Swags for sale


Santa’s elves disguised as Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEVs) and 4-H Club members are busily creating holiday greenery for the annual Wreath Sale in their workshop, which looks suspiciously like the Agriculture Building at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.

The products of their labor are fresh, natural wreaths and swags, handmade and guaranteed to bring the smell of Christmas into your home.

“Many of us can remember the days when people used to go out and cut their greenery, but we do it all for you,” says Master Gardener Sonjia Lambeck, co-chair of the sale. “Now you can have unique wreaths and swags with lovely bows while supporting 4-H and Master Gardener educational programs at the same time.”

Cost for the wreaths, which come in 20-inch and 24-inch sizes, are $25 and $40. The swags, which measure 36 inches, are $25. Shoppers have their choice of bows in a wide variety of colors or they can add their own. Pre-orders are strongly recommended.

“The wreaths and swags are crafted of greenery from fir trees, and because they are handmade, each one is different,” says Megan Bailey, 4-H agent and co-chair of the sale. “The wreaths also are easy to customize with your own fruit, ornaments or other holiday-themed materials.”

MGEVs have been creating wreaths for about 10 years and have just recently partnered with Coweta County 4-H.

Sale proceeds support UGA Extension-Coweta County educational programs which include 4-H activities and MGEV programs such as community education and scholarships.

The elves’ workshop is located in the Agriculture Building at the Coweta County Fairgrounds, 255 Pine Rd.

Pre-order using the forms found by going to http://ugaextension.com/coweta, selecting the 4-H Youth and Development tab, and scrolling down to Wreath Sale. Walk-in orders begin Nov. 25, but supplies will be limited. Visit the Coweta County MGEV Facebook page (www.facebook.com/CowetaCountyMasterGardenerExtensionVolunteers) or the Coweta County 4-H Facebook page (www.facebook.com/pages/Coweta-County-4-H-UGA-Extension/376770329409) for more information, or call UGA Extension-Coweta County at 770-254-2620.