SkillsUSA students headed to state tourney



SkillsUSA students at McIntosh High and Sandy Creek High successfully demonstrated their occupational and leadership skills at the Georgia Region 5 competition, with a combined 16 students now heading to the state tournament March 13-15.
Those selected to compete at the state level are (McIntosh High) Nicole Schwensen, first place, Pin Design; Veronika Zwicke, first place, Advertising Design; and Alanna Timmins, first place, T-Shirt Design; (Sandy Creek High) Macie Giordano, first place, Graphic Communications; Carlisle Vidourek, second place, Advertising Design; Saridh Galvan, second place, Georgia T-Shirt Design and Presentation; Keri Davis, second place, Prepared Speech; Jade Ponder, second place, Quiz Bowl; Jin Kim, second place, Quiz Bowl; Preston Earle, second place, Quiz Bowl; Mario Camarillo, second place, Quiz Bowl; Taylour Howell, second place, Quiz Bowl; Travis LeMay, second place, Quiz Bowl; Julian Orozco, second place, Pre-School Teaching Assistant; Katlyn St. John, second place, Job Skill Demonstration Open; and Brandon Ballard, second place, Power Equipment Technology.
Beau Bremer of Sandy Creek also took third place in Job Skill Demonstration.
Above, Sandy Creek High regional winners show off their medals. Thirteen are headed to the state tournament, while (below) three McIntosh High SkillsUSA students advanced to state competition. From left, Nicole Schwensen, Veronika Zwicke and Alanna Timmins. Photos/Special.