Starr’s Mill economics teacher headed to Japan for study


Walt Ellison, an economics teacher at Starr’s Mill High School, was recently awarded a 2015 Keizai Koho Center Teacher Fellowship to travel and study in Japan from June 28 to July 10

Fellows will have the opportunity to learn about the Japanese economy, various businesses, and contemporary Japanese society, as well as participate in roundtable discussions with educators and business leaders during a 10 day stay in Japan.

“I am interested in Japan because of the huge impact international trade has on Georgia and Fayette County,” Ellison said. “A requirement for participation in the program is to write a lesson that reaches more people than just my students. Because of the hospitality of the Hoshizaki company in Peachtree City, I am coordinating a tour with the Georgia Council on Economics Education for economics teachers.” 

Highlights of Ellison’s trip will include visits to Japanese schools, major companies, and industrial facilities. In addition, home stay and sightseeing excursions are planned to allow the fellows to learn about Japanese culture and society.

The Keizai Koho Center (KKC) is an independent, nonprofit organization affiliated with Keidanren (Japan Business Federation).  Its mission is to promote a better understanding of Japan’s economy and society, both in Japan and abroad through a variety of programs.