Southern Crescent Chorale headed to Spivey Hall March 1


Now in its 12th season, the Southern Crescent Chorale has established a reputation for excellence and achievement in the south metro area arts community.

The Southern Crescent Chorale strives to be a first class performing arts organization with higher standards, greater artistic and musical capabilities, and more professionalism than the average community chorus. The goal for every performance is to combine exemplary technical singing with passion and heart. The group works hard to distinguish their ensemble based on the quality of the performances and the quality of the literature they perform.

The Southern Crescent Chorale will make their ninth appearance at Spivey Hall March 1 at 8 p.m.

The concert entitled “Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs” will feature many choral favorites including Wilberg’s “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” Thompson’s “Alleluia,” Christiansen’s “Psalm 50 “and a large number of spirituals including Moses Hogan’s “I Can Tell the World,” “We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace,” and “Wade in the Water. “ Other favorite spirituals include “My God Is A Rock,”” Ain’t Got Time to Die,” “Deep River,” and “Ezekiel Saw duh Wheel.”

This concert will be presented in memory of Dr. Amy Adele Foster, gifted performer, educator and former accompanist for the Chorale. She died on January 8 after a long battle with cancer. 

Tickets for the concert are $15 for adults and $7.50 for students and may be purchased from Spivey Hall. ( or 678-466-4200).

For more information: or 770-716-1231.