” per Page 13 of the GA Tech analysis. “After adjusting for the increase in government expenditures, ….”


Please observe the bulk of the revenue is in the Hotel/Motel tax. Sales tax contributes a relatively small portion to the bottom line figure. For a better understanding of this; every $10M of taxable purchases throughout the entire county equates to $33K of sales tax revenue for PTC. Compare to the Hotel Tax at GWL which would generate over $1M in revenue alone.


Finally note, although GWL may bring near the value stated, one must subtract the impact Dolce has currently.

I have done this with estimates which I believe are near reasonable.


I would be prepared to shared my analysis at the council meeting next Thursday.

Question for you. Would you want me to share this?

I am interested in getting all facts out whether they support GWL or not.

This data would tend to support GWL’s conclusions about the economic impact in PTC.


I have included Fayette County Development Authority members in this reply.


Hope this helps. Please call if you have further questions.


Eric Imker

Peachtree City Council Member, Post #1




[[Ex-Mayor Lenox tries to persuade Councilwoman Learnard one more time. Her impression of his persuasiveness follow.]]


From: Bob Lenox []

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 11:35 AM

To: Kim Learnard

Subject: RE: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf


Hello Kim-

Trust you had a lot of fun yesterday. 

I have attached my analysis of the Great Wolf proposal. It will take you ten minutes to read it. It took me much longer to prepare it and even longer to gather all the information. 

I have talked to developers, mayors, Great Wolf, many PTC residents, David Rast, GE Capital, etc,etc. 

When you are done, if you disagree with my conclusions, kindly tell me specifically why. 

I would appreciate the same degree of logic from you as I am giving you. 

If you wish to discuss, call me. I will be at a Masters party later but I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Thank you. 

Bob Lenox




On Apr 12, 2015, at 11:52 AM, Kim Learnard <> wrote:


Terry, fyi, see below. I appreciate information. I do not appreciate arrogance.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




From: Kim Learnard

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:09 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch; Terry Ernst; Mike King; Eric Imker

Subject: RE: Great Wolf


Team, I could guess that you have all seen the attached analysis from Bob Lenox but in the interest of sharing information and good communication, I want to be sure. Check it out!


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3



From: Kim Learnard [] Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:10 PMTo: Bob LenoxSubject: RE: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf


Received. Thanks.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3



Subject: Re: per our conversation

From: Terry Ernst <>

Date: 4/12/15, 12:39 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>


I completely understand.


Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: Great Wolf

From: Terry Ernst <>

Date: 4/12/15, 12:40 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>

CC: Vanessa Fleisch <>, Mike King <>, Eric Imker <>


Thank you Kim!!


Sent from my iPhone




From: Mike LaTella [<>]

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 1:26 PM

To: Eric Imker; David Rast

Cc: Ted Meeker; City Council and City Manager;<>;<>; Mike LaTella

Subject: Re: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL

Hi Eric: I am appreciative of your efforts to validate the tax revenue projections presented by GWL. The GT Study and all other related documents are based on what GWL is telling us and there needs to be some fact-checking around that. I have found inconsistencies in the GWL projections and the extrapolation of those to the GT study. The number of cars per day done by POND, the amount of revenue generating “nights,” and the number of estimated annual visitors to the park do not add up. There is something amiss. Additionally, as you have done in your analysis, anything that GWL brings in should be weighed against the current tax revenue that Dolce brings in and should also be considered in the light of what additional city resources will be needed to accommodate the needs of GWL. Bottom line is, I would be very appreciative for you to present your findings at the meeting even though they will reflect positively for the GWL. The tax revenue in my opinion is the ONLY plus for the GWL coming here, so we need to make sure we are working with as accurate numbers as possible.


