‘Mad Violinist’ to be featured in musical evening at Providence


Providence United Methodist Church invites the community to an evening filled with a mix of live gospel and contemporary music this Friday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. The candlelit acoustic evening includes piano, guitars, mandolin, banjo, and special guest musician, “The Mad Violinist,” Ashanti Floyd. Free coffee and dessert will be provided.

Event tickets and childcare are both free, but space is limited, so reservations are needed.

Email Linda Ellis at linda3boys@bellsouth.net to reserve a space for the event and childcare. Note number of tickets being requested and ages of children for childcare. Visitors should arrive early to check children into childcare in the Children’s Building. The music event will be held in the main church building.

Five-time Grammy nominated Floyd, who grew up in Tallahassee, has played the violin since he was three years old and is now an accomplished musician on 30 instruments. He has worked with well known recording artists, including Fantasia Barino and Nicki Minaj, and has performed live with B.B. King and on TV shows including Ellen DeGeneres and the MTV Video Music Awards. For more information, visit facebook.com/AshantiTheMadViolinist.

Providence is at 592 Bernhard Road in southern Fayette County between Redwine Road and Ga. Hwy. 85. For more info, visit www.provumc.com or call 770-719-8800.