Senoia gets a bit bigger


Senoia expanded its boundaries Monday night, but not before a philosophical discussion on the wisdom of growing the city.

Claude Raptis asked the city to annex 35 acres at Old Ga. Highway 85 and Morgan Road, so he could be a subdivision. Raptis wanted the property zoned R-40 C-Conservation Subdivison. He plans on building 32 homes, while leaving 40 percent of the property undisturbed.

When he was questioned why he wanted to come into the city, Raptis said if the property stayed in the county, he could only develop eight lots, which is not economically feasible.

“This development allow the the homes to be clustered and leave open space,” said City Manager Richard Ferry.

Ferry did say that the further the city expounds it boundaries, the tougher it can be for connectivity issues and supplying basic services to the residents.

Councilman Jeff Fisher said the annexation request posed big questions for the city.

“Where are we going as a town. It’s my fear that we will not have enough water,” he said.

In the annexation notes from Coweta County, the county stipulated the property, if annexed, should receive its water from the county, but Ferry countered that was not the situation.

“They will be a water customer of ours,” he added.

City attorney Drew Whalen was succinct in his comments on the proposal.

“A city is foolish to turn down an annexation. That’s how cities grow,” he said.

The city passed the annexation with Fisher, Councilman Maurice Grover and Mayor Larry Owens supporting it. Councilmen Bobby Graham and Chuck Eichorst opposed it.