Looking briefly at your analysis, a couple of things I see right off the bat you should adjust. An annual occupancy of 75% is higher than what even the GWL predicts. In the planning commission meeting, GWL stated average occupancy is 65% to 70% (see audio starting at 3:27 during Q/A). They have above 80% in the summer, and below 50% in the winter when school is in session. Since this is a new project, and certainly the occupancy numbers include optimism of GWL, I personally would settle at an occupancy rate of 60% for the comparison, but certainly no more than 65%. The other thing I see is average room rate used of $240. The GWL runs specials all the time and a quick Google search showed rooms as low as $119 a night and many that are in the $150 range. Additionally, and this could be important: The rooms include “water passes.” I would like to know for sure that the entire “cost per night” would be subject to the hotel/motel tax. If water passes for the family are deducted out of that charge and only the hotel room portion is subject to the tax, your average room night could be well under $100 for purposes of the tax that goes to Peachtree City. In the same vein, some of the packages they offer are “all-inclusive” including food and beverage for the stay, and my gut tells me that while this may be included in the nightly charge, cost attributable to food and beverage would not be subject to the motel/hotel tax.


I have been a lighting rod of sorts for anyone and everyone’s speculation, accusations, and concerns about the park and see everything from the insane conspiracy theories to legitimate concerns. I know several people have worked through the numbers projected in the GT Study and the tax benefits from GWL and all of them have said the numbers are amiss and contradict each other. I will send you additional information afer a filtering for legitimacy if that will help with your analysis.


Thanks Eric…


Mike LaTella




From: Eric Imker

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 2:02 PM

To: Kim Learnard

Subject: RE: Great Wolf


Kim, I’ve lived in the area for 12 years. For quite a while it was called Aberdeen Conference Center prior to becoming Dolce. This is not mentioned by Mr. Lenox.”Jim Pace, former City Councilman and a prime mover behind the Pinewood Studios development”Really? When I was invited to Pinewood Studios to hear firsthand about it and how they came to be located in Fayette County, not one word was mentioned of Mr. Pace. I was given the true history by the people who actually made the decision to move here. It had nothing to do with Mr. Pace.


“The site is currently reportedly losing $50-100,000 per month”. Reportedly? So why aren’t factual data provided? Are we just supposed to take someone’s word for it?”This area is well bermed and virtually invisible from Preston Chase.”Really? Did anyone actually go to the residences of Preston Chase and look from their back yard? Of course not, otherwise this statement wouldn’t have been made. I actually knocked on every single door in Preston Chase that backs to the Dolce yesterday and was invited in at several of them. I was given a chance to go to the back of the home decks in some cases where I physically looked at Dolce and could see everything. No mention of anyone from GWL or Mr. Lenox was ever mentioned as having visited these homes.


“The location of the new building is such that it would be invisible from offsite except for five to seven homes in Preston Chase that back up to this area.” You’ve got to be kidding! Only 5-7 homes? How about “everyone” from Wisdom Road to Preston Circle will be able to see this four story hotel.


“These homes already have a clear and direct view of the conference center.”

So much for being well bermed and virtually invisible.


“The conference center was there long before these houses were built and anyone who is surprised by an expansion of the facility deserves empathy but not sympathy.”

The zoning that was in place at the time these folks bought was understood. Changing the zoning now creates a different situation doesn’t it? We should all have “empathy” for those home owners whose property values will go down. 


“There is no evidence-and no reason to believe-that any homes in Preston Chase will suffer any loss in value due to Great Wolfs’ proposal and I would bet my own money that this is true.“

I have exceptional reason to believe FMVs of home will go down. Put a “For Sale” sign up in your yard and hope potential buyers won’t notice a 4 story hotel in your back yard nor a 65 foot water slide with all the accompanying issues.

If it were legal, I’d take that bet for $1M.


I read the rest of the letter and I can’t go on. This letter is an outrageous one-sided attempt to persuade based on opinions that may be facts in the writers mind, but clearly lacking in objective analysis and therefore questionable in this reader’s mind.


I can’t resist, “don’t care to be hooted at and jeered by a “lynch mob”.” Tell me about it. Where were you at the pay raise council meeting on Oct 2nd last year?


I haven’t checked my email yet but I bet there will be several “Thank yous” for the “factual” data provided.




