Hopewell collects socks for charity


Hopewell Methodist Women collected over 400 pairs of socks from their congregation to help Fayette’s Real Life Center Warehouse and a homeless men’s shelter in Atlanta. The Methodist Men prepared a meal for the shelter and made sure everybody had new socks. The women worked at the warehouse, on March 21, and added their sock donations to the items stockpiled for distribution. The Real Life Center helped 250 families in February and distributed 654 items of clothing and 25,794 pounds of food.

Women working at the warehouse were (L-R) Cindy Light, Marilyn Ellis, Elaine Pierce, Phyllis Gaddy, Debbie Hamby, and Sharon Collins. Hopewell is located on Jenkins Road in Tyrone across from Sandy Creek High. For more information contact the church office at 770-306-7537. Photo/Special.