Fayette Presbyterian’s Spring Fling deemed a huge success


Fayette Presbyterian Church (FPC) held its Eighth Annual Spring Fling Saturday, May 10, in the Gazebo and Heritage Park Fountain area of the Fayetteville Town Square. Organizers say the attendance was the highest in the event’s eight years.

Food and beverages were provided by the church and local businesses. In addition, the FPC Presbyterian Women provided a Mother’s Day Bake Sale of everything from cakes and pies, to brownies, cookies and cup cakes. They also organized a sale of handcrafts made and donated by members.

Music was provided by FPC’s Praise Band and guest soloist Jennifer Mozley.

The event featured carnival games and inflatables, pony rides, and face painting. The Fayetteville Fire Department brought one of their engines over.

Pet adoptions were available from The Good Shepherd Humane Society and Homeward Bound Canine Rescue, Inc.

Organizations with information booths included Fayette Samaritans, Square Foot Ministry, Wounded Warriors, Living Water for Girls, “Bloom” and Promise Place.

Members of FPC served as ambassadors for the church and circulated to answer questions about the church and its programs.

FPC members say they are are already looking forward to Spring Fling 2015. They plan for it to be even more enjoyable than this year’s Spring Fling.