From: Eric Imker

Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 2:24 PM

To: Mike LaTella; David Rast

Cc: Ted Meeker; City Council and City Manager;<>;<>

Subject: RE: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL


Hello Mike, Your points are well taken. Hence my attempt at having the excel file flexible to change inputs if desired. (See Orange cells). Also, I did attempt to take into account the current Dolce numbers and the additional city resources that may be required. This is all done at a macro level for ease in understanding the process of evaluating the economic impact and is meant to be a guide rather than the definitive conclusion.


Absolutely the Orange cells should be change to reflect values we can all believe in. I.e occupancy and room rates.

Perhaps we will agree to a “range” as the best input to our decision making process. This all goes to show that in many cases, one can create a position either way depending on your goal.


I constantly have to look at and question data however eventually a decision must be made.


Again, thank you for your input.


Eric Imker




Subject: Re: Great Wolf

From: Vanessa Fleisch <>

Date: 4/12/15, 2:51 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>

CC: Terry Ernst <>, Mike King <>, Eric Imker <>


Thank you I have not seen this


Vanessa Fleisch

Mayor of The City of Peachtree City

Sent from my iPad



Subject: RE: Great Wolf

From: Mike King <>

Date: 4/12/15, 4:56 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>, Vanessa Fleisch <>, Terry Ernst <>, “Eric Imker” <>


Thanks Kim.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




Subject: RE: Great Wolf

From: Kim Learnard <>

Date: 4/12/15, 6:23 PM

To: Eric Imker <>


Eric, thank you for this. I needed to hear this from you.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3




APRIL 13——————————————————————————————


[[City financial department head Paul Salvatore forwards a query about GWL’s numbers from Councilman Imker.]]


Subject: RE: GWL Economic Impact

From: Paul Salvatore <>

Date: 4/13/15, 10:16 AM

To: Eric Imker <>, James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

CC: “’Emily Poole (’” <>, David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>


See attached spreadsheet. I think if we could get someone, maybe Emily, to help fill in the blanks on this spreadsheet then we will have the information Eric is asking for. It would also help me to have this information for budgeting purposes if this project moves forward. I filled in the amounts that I know, but could use help with the rest. It would also help if someone on city staff could estimate the Building Permit and Business Licenses revenue for the city Last section).


From: Eric Imker Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 7:12 PMTo: James Pennington; Jonathan Rorie; Paul SalvatoreSubject: GWL Economic Impact


I cannot figure out values for the following or answers to questions:1. Expected average hotel room rate2. Expected occupancy percentage3. Sales tax impact A – Does the hotel revenue (i.e. at 8%) also get taxed for sales tax? (i.e at 6%) B – Taking out the hotel revenue, how much are the expected sales tax taxable purchases on premises of GWL? C – What are the expected sales tax taxable purchases in Fayette County excluding “B” (I.e everything else)4. What is the expected taxable FMV if proposed was implemented?I read large values of economic impact are quoted but the details elude me.


Thanks, Eric




From: David Rast Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 10:19 AMTo: Paul Salvatore; Eric Imker; James Pennington; Jonathan RorieCc: Emily Poole (; Betsy TylerSubject: RE: GWL Economic Impact


My thoughts are it would be best to get this information directly from Great Wolf rather than ‘guesstimate’ – would anyone have an issue if I forwarded this to them?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: RE: GWL Economic Impact

From: Paul Salvatore <>

Date: 4/13/15, 10:23 AM

To: David Rast <>


Not me.




Subject: FW: Great Wolf

From: James Pennington <>

Date: 4/13/15, 11:54 AM

To: Deborah Lemay <>


Now see what I mean about understanding.




From: David Rast <<>>

Date: Monday, April 13, 2015 at 12:22 PM

To: Patrick Pline <<>>, Alex Lombardo <<>>

Cc: “Hester, Laura (<>)” <<>>

Subject: FW: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL


Good morning. Sending you an e-mail chain I came back to as an FYI along with a follow-up e-mail from our Finance Director. Pls. review and see if you can help fill in some of these blanks.

I’m also attaching the response I sent to Mr. LaTella as well (see his e-mail below).


