Word of God Lutheran members complete mission trip to Honduras


Word of God Lutheran Church sponsored a mission trip to the Hospital Loma de Luz in Honduras from March 28 to April 8. Twelve participants traveled to the Colon region of Honduras, eight of whom were returning participants from a mission trip to the same location last year. Christine Bell, a member of Word of God, is a long term missionary at the hospital.

This year’s project centered on upgrading some casitas — little houses — at the hospital. Some of the casitas are used by hospital staff, other casitas are reserved for family whose children might be in the hospital, and other casitas are used by people who might be undergoing a rehabilitation process and cannot make daily trips to the hospital.

The team sanded, sealed, and varnished almost every wood surface in each of the six casitas. Eight ceiling fans were also installed. Two of the casitas received homemade bunk beds built by the team. All of the wrought iron was removed, painted, and re-installed.

The team also got to learn more about the Children’s Center run in partnership with the hospital. The Children’s Center has over 40 youth who are either orphaned or who come from areas of the country that are far enough from civilization that the children cannot participate in the free educational opportunities offered in Honduras. By the end of the week, the highlight of the work day was when the volunteers were joined by the children who wanted to join in the work and fellowship.

Word of God Lutheran (NALC and LCMC) meets each Sunday at 303 Kelly Drive, Suite 10, Peachtree City.