F’ville woman dies of injuries from being struck by vehicle Feb. 10 on Banks Road


A Fayetteville woman struck by a vehicle on Banks Road on Feb. 10 subsequently died at Atlanta Medical Center on March 12, officials said.

Frances Amber Bounds, 30, was struck by a vehicle on Feb. 10 at approximately 6:50 p.m. and was transported to Atlanta Medical Center, according to Sheriff Barry Babb. Bounds died of the injuries she sustained on Feb. 10, Babb said.

The pedestrian was struck on Banks Road near Ellis Road by a vehicle traveling eastbound, said Babb.

Witnesses said Bounds was walking along the roadway with the flow of traffic and was believed to have been talking on a cell phone. At one point Bounds turned and walked into the flow of traffic and was struck by the oncoming vehicle, Babb said.

There are no anticipated charges expected to be brought against the driver, said Babb.

Babb said the incident occurred before the winter storm and weather is not believed to have played a role.

Deputies at the time of the incident were in the area looking for a female matching the description of the female struck by the car, said Babb.