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 4/13/15, 12:34 PM

To: David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>


Thanks David,

Ill get back to you.

We also wanted to understand the content and length of your staff report at the hearing since we all have to share an hour. Do you have time to get on a call today/tomorrow?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




[[Here, ex-Mayor Lenox discloses what he and 30 other Masters’ party attendees think about a significant portion of Peachtree City’s population: “morons” and “lynch mob.” I guess we’ll be dropped from their Christmas card lists. Notice his different approach to Ms. Learnard as compared to Mayor Fleisch, and councilmen King and Ernst. As for Councilman Imker, “I have no time for.”]]


From: Bob Lenox []

Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 1:03 PM

To: Kim Learnard

Subject: RE: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf


I went to a Masters party yesterday — about 40 people, all longtime residents of our fair City. 

At least thirty of them asked me about Great Wolf. 

Every single one of them was in favor of having them here and thought it was good place to locate them — almost invisible was the general comment.

The other general question – asked almost exactly this way at least five times —“Are those morons going to screw this up?”

I am not sure if they were referring to the lynch mob, the Council, or both. 


I am still looking forward to your list of logical reasons for ‘screwing this up”






Subject: Attached analysis

From: Bob Lenox <>

Date: 4/13/15, 1:23 PM

To: Terry Ernst <>


Hi Terry-

Know you all will be having fun Thursday night! I prepared the attached analysis to try and capture all that I know or have been told

about Great Wolfs’ proposal. If you know of anything I should add to it, please let me know. I will also be sending it to Vanessa, Kim and Mike — Imker I have no time for. 


Went to a Masters party yesterday—about 40 people, all longtime residents. More than 30 asked me about Great Wolf. 

I can tell you that they were universally in favor of it, thought it made a great new use for the site, and felt that they would basically be invisible. 


I know you are busy but if you want to discuss any of this, I am available all week. I will not be at the meeting on Thursday because that day my

three sisters and their husbands are coming in from Michigan and Seattle. They are staying over at our house and in the morning we are leaving 

for a collective vacation trip to Key West for a week. I don’t get to see them very often, so much as I love PTC, I love them more. 


I don’t think you are going to hear anything new before or during the meeting. If you think Great Wolf is going to get approved then

I think we should meet and I can show you a trick or two we used to use to get everything we could out of a developer before saying yes. 


Anyway, hope this is helpful and good luck!!


<Great Wolf Analysis.docx>




Subject: Great Wolf analysis

From: Bob Lenox <>

Date: 4/13/15, 1:39 PM

To: Vanessa Fleisch <>, Mike King <>


Vanessa and Mike-


I prepared the attached in an effort to collect all the facts and information about Great Wolf in one place. If you know of anything I should add please let me know. 

I can only hope you approve the project-it would be a real tragedy to lose it. 


I regret that I will not be there on Thursday. My three sisters and their husbands arrive that day from Michigan and Seattle and the next day we leave on a one week family vacation in Key West. Much as I love PTC, I love them more and I don’t get to see them very often. Please enter the analysis as an official part of the public hearing record. Maybe you can find someone to read key parts. 


Good luck and don’t take any crap from the lynch mob. I have asked several people to be there but most say they don’t care to be hooted at and jeered by the morons.

If either of you wish to use the analysis in whole or in part when you make your own statements on the subject it is yours to use as you see fit. 


I have sent this also to Kim and Terry but I have no time for Imker. 






Subject: Re: Attached analysis

From: Terry Ernst <>

Date: 4/13/15, 1:51 PM

To: Bob Lenox <>


Thanks Bob, Kim actually forwarded it to me yesterday.

I am sorry you won’t be there Thursday night but I do understand. I will try and get by your office or contact you to see what you have. Thanks again Bob.


Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: GWL Economic Impact

From: Emily Poole <>

Date: 4/13/15, 2:18 PM

To: David Rast <>

CC: Paul Salvatore <>, Eric Imker <>, James Pennington <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, Betsy Tyler <>


I think that would be the best option: request further information from GWL.




On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:19 AM, David Rast <> wrote:

My thoughts are it would be best to get this information directly from Great Wolf rather than ‘guesstimate’ – would anyone have an issue if I forwarded this to them?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Councilman King thanks ex-Mayor Lenox for his lobbying help on behalf of GWL and expresses King’s position: “Let’s hope for the best.” Three days later, seeing the tide turning against GWL on the council, King voted against the rezoning he had been hoping to get passed.]]


Subject: RE: Great Wolf analysis

From: Mike King <>

Date: 4/13/15, 2:25 PM

To: Bob Lenox <>



Thanks much for your efforts in this regard. 

Let’s hope for the best.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone




On 4/13/15, 3:27 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Tomorrow would be best – I have a Planning Commission meeting tonight I

am getting ready for.

I am available (tomorrow) between 12 – 2 and after 3 if that works.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




Subject: Re: Questions arising from Planning Commission Meeting – GWL

From: Patrick Pline <>

Date: 4/13/15, 3:38 PM

To: David Rast <>, Alex Lombardo <>

CC: “Hester, Laura (” <>


Can everybody do 1:00?



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




From: Pamela Dufresne Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 4:14 PMTo: David RastCc: Betsy Tyler; Jennis RiceSubject: GWL People on April 16Importance: High



Can you find out & let us know how many people will be attending the meeting Thursday from GWL? We want to make sure they have some saved seats. 



Pam Dufresne

Deputy City Clerk

City of Peachtree City




From: Jonathan Rorie Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 5:39 PMTo: Michael MadisonSubject: Stormwater Questions


We need to meet to discuss stormwater issues related to great wolf and expected revenues from proposed additions. also plan on attending the City Council meeting Thursday night to respond to any questions.


Jonathan N. Rorie, Community Services Director




On Apr 13, 2015, at 9:14 PM, Kim Learnard <> wrote:


Class act, that Bob Lenox.

He has gone from arrogant to insulting to combative.


Kim Learnard

Peachtree City

City Council Post 3



Subject: Re: SPAM-LOW: RE: Great Wolf

From: Terry Ernst <>

Date: 4/13/15, 10:01 PM

To: Kim Learnard <>


Just got home from the Planning Commission meeting. Not very kind of Bob, damn.


Sent from my iPhone


APRIL 14——————————————————————————————


Subject: RE: Stormwater Questions

From: Michael Madison <>

Date: 4/14/15, 8:03 AM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>


When do you want to meet?




Subject: Sign-up sheets for Public Hearing

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/14/15, 10:55 AM

To: James Pennington <>, Vanessa Fleisch <>

CC: Pamela Dufresne <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


Jim / Vanessa – yesterday we discussed making sure that the people who would be speaking sign themselves up to speak (so that no one is arriving early to write down five or six names).


I think we need to start of the PRO sign up sheet as follows:


Public Hearing Signup


Speakers SUPPORTING the issue:


1) Great Wolf Representative(s)

2) City Staff (in that order)

3) (blanks start here)






I have been asked, and I think it makes sense, to pre-sign up representatives from the adjoining properties that were mailed notices, to assure them time to speak. That would look something like this:


Public Hearing Signup


Speakers OPPOSING the issue:


1) Preston Chase / Wisdom Woods / Woodsmill / Stillwater Representative (John Dufresne) – first because they directly abut the property

2) Coventry Representative (Harvey George)

3) Iglisia Ni Cristo / Board of Education / Adjacent Businesses Representative(s) – not sure if we have heard from any of these so I grouped them together . . .

4) (blanks start here)





Your thoughts?




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: Great Wolf new impervious areas

From: David Borkowski <>

Date: 4/14/15, 1:30 PM

To: Jonathan Rorie <>, David Rast <>


I am having Frieda double-check my math on the bill.




David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 2:11 PMTo: Pamela DufresneCc: Betsy Tyler; Jennis RiceSubject: RE: GWL People on April 16


GWL will need no more than 10 seats for Thursday – I told them we would reserve the seats behind Staff and close to the podium.


They had a couple of questions:

· Who would be monitoring the clock?

· Will there be any signal as to when their time is up? 10 minutes remaining?

· Will the sign-up sheets require address and phone numbers?

· When will the recording of the meeting be available?

· Has anyone signed up yet?

· Will the list be called in order (i.e., what if people sign up before them/ Staff)?


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




From: Pamela Dufresne Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 2:31 PMTo: David RastCc: Betsy Tyler; Jennis RiceSubject: RE: GWL People on April 16


Will try to answer most of the questions…not sure who is monitoring the clock but Betsy will contact IT to see what can be done. The only time limit is an hour. We’ve had at least one citizen ask for 10 minutes to speak in favor of GWL. The “pro” side has GWL first and City Staff as #2, then anyone can put their name on the list. The sign-up sheets have name and address on them right now. We rarely require people to sign-up, so unless Betsy says to add it, there won’t be a column for phone numbers. The recording can be available the next day. We just have to convert it to an MP3 file, and Zach or Bob usually start that at the end of the meeting. We have requests from the Opposed side for sign-up and Vanessa has okay’ed the following for the 1st 3 speakers on the “other” side: Preston Chase/Apartments/Stillwater Spokesman, Coventry HOA President, and any business owners or other property owners that received letters, including the Board of Ed and Iglesia de Christo. After those three, people can sign up. As far as we know, the list should be called in order. The plan right now is for the lists to be at the first staff table with me, so people aren’t crowding the entrance or change anything on the lists. Betsy will explain about the sign-up sheets and what we’re doing.



Pam Dufresne

Deputy City Clerk

City of Peachtree City





Subject: RE: GWL People on April 16

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/14/15, 2:40 PM

To: Pamela Dufresne <>, David Rast <>

CC: Jennis Rice <>


Update – I responded to the doctor (I believe she spoke at the Planning Commission meeting) that she would need to sign up and we could not guarantee 10 minutes, that the time limit was an hour and Great Wolf and staff would fall into that as well. After the pre-printed slots on the sign up sheets (which is Great Wolf and Staff on the Supporting sheet, and the three groups Pam noted, who all received letters about the zoning), we will require the speakers to sign up personally (so John Doe cannot sign up for himself and five others to speak).


I will copy you all separately on my email to Paul and IT asking for a clock to run on the screen (even over presentations). I think we need a clock running on the screen (even if there is a power point up).




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: Power Point for start of meeting

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/14/15, 4:40 PM

To: James Pennington <>


Ok, DRAFT version based on our discussions yesterday. Sending to you first before Ted or the Mayor.





APRIL 15——————————————————————————————


Subject: Talking Points – Dolce/Great Wolf Lodge – Engineering/Stormwater

From: David Borkowski <>

Date: 4/15/15, 10:08 AM

To: Michael Madison <>, Jonathan Rorie <>, “Lusher, Eric (” <>

CC: “Fangmann, Richard” <>


Attached is our draft talking points to issues that have come up so far. Please review and see if I have missed any, especially on the traffic.


Eric: Can you be available tomorrow night in case there are questions I can not answer on the traffic study. I understand Richard will be unavailable. 




David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: David Worley [] Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 11:14 AMTo: Betsy TylerSubject: Great Wolf Information


Dear Betsy, I hope you are well. I have been looking over David Rast’s report to the City Council on Great Wolf Lodge. In it he references the staff’s original position paper dated March 12, 2015, which is on the city website. He also references “supplemental information we forwarded to [Council] on March 17, 2015.” Is that supplemental information also posted somewhere on the City website, or is it otherwise possible to get a copy of that supplemental information prior to tomorrow night’s meeting?

Thanks as always for the great job you do making city information accessible.


Best regards,

Dave Worley


David J. Worley


Atlanta, GA 30361




From: Betsy Tyler Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 11:52 AMTo: David RastSubject: FW: Great Wolf InformationImportance: High


Hi, David – I checked the March 19 packet, but it doesn’t look like this was included or added to the dais. Mr. Worley is asking about the “supplemental information forwarded to Council on March 17” that is referenced in your memo. Is that available on the web site? Or is it something you could forward to me? Or is that the study Emily provided?




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




From: David Rast Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:01 PMTo: Betsy TylerSubject: RE: Great Wolf Information


As requested. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Information

From: Betsy Tyler <>

Date: 4/15/15, 12:06 PM

To: David Rast <>


Thank you thank you. It looks like most of the info was to be incorporated into later documents.



Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




Subject: RE: Great Wolf Information

From: David Worley <>

Date: 4/15/15, 1:31 PM

To: David Rast <>, Betsy Tyler <>


Thanks very much to you both.


David J. Worley



Atlanta, GA 




Subject: Great Wolf presentation – assistance please!

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/15/15, 2:01 PM

To: Robert Cillo <>, Zach Jiang <>

CC: Betsy Tyler <>, Jonathan Rorie <>


I received a flash drive today with a portion of the GW presentation for tomorrow night. One item is a video – I can get the video to show on my system but it does not have any sound. May you pls. help with this so I can let them know if they need to bring another presentation?


FYI – they will be here tomorrow and I told them we would download their presentation early to make certain there are no glitches. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 4:12 PMTo: David RastCc: Ted Meeker; Alex Lombardo; Patrick PlineSubject: Great Wolf Resorts Constitutional Objections 


David – Please see the attached and let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA



From: David Rast <>

Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 6:26 PM

To: “Hester, Laura” <>

Cc: Ted Meeker <>, Alex Lombardo <>, Patrick Pline <>

Subject: RE: Great Wolf Resorts Constitutional Objections 


Received – have asked Ted to review so we can place on dais for council. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




APRIL 16——————————————————————————————


[[This is the date of the City Council meeting that will decide the GWL proposal’s fate.]]


Subject: Re: Great Wolf Resorts Constitutional ObjectionsFrom: Ted Meeker <>Date: 4/16/15, 8:33 AMTo: David Rast <>, “Hester, Laura” <>CC: Alex Lombardo <>, Patrick Pline <>

Yes, it is to be given to Council and made a part of the file in this matter.






Subject: FW: Great Wolf Resorts Constitutional ObjectionsFrom: David Rast <>Date: 4/16/15, 8:41 AMTo: Betsy Tyler <>, Pamela Dufresne <>CC: Ted Meeker <>, Jonathan Rorie <>

See Ted’s e-mail and distribute attached as needed.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner




[[Belatedly, ex-Mayor Lenox apologizes for “being kind of rude and overbearing.”]]


Subject: An apologyFrom: Bob Lenox <>Date: 4/16/15, 12:40 PM To: Kim Learnard <>


Hello Kim-

Before the meeting tonight I just wanted to apologize for being kind of rude and overbearing. I know you are facing a tough decision tonight and that you have a visceral dislike for Great Wolf which makes it even more difficult. I felt the same way about Walmart but I still fought hard to fit them into Peachtree City because I felt then – and now – that they play an important role in or community. They keep Kroger and Publix from charging us even more and lots of people do like the place. 


My last minute executive summary — Great Wolf is a low intensity, low density, almost invisible use for the site. Unless you have a specific better use in mind and a plan to make it happen, letting them get away would be tragic. It is ironic that the existing conference center faced as much opposition as Great Wolf and now we wish we could keep it. Unfortunately we can’t-it is going away. 


By the way, I did make an offer to the people adjacent to the property in Preston Chase to guarantee them that their properties would not go down in value and that I would negotiate with Great Wolf on each owners’ behalf for whatever they wanted in the way of screening and buffering. They wanted no part of it but if it passes I would still do both of those things. 


You will remember the meeting tonight for the rest of your life – and your decision will have ramifications for just as long. If you vote to approve the development I can absolutely guarantee you the following experience. Four years from now you will drive by the site on the way to somewhere and you will abruptly remember tonight. The furor will have long since died down, Great Wolf will be a valued part of the community, and you will realize you have to look pretty hard to even see the place. You will think about the daughter of a good friend who now works there-along with several hundred other people-and thinks it is a really cool place to work. You will wonder if the Council at that time is grateful to you for the financial windfall you blessed them with, making their budget battles much easier. And you will be proud of yourself for having helped to make it happen-for having the courage to make our City a better place when it was not easy to do so. 


How can I absolutely guarantee this? It happens to me almost every day. My judgment and my decisions in the face of objections and adversity helped make Peachtree City what it is today. If you have the courage to help make this project happen, despite your dislikes and the naysayers, then I do in fact guarantee you that you will feel rightfully proud of yourself for making our City a better place in the future. 


Whatever happens tonight, good luck and enjoy it. I am serious-you will always remember tonight. How you feel about your part in it ten years from now is up to you. 







Subject: updated talking points for engineering/stormwater for Great WolfFrom: David Borkowski <>Date: 4/16/15, 12:55 PMTo: Jonathan Rorie <>, James Pennington <>, David Rast <>, “Lusher, Eric (” <>


David A. Borkowski, P.E., M. ASCE

City Engineer

City of Peachtree City




From: David Rast Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:26 PMTo: ‘Brian Epstein’Subject: Great Wolf questionImportance: High


I know you sent this to me earlier, but can you provide the code section as it relates to the water slides being considered a part of the building? I need this for tonight’s meeting. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner

City of Peachtree City




From: Hester, Laura [] Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:43 PMTo: Ted Meeker; David RastSubject: Great Wolf Speakers


Ted and David – In an effort to ensure the following are signed up in advance per the meeting’s protocol, below is a list of those anticipated to speak tonight.

Please confirm receipt and let me know if we need to do anything further.


Local Supporters

Karen Lehto

Shane Robinson

Jim Pace

Michelle Warren



Laura Hester

Kim Schaefer

Alex Lombardo

Patrick Pline


Thank you.


Laura G. Hester



271 17th Street, NW, Suite 2400| Atlanta, GA




Subject: RE: Great Wolf SpeakersFrom: Betsy Tyler <>Date: 4/16/15, 2:27 PMTo: David Rast <>, “” <>CC: Pamela Dufresne <>

David & Ms. Hester – the official representatives of Great Wolf, the applicant, are included with Great Wolf as the presenter, followed by staff. Any other supporters wishing to speak will need to sign up personally prior to the 7:00 meeting (we are only allowing speakers to sign up for themselves, not reserve speaking slots for others). The doors will open at 6:15 p.m. (and we have separate sheets for supporting speakers and opposing speakers). 




Betsy Tyler

Public Information Officer/City Clerk




On Apr 16, 2015, at 3:17 PM, “David Rast” <> wrote:


Hey – I found my notes.


Just to make certain I understand, you referenced Chapter 3 of the IBC – Use and Occupancy Classification, specifically, 303.2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I have that the enclosed water slide tubes would be considered as an accessory part of the indoor water park building, similar to a deck, or roofed porch.


Pls. advise if my understanding is correct, or if there is any further clarification you can provide.




David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner



From: Patrick Pline [] 

Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 3:57 PM

To: David Rast

Subject: City Hall




When can we come over and check out the audio/video? Were at the Dolce and can come over when you get back.



Patrick Pline | Director of Development

Great Wolf Resorts, Inc.




On Apr 16, 2015, at 4:13 PM, Brian Epstein <> wrote:



We would consider this A-3 assembly per 303.4 (indoor pools). Since the structural supports and the majority of the slides are within the building, we would consider this part of the building. This would be viewed similar to a fire escape or exterior elevator. Nothing specific that says that; just my interp. let me know if you need anything further.



Sent from my iPhone




Subject: Re: Great Wolf question – UPDATED REQUEST From: David Rast <> Date: 4/16/15, 4:24 PM To: Brian Epstein <>

Got it – thanks.




Subject: RE: City Hall

From: David Rast <>

Date: 4/16/15, 5:12 PM

To: ‘Patrick Pline’ <>


I’m here now – park downstairs and I will keep an eye out for you. Thanks.


David E. Rast, ASLA

Senior Planner


[[After a public hearing that lasted about two hours, the council voted 5-0 against the GWL rezoning and variance